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The Evil Perspectives On ATS

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posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 06:02 PM

Originally posted by justamomma

Originally posted by re22666
it is so sweet how any thread that even hints at darkness of somekind is attacked by "do gooders" they can berate and insult you. almost makes me agree that people do need to be enslaved and punished. but im just tooo positive for all that.

eh, we "do gooders" are just doing our part by giving the "darksiders" something to brood and be dark about. do 10 hail satans, light a black candle and perhaps we will disappear off the face of the earth

rofl too right you are all you darksiders would be awfully bored without us "jedi"
anyway as long as their is perception of good and evil then there will be to sides this thread was made for people to relate their dark opinions not for each side to attack one another still it was a good thread for entertainment value

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 06:19 PM
reply to post by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

1. (a form of the possessive case of I used as an attributive adjective): My soup is cold.

1. not good in any manner or degree.

All i stated was that i made a mistake, i never apologized to anyone

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by ElectroMagnetic Multivers

Originally posted by Darkerside

Scroll up, you didn't say my bad. No need to apologise, I know you didn't mean to make me cry, I cry easily


[edit on 5-8-2008 by ElectroMagnetic Multivers]

lol, sorry, was reading at work and must got two posts confused with each other. my bad.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 10:46 PM

Originally posted by justamomma

Originally posted by re22666
it is so sweet how any thread that even hints at darkness of somekind is attacked by "do gooders" they can berate and insult you. almost makes me agree that people do need to be enslaved and punished. but im just tooo positive for all that.

eh, we "do gooders" are just doing our part by giving the "darksiders" something to brood and be dark about. do 10 hail satans, light a black candle and perhaps we will disappear off the face of the earth

thank you for illustrating my point. as i was saying. all you have to do is mention darkness and people attack you. any thread that has darkness in the title gets attacked no matter what the OP says. the saddest part is that after watching people shout their "light" opinions at people for being dark, it became quite apparent most of them could not be bothered to read what they were responding to. i questioned people's ability to fact check their satanism info and got all kinds of attacks that had nothng to do with the OP. just for fun, i put some hail satan stuff at the end of a post. noone attacked that. they would have had to read a post to see it so that was left alone. two sides to a story, fine. i am all for that. i am just pointing out how many threads that may or may not be bad ideas, just simply hinting at a darker side, read the attacks in there. read the OP. then read these attacks again. you missed my point but that's ok.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 10:56 PM
I understood what the OP was saying in his posts. I understand it in so much that I know that I do not agree with it. I also understand that he was posting with the intent of finding like minded individuals...... good for him I suppose. But when you post contraversial topics on a site such as ATS, you also should do it with the understanding that others with opposing opinions are going to come in and post their views on the matter.

I actually know a great deal about satanism and find it to be the flip side to the same coin that houses christianity. I don't agree that either/or would be a positive in my life personally. I think both are meant to enslave a person into the corresponding emotions and mentality.

If you are secure in what you believe, then there should be no problem w/ hearing a person's opposing opinion, correct??

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by justamomma

I actually know a great deal about satanism and find it to be the flip side to the same coin that houses christianity. I don't agree that either/or would be a positive in my life personally. I think both are meant to enslave a person into the corresponding emotions and mentality.

you know nothing about satanism if you think it is the flip side of the same coin. you know what christians think about satanism. you are way off.

posted on Aug, 6 2008 @ 12:03 AM
Sorry, didn't have time to read the whole thread. Just the first page and the last. It has obviously explored a few tangents, but this message is for the OP.

I agree in the content of your message if not the spirit of it. I don't think the world will be better off under one world government . I just think things will be much more interesting if a major global struggle for one government control ensues. I know of course this could mean my own death or enslavement. But I already feel pretty enslaved and deathly bored. At least an NWO take over would shake things up a bit. Better than 50 more years of the way things are.

Not that I am helping to foment an NWO. I just hope it will happen. And I vote for the president whom I think will make the world a more interesting place for 4 years. That means Bush in 2004 and Obama in 2008.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 05:48 AM

Originally posted by re22666
like i was saying. a purely altruistic leader would be the ideal but is impossible.

It is not impossible. It is only very unlikely in a socio-economic system based on individualism, profiteering, hedonism, etc.

Change the socio-economic system from an individualist system into a more communicarian system and idealism and altruism become the norm.

Originally posted by re22666
unfortunately, it is always going to be either most of us, or none of us at all get to survive. there wont be a happy in between where you sit atop an evil thrown looking down, because when you are at the top and have nowhere else to go, and when you look down and are disgusted by what you see, how successful is that?

Ever heard of eugenics? Eugenics implies various techniques that improves the average genetic quality of the population. A truely altruistic and idealist leader would not kill or exploit the dumb masses but rather seek for ways to improve their genetic quality, hence apply eugenics. As such, the people and society as a whole can evolve into some higher form of existence.

Originally posted by re22666
just a thought. anyone who is smarter, better, and more evil than the rest, would certainly not be here looking for like minded individuals to agree.
why ?
because i will agree whole heartedly until i gain all from you that i can, then i will want more and the second you look away, i would take you out of the picture, and out of my way.

Only a self-centered person would do that. You can perfectly be highly intelligent and idealistic/altruistic.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 07:15 AM
Whilst I dont think I agree with the OP in his apparent revel in the dark mind set.

I do sadly have to agree with what would be considered some of the "darker" aspects of the NWO conspiracy, namely a one world government (not democratically elected - at least not fully, sorry but the sheep don't get a vote, there is a reason they are sheep) and the idea of population reduction.

We have reached a point where the seething mass of humanity has become sick and depraved, many will never be woken up and we cannot allow the race to rampage across the planet and maybe even the stars leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

However "darkness" and "evil" and not things that should be taken into account, the true values of right and wrong on a universal scale not applied via human morality is what should be the guiding compass for the actions our race take in the years following the mass awakening we are undergoing now.

A truely altruistic and idealist leader would not kill or exploit the dumb masses but rather seek for ways to improve their genetic quality, hence apply eugenics. As such, the people and society as a whole can evolve into some higher form of existence.

This is a lofty ideal, in practice however it is incredibly difficult to purge the mental states of adults who are not trying to come to that level of understanding on their own, if not impossible, in my mind this would be the step taken after the initial not something which could be applied in order to stop the purge from needing to take place in the first place.

[edit on 7-8-2008 by gYvMessanger]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 07:59 AM

Originally posted by gYvMessanger
I do sadly have to agree with what would be considered some of the "darker" aspects of the NWO conspiracy, namely a one world government (not democratically elected - at least not fully, sorry but the sheep don't get a vote, there is a reason they are sheep) and the idea of population reduction.

Just eradicate modern medicine and you can let natural selection take care of the overpopulation. There's no need to kill people by any means. Just stop curing them when they're sick

Further, I fail to see the necessity of One World Government. All it will lead to, is mediocricy.

Originally posted by gYvMessanger

A truely altruistic and idealist leader would not kill or exploit the dumb masses but rather seek for ways to improve their genetic quality, hence apply eugenics. As such, the people and society as a whole can evolve into some higher form of existence.

This is a lofty ideal, in practice however it is incredibly difficult to purge the mental states of adults who are not trying to come to that level of understanding on their own, if not impossible, in my mind this would be the step taken after the initial not something which could be applied in order to stop the purge from needing to take place in the first place.

Two generations of indoctrination with a sound and logical ideology are enough to change the mindset of society as a whole if you also manage to keep the population well-fed and entertained. It works for both benign and malign ideologies.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by OutoftheBoxthinker

I do agree that a form of "natural" selection would be a better way for an individual to alleviate their personal guilt over being the "axe bearer" so to speak in the death of millions, I dont think on a global scale this is really the best way to do it. Quick is in my opinion the best way, anything else could end up in a struggle for generations, people will only allow themselves to be pushed so far before they will fight back in earnest.

As for a One World Government, it makes sense because a lot of power is illusionary (money and the control of said money), under a One World Government you could have a system whereby rather than the world playing this complex game it plays you could have it working in a real balance for what is best for the generations that survive in that time.

Two generations of indoctrination with a sound and logical ideology are enough to change the mindset of society as a whole if you also manage to keep the population well-fed and entertained. It works for both benign and malign ideologies.

Yes this is true if you can capture the hearts and minds of the majority of the people, better yet though is to capture the hearts and minds of the totality of the people, this will take far longer than two generations IF survivors of a pre-new world ideology exist to spread living examples of that ideology to the next generations, and given how the new world will most likely come about even if the ultimate aim is benign it is unlikely that those who do not believe in the "cause" would support the then wide spreading of whatever new ideology had been created for the new society.

Don't get me wrong I don't agree with massive social control in anyway, however it does make sense to have mass social guidance. The system for the ultimate seat of power in such a society would have to be something completely new to our world if it had any chance of actual being benign and staying that way, however that would be my real hope at this point, because it could be the key to a new enlightened era of humankind.

Well those of us who manage to make it through anyway.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by gYvMessanger
I do agree that a form of "natural" selection would be a better way for an individual to alleviate their personal guilt over being the "axe bearer" so to speak in the death of millions, I dont think on a global scale this is really the best way to do it. Quick is in my opinion the best way, anything else could end up in a struggle for generations, people will only allow themselves to be pushed so far before they will fight back in earnest.

A massacre with millions of death will lead to far more protest and is far less moral than letting nature take its course.

Originally posted by gYvMessanger
As for a One World Government, it makes sense because a lot of power is illusionary (money and the control of said money), under a One World Government you could have a system whereby rather than the world playing this complex game it plays you could have it working in a real balance for what is best for the generations that survive in that time.

What's best for mankind, is allowing each people to have its own culture and its own sovereignty. Otherwise, you'll inevitable create conditions for conflict.

Originally posted by gYvMessanger
Yes this is true if you can capture the hearts and minds of the majority of the people, better yet though is to capture the hearts and minds of the totality of the people, this will take far longer than two generations IF survivors of a pre-new world ideology exist to spread living examples of that ideology to the next generations, and given how the new world will most likely come about even if the ultimate aim is benign it is unlikely that those who do not believe in the "cause" would support the then wide spreading of whatever new ideology had been created for the new society.

True. Censorship and repression of dissent is necessary for at least a certain amount of time. Only when the new system has proven its worth over all other systems, more political freedom can be granted.

Originally posted by gYvMessanger
Don't get me wrong I don't agree with massive social control in anyway, however it does make sense to have mass social guidance.

It's been that way for ages in pretty much every culture. Without mass social guidance, you end up in chaos.

Originally posted by gYvMessanger
The system for the ultimate seat of power in such a society would have to be something completely new to our world if it had any chance of actual being benign and staying that way

No system can stay that way. Inevitable all systems will corrupt. It's just a matter of finding a system least likely to corrupt. "democracy" and "communism" are pretty much the exact oposite. More traditional systems like the Japanese imperial system, Tibetan technocracy or fascism are definitely superior.

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by OutoftheBoxthinker

apparently you believe that not all men are born evil. i suggest you read up on sociopaths and the like. the only eugenic solution to them is murder. until there is a way to guarantee that every individual born is a good person from the start, none of what you say will ever be possible.
and yes, only a self centered egotistical person would do that. those are the people that rise to power. show me ONE truly successful, completely selfless, altruistic leader. ONE. where is this perfect place? or is it that it can never exist, like i said. everyone is born different. there will always be abberations that must be dealt with. unfortunately, a hug, kiss, and a lil good ol' fashioned gene therapy wont fix that. and likewise, there will be evil people, more adept at playing the game than you or myself. i do not know what perfect world you live in where these theoretical ideas hold any water but here on earth they are just pretty dreams. and i think i already agreed with you that i would enjoy that pretty dream but you need to go outside and interact with people. maybe visit your nearest med to max security prison. you will see that, although id love that fantasy you have, it will not happen as long as man has human nature and there is nothing worth giving up my human nature for.

[edit on 8/7/2008 by re22666]

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by OutoftheBoxthinker

Ever heard of eugenics? Eugenics implies various techniques that improves the average genetic quality of the population. A truely altruistic and idealist leader would not kill or exploit the dumb masses but rather seek for ways to improve their genetic quality, hence apply eugenics. As such, the people and society as a whole can evolve into some higher form of existence.

BTW, eugenics - "the proposed improvement of the human species by encouraging or permitting reproduction of only those people with genetic characteristics judged desirable. It has been regarded with disfavor since the Nazi period."

oh that sounds very altruistic. so are we murdering the undesirables, sterilizing them, or just aborting all their babies?

posted on Aug, 7 2008 @ 08:05 PM
Well I am certainly darker minded based on what has happened to me over a gap in my life of 8 years or so.

Personally. I'd like to see it all crumble to the ground.

posted on Aug, 8 2008 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by Watchitfall666

please explain

id be "delighted" to find out

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 04:20 PM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
reply to post by onlyhurtsu

...Fear and Pain Binds and Compels the species, races, religions, nations, etc. It drives the individual into selfish action. It drives nations to war. It drives races and religions into fanaticism. It serves as the very foundation of human civilization, law, and order.

Isn't it desire that drives us. I believe fear and pain might dictate direction but the core of who we are is what we desire.

Back on topic: Darkside, what do you desire? On a daily basis, what are your wants?

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 08:27 PM
reply to post by Darkerside

the reasons why humans are in such a sorry state is because of beings like you and thier masters.

those who believe in domination of others have constantly sabotaged the progress of humanity ,kept us back ,bleeding us into the weakness you talk about.

co operation is a far more effective method of cohesion and progress, instead of plowing ones resources into the dominion of others individuals co operate to from alliances that create positive outcomes.

most of the drawbacks in todays world are the result for the desire for dominion , the will for power.power itself has no purpose,it is directionless ,it serves only itself.
instead you must look at how to structure the societies,inidividuals and tribes of the world , look at what belief systems are the most benificial.

i believe that what you believe is the result of greed, of misplaced desires that have sprung up purely as a result of evolution, the self serving mechanism of obtaining assets to increase the selfs chance of survival.

yet it is just this mechancism that results in conflict, in groups and tribes waring with each other for no particular reason other than instinct.the end result is a shattered world ,fragmented without purpose , without truely directed change and evolution.

and if we are ever dominated by one ruling tribe , it will be only that tribes beliefs who dominate, no diversity, a lack of ideas ,stagnation of progress.for in any system in which there is no diversity of action ,mind or idea such as in nature the end result is a system flawed, designed to serve the will of the fewa at the top of the pile.
compare a land where one species rules with say... africa where there is diversity in power structures.the land in which one species dominates will cease to evolve ,it becomes stangant ,no new genes develop.yet in a land such as africa evolution goes into turbo charge ,which results in the creation of the most intelligent natural species on this planet.
if one species had come to dominate africa at any point ,humans would never have existed and that species would have stayed at the same point in its evolutionary chart.

posted on Sep, 2 2008 @ 09:00 PM
Well to start off, there technically wouldn't be any such thing as 'good' or 'evil' more like one perception of something, and a different perception of the same thing.

For example, some might say a FEMA camp is a really bad idea because it means the deaths of a bunch of people.

Others could argue that it is there in the case if something horrible was to happen it would be a place that people could go and there is nothing horrible about it.

Neither idea is 'evil' or 'good'. It would be more accurate to say that people who believe FEMA camps are death camps think of them with a negative connotation. Concept should be applied both ways, just my 2 cents on the subject, don't think people should separate things into 'good' and 'evil' categories.

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