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My own encounter with a Black Eyed Kid

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posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 11:28 PM
A few years ago I worked as a night security guard at a warehouse that was on an old air force base, one of the bases that was shut down back in the big round of budget cuts in the late 80s and early 90s. After the AFB moved out they rented the buildings out to any businesses that would pay for them. Most just sat empty.

The warehouse was down a one way street near a wooded area and it was fairly isolated at night because the nearest buildings were all either vacant or only in use from morning until early evening.

Every night I went through the same routine--lots of sitting around watching a small tv set in the office punctuated by occasionally strolling around the warehouse and the lot in the back to make sure everything was quiet. The whole six months I worked there, there wasn't a single incident that I needed to call in--no breakins, no vandalism, not even any high schoolers making out in the woods. But there was one incident that sent shivers down my spine and made me dread so much as leaving the well lit office long enough to hit the vending machine at the end of the hallway.

One night in the middle of the week, at around midnight, I took my usual walk around. I wasn't the most diligent guard, but even I followed basic procedures, so the door to the office entrance was always locked. I fumbled with the key for a moment, stepped inside, let the door slam behind me and walked into the bathroom to wash my hands. A minute or so later I popped back out and jumped back when I saw someone standing on the other side of the door.

A kid with dark, medium length curly hair was standing there very patiently wearing a nice sweater and knocking politely on the door. I threw it open and said something "Oh kid you scared the hell out of me". He just stood there, absurdly poised, and said "Oh sorry sir. Can I come in please?"

It was a weird request and the weird thing about the kid was that once I'd gotten over being startled at seeing someone just standing outside the door that time of night (where had he come from anyway?) I didn't feel any less nervous. I said "Uh, I mean, why do you need to come in? Are you okay?"

"Oh yes. I'm fine I just...need to come in please? I need to...use the phone. Something has happened".

"Well, I really can't let anybody in this time of night but I'll definitely call the cops for you. In fact I'll call anybody you want me to call, your parents or whatever. You'll just have to wait out here".

The kid was now clearly flustered and said "I need to come in now. It's imperative".

He wasn't hurt. It wasn't cold or even raining outside and he refused to supply a reason. I was trying to figure out what to tell him, how best to say "No" when I looked into his eyes and saw that they were black. Black and cold as a December night. I stood there looking at him, trying not to freak out, and he stood there totally motionless.

Finally I just slammed the door and locked it tight. Screw it, you know? I wasn't being paid enough to deal with being that freaked out and besides, I was a night watchman so I wasn't being paid for my customer service skills. I took a step back and kept looking out the window at him. He didn't bang on the door. Didn't yell. Didn't move away. Finally I made myself go into the office, after I turned on the lights in the hallway and all the lights in the warehouse area. Got on the phone and talked to my girlfriend. Made sure I had my cellphone on me and the cops on speed dial about fifteen minutes later when I walked back to the door, but the kid was gone. No trace of him.

He never came back but I left the job a couple of weeks later. It just never felt right there again.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 11:45 PM
nice story. Have any info on the black eyed people? Would love get some more info about them.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 12:01 AM
reply to post by When the Spaceship Lands

nice post think id have been freaked aswell, could have been a ghost!

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 12:01 AM
And what, may I ask were you smoking that night? This is in my opinion a good story, but it is just that a story. There is an area on this site dedicated to FICTION.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 12:28 AM

Originally posted by YuckFou
And what, may I ask were you smoking that night? This is in my opinion a good story, but it is just that a story. There is an area on this site dedicated to FICTION.

Ha ha hey man, it's like Ripley said, You can believe it or not. Ain't gonna break my heart either way. But it really happened, I really freaked out and I really had bad dreams for a few weeks after.

And I know you were being a wise guy, but for the record I wasn't smoking anything nor did I ever drink on the job. It was a pretty great job for a slacker like me--the pay was decent, there wasn't much to do and I had lots of time on my own to read and watch movies. I wouldn't have done anything to mess it up like showing up in any altered state. Up to that point in my life it was the only job I hadn't minded too much which made it suck even harder to leave, but after seeing that creepy little creep everything about the place just vibed anxiety and discomfort for me.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 12:42 AM
i have heard of black eyed children before.. just cant remember where.. i think it was a haunting site.. let me check it out and i'll get back to u

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 12:44 AM
What I don't understand is why you couldn't get over it? Yeah it was creepy but I don't think I could have quit a pie job like that if Godzilla attacked me every night!

Edit due to bad spelling!

[edit on 27-7-2008 by YuckFou]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 12:55 AM
Stories about black eyed kids are always creepy! I really enjoyed yours.
Someone should make a movie about them.
I have a couple of questions about your experience.

How old would you say this child was?

Can you give us more details about this kid?(skin color,height,clothes,shoes,accent,ect..)

Why didn't you call the police to report a lost child?

Did you ever hear or read anything about black eyed kids before that night?

I'm looking forward to your answers. Thanks!

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by YuckFou
What I don't understand is why you couldn't get over it? Yeah it was creepy but I don't think I could have quit a pie job like that if Godzilla attacked me every night!

Edit due to bad spelling!

[edit on 27-7-2008 by YuckFou]

No I know. I thought I would get over it, but I just stayed nervous and kept having crappy dreams and there's nothing that sticks in my gut like waking up from a nightmare in the middle of the afternoon.

By the time I got to the warehouse at night, it was already locked down tight. The lights were off. There was about a 50-50 chance of the light in the parking lot working. The building was far enough out and the whole area was dead enough that time of night that there was nobody at all around. From about 10 at night until 6 the next morning the only contact I'd have with people would be if I happened to get or make a phonecall and that time of night nobody is really calling and nobody is really glad to hear from you for the most part.

You'd walk across the parking lot, unlock the door to the office area entrance, then it was like ten feet down a black hallway to get to a light switch and at the end that ten feet was a heart attack waiting to happen. Either I'd have to shut the door carefully behind me and spend extra time standing in the pitch black or else let it bang and move right for the switch. When I did that, every single time, I jumped as the door banged. And every time, every single time, I walked past a door or window for any reason I'd look up expecting to see black eyes and a blank face staring back at me.

I was ticked at myself because you're right, the job was cake and the job I lined up before I left that one, although it paid a lot better, was way more stress than I wanted to deal with. But I just couldn't get over it...the whole scene there rattled me after that kid paid me a late night visit.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 12:57 AM
so is it just the color and pupil part of the eye that is black, or is it the entire eyeball with no white whatsoever

[edit on 27-7-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 12:59 AM

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 01:02 AM
visit brian bethel

tp:// i hope i got this right..

this guys supposed to be a reporter and he termed them BEK'S.. the story goes if u let them in they will kill u

[edit on 27-7-2008 by scorand]

[edit on 27-7-2008 by scorand]

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 01:03 AM
Eh. I am always skeptical of these stories....because you can buy solid black contacts (as a novelty item)...and I saw kids wearing them ALL the time when I lived in Alaska, where most of the kids were punk/goth/emo.

You can buy contacts that look like reptillian eyes too.


posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 01:07 AM

Originally posted by silverking
Stories about black eyed kids are always creepy! I really enjoyed yours.
Someone should make a movie about them.
I have a couple of questions about your experience.

How old would you say this child was?

Can you give us more details about this kid?(skin color,height,clothes,shoes,accent,ect..)

Why didn't you call the police to report a lost child?

Did you ever hear or read anything about black eyed kids before that night?

I'm looking forward to your answers. Thanks!

Glad you liked reading it more than I liked experiencing it! I'll reply to your questions in order:

Hard to tell the age. Between 13 and 16 I'd guess. Young face, tall and slender. Definitely still a boy.

The skin was sort of swarthy but he was a white dude for sure. Dressed in a nice sweater, I think he was wearing corduroys and I didn't really notice his shoes. No discernible accent but he sounded highly intelligent and like I said, very poised.

There were a lot of reasons not to call the cops, which mostly had to do with not wanting to seem like I was freaking out too badly. I really should have just to cover my own butt though. The kid was just so imperious and calm that I definitely didn't think he was the one in danger. As far as lost kids that particular town the cops were well past caring if a kid was on the streets past curfew or whatever. Granted we didn't get a whole lot of visitors that far on the outskirts, but a polite well behaved white boy walking around after dark wasn't going to rate a police response that time of night, even if he seemed lost or just really really weird. But basically I just didn't want people making fun of me because I freaked and called the cops over what would seem like a teenager playing a prank.

As for your last question, I'd never heard of the Black Eyed Kids phenomenon until earlier this year, when I told the story to a friend of mine who got really excited because she loves spooky stuff. She went home and dug up the original usenet story and forwarded it and a bunch of other links to me. It seems like my experience was really similar, except mine was the only one I've seen so far where the victim (me) wasn't approached at home or in a private car, but rather at work at a big impersonal warehouse.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 01:09 AM

Originally posted by greeneyedleo
Eh. I am always skeptical of these stories....because you can buy solid black contacts (as a novelty item)...and I saw kids wearing them ALL the time when I lived in Alaska, where most of the kids were punk/goth/emo.

You can buy contacts that look like reptillian eyes too.


Ha ha yeah, totally. But if it was a prank, it sure worked on me.

And really, that time of night when you're all alone, the thought of a really calm, intelligent kid with a sick sense of humor willing to go through some effort to scare you hanging around--it's not as bad as a supernatural entity but still not exactly the most serene thought to carry around with you.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 01:10 AM
no doubt greeneyedleo but who dont love a good ghost story.. and these kids have been seen by several people.. doent mean theyre real. but they all say that they were freaked out for a long time and never forgot how they felt during the incident. or the kid/kids they saw

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by theRiverGoddess
so is it just the color and pupil part of the eye that is black, or is it the entire eyeball with no white whatsoever

[edit on 27-7-2008 by theRiverGoddess]

No, the whole eye looked pure black. No visible pupil, no iris, just black. As soon as I noticed, I had to make it a point not to look back because I really felt like I was going to freak out and, for some reason, it felt like it would have been very very dangerous to not remain calm just then.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by When the Spaceship Lands

Oh I totally believe that you felt justifiably freaked out.

The first time I saw this, was standing in line at Fred Myers....and a group of teens got in line behind me...very goth/emo...and I looked at them...and they ALL had these black contacts...100% solid black eyes...and I couldnt help but stare

So, if I had seen them at night, while all alone...Id be
quite freaked out too

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 01:49 AM
One other thing I should have mentioned when talking about the bad dreams that followed the experience is that before this happened I had never had sleep paralysis and didn't even know what it was. But after the encounter with the Black Eyed Kid, even when I slept without having a bad dream I'd sometimes suffer from sleep paralysis, where I'd wake up and not be able to move a muscle for a short time that felt like a very long time. The paralysis was always accompanied with fear and dread and the conviction that I was going to die if I didn't move, which I guess is a common way for people to feel when they suffer from that. To this day, maybe once or twice a month, I wake up and can't move or make a sound.

posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 01:58 AM
I want some all chrome MIRROR contact lenses ........
........just for fun.
They would be great to wear to UFO conventions.

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