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My own encounter with a Black Eyed Kid

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posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 06:14 PM
It sounds to me like you encountered a Jinn. There are a few sites going around with encounters with the Jinn, or ghosts...they call them Ginger Kids..popular tales in Japan

I turned back. "Er ... Um ...," I offered weakly and then my mind snapped into sharp focus. For the first time, I noticed their eyes. They were coal black. No pupil. No iris. Just two staring orbs reflecting the red and white light of the marquee.

Thats an excerpt from this site Evil Kids

And another site with blogs and lots of info about the "Ginger kids"

Black Eyed Kids

Pretty interesting stuff..just dont watch The Grudge...LOL...

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 06:17 PM
Sorry, didnt read the whole thread..looks like you already knew about the Ginger DONT let them in!

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 06:21 PM
duude i was a security guard at night too,and im just frikkin 20 years old now,i can tottaly relate,i got freaked even from the black cat hiding between two woodpieces in the dark and just
if i saw a black eyed kidd ill run until my legs broke.the sad part is im stupid and gullable enough to let me in.sounds like he would have killed you in some demonic way..damn ):the creepies part is after u slam the door he just stood there...daamn ):

posted on Aug, 21 2009 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by When the Spaceship Lands

when i was 26 or around there i had a weird dream. i was walking down a dirt road and a white house was on the left side of the road. i could see the white pillars in the front of the house. a man up the road, wearing a all white suit was walking up the road towards me. as i was in front of the white house i heard a baby cry in the top floor of the house and i stared at the window for a moment and stopped. the gentleman up the street was now more visible and still walking towards me. he had white hair, like you get when you get old. i started walking again. the closer the old man got the more it got creepy. finally i could see him as he was still walking towards me. his eyes, his eyes were black as coal, no white in them at all. i was frightened, i stopped. he walked by me and said to me that he will be back soon. after he passed by me i turned around and he was gone. then the baby started crying again and it startled me. for some reason, i was supposed to go find the baby in the white house. i went into the white house and looked for the baby. there was a lobby and a man at the desk. he had his back to me so i quickly walked past him. the floor was green marble like and doors and rooms with glass windows everywhere. i went upstairs to find the baby and there were more rooms. i looked in the glass windows and people were operating on people. a woman then grabbed my arm and said you do not belong here. come with me. and then the baby cried again and the woman looked in the direction of the cry. i ripped my arm away and ran down the halls to hide and get away. i got away, and found the room with the baby crying. as i looked in the window i could see the crying baby. there was many babies in these clear plastic devices. i went inside to take a peek at the babies and was shocked at what i saw. all the babies had black eyes , like coal. the woman came in and said , get him. i ran. and ran. and when i came around the corner i ran into a little girl id say was 9 or 10. she said to me , your different as i starred into her black eyes. i asked her how do i get out of here? she said get out of where? i said, the building. she said , why? i said, do you ever go outside? she said, no we are not allowed to go outside and she then said, are you from outside? i said , yes. she screammed loudly and ran away from me and i ran away from that area. i found an elevator,but people trying to find me were everywhere. i saw a man in the corner of my eye. he had a knife. we struggled, and i took the knife and stabbed him. i stared as he bled a clear milky liquid. he looked at me , pulled out the knife and i ran and ran. a woman said, come here, come quickly. so i did. i could see she was like them, she said , wait . i will let you out. follow me. i took a chance and followed her. she led me to the front desk and she said to me not to look at the guy behing the desk. so i did this. she said to the man behind the desk, soon we'll have them all replaced. the guy behing the desk laughed and said, stupid humans.

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