posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 02:07 PM
"I couldn;t see the edges" is an incredibly misleading quote to start with. If he'd been in the open that yould mean that the thing was bloody
collosal to such a point that it would be frankly impossible (ok, EXTREMLY unlikely) that no-one else saw it. However he was in a wood, and given the
thickness of the foiliage that you can see in the clip, it wouldn;t have to be all that big for him to not be able to see the edges from within such
foliage, as an above poster reckoned, the size of a few football fields would be just fine as a size estimate.
So basically, if it was there it was big, but not as huge as the thread title indicates and some people are assuming it to have been indicated to
Next up, no sonic boom? Anything going at the speed indicated (if i'd have blinked, i'd have missed it) is going to make a sonic boom as it is a
large object moving at high speed, through atmosphere. I find it funny how people try to defend this fact with 'oh, it was propbaly in another
dimension or something', that's stretching things a little too far, even for me simply because there is nothing whatsover that could support such an
idea other than 'well, can't explain it any other way, so it must be that!'.
Assuming this happened as stated, I can see it being a military project, but I'd aim more to the side of hologram (size, speed and no sonic boom)
than any physical reality. That said, I have no idea how they would achieve that (I'm a control systems engineer, not a holographic pro) and the only
reason I entertain the idea is because, and someone please correct the faults i'm about to make as I don;t recall it exactly, the CIA devloped a way
to produce large scale holograms in the sky, which they wnated to pretend to make allah appear over some muslim city many years ago. Sure the actual
technology then wasn;t that viable, but maybe it is now. Hell CTers love to talk about some false flag opeartion using a holographic fleet of alien
ships, so maybe it was a dry run for that?
On the idea of it being alien technolgy, sure, maybe. But what credible reason would a pretty large and conspicious ship have to just float over a
wood for a few minutes and then fly off, silently, at break neck speed. Nobody has presented anything other than conjecture for why it would have been
there. And certianly, a lack of a good reason is no reason to not believe the event itself.
But certainly alien disclosure can be ruled out, because it was in an exceptionally rural area. And it's frankly rubbish to believe that this is
their idea for a great way to do it, slowly exposing huge ships to rural areas to get people to believe, because flying over a major city would cause
mass panic, for the simple reason that we'd probably have mass panic when the public find out anyway. Assuming theres anything to find out in the
first place.
What this boils down to is a mildly interesting story with no back up evidence whatsover, so all we can do is sit here and throw wild theories around
and basically get absolutely nowhere further within the field of UFOlogy...