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Planet saved without taxation! Well, almost...

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posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 08:30 AM
Wow, no one has picked up on this yet?

Scientists at Columbia University are developing a carbon dioxide (CO2) scrubber device that removes one ton of CO2 from the air every day.

While some see the scrubber as an efficient and economical way to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide, many environmentalists are opposing the technology because it allows people to use fossil fuels and emit carbon in the first place.


Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

So, let me get this straight. We are told that carbon dioxide emissions are responsible for man-made Global Warming. We are told that these excessive carbon dioxide emissions are going to destroy our planet and kill us all. We are told that we must conserve energy because only this way will we be able to bring down CO2 emissions.

Now we have technology that actually can decrease the amount of CO2 in the air. This is am obvious offset to the rising CO2 levels and therefore a solution to the problem that does not force everyone on the planet to stop using energy. But that's not enough?

On May 5, for example, the activist groups Students Promoting Environmental Action and Save Our Cumberland Mountains demonstrated in Knoxville, Tennessee against carbon sequestration. Repeatedly citing a Greenpeace position paper, they argued eliminating the use of coal, not reducing atmospheric CO2, should be society's primary goal.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

If there ever was a telling argument against Global Warming hysteria, it is this. The agenda is not to save the planet, it is obviously to tax the planet.

I can't wait to hear the refutes...


posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by TheRedneck
If there ever was a telling argument against Global Warming hysteria, it is this. The agenda is not to save the planet, it is obviously to tax the planet.

You nailed this one - I am so glad you found and posted this.
Line the pockets of the likes of Al Gore that those that look to profit from "carbon credits" - give me a freaking break.
Oh, my trees and plants need the CO2 also - next they will be whining about killing the vegetation on this planet if we DO remove the carbon.
Here is a Flag - a star - and a bump for you.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 08:59 AM
the true agenda is about destroying industrialized societies, aka. Malthusian ideology.

these people are even willing to create hunger and inflict horrible damage to the ecosystem to get what they want. after all a poor and weak society is an easily controlled society.

nothing new there, but look at your thread, these people are not discussing the topic, they are using a given data set to convince people to do for them what could usually be achieved by coercion and violence only.

ie. most AGW'ers are useful idiots.

PS: CO2 is beneficial in so many ways, see

so the immediate benefit from this tech is that AGWers are exposed yet again. let's hope people will finally get it.

[edit on 2008.7.26 by Long Lance]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 09:19 AM
I'm just waiting for the weather to cool off again, then it will be "Global warming is forcing the planet to try and maintain equilibrium, and it's about to backlash into a new ice age."

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by smokingmonkey
I think you're a little late, we already had doom-and-gloom ise age predictions in the 1970s. Let's see, if I remember correctly, the hole in the ozone layer, caused by CFCs (which were patented by DuPont, and the patent was about to expire. No conspiracy there, of course.
), was allowing too much heat to escape back into space and would lead to another ice age, with glaciers covering New York and Chicago.

I guess we fixed that problem by allowing DuPont to get another patent on a replacement for CFCs.

Where are the proponents of Global Warming? Where are the explanations for this article? C'mon guys, I'm waiting...


P.S.: I love your avatar. need a light?

[edit on 26-7-2008 by TheRedneck]

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 01:34 PM
reply to post by TheRedneck

where they are?

it's along the lines of

Contradicting evidence sighted - Look Busy !

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by Long Lance
LOL, yeah, it seems that every time someone makes an 'official' declaration of doom, the GW advocates are out en masse to explain how we're all going to freeze in the fiery flood. But if a story goes the other way, they slink back into the shadows.

Oh, well, I can wait. I have this up, and the link will be there the next time the fiery flood freeze subject rears its ugly head.


posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 03:42 PM
I saw this the other night on Glenn Becks show. This is going to put GE in fits. They have optioned or own outright most of the Green GW products and services. This could make it sooo much easier for companies to stay here in the US for manufacturing. They're 'CARBON FOOTPRINT' will shrink drasticly. Coal fired plants will be able to be built with this tech. Thats of course if the greenies don't find something else to blow out of purportion!!!


posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 02:01 PM
Seems to me that if the global warming was as dire as they say it is that the activist would welcome any and all solutions. If they've found a way to lower the numbers, that's a good thing, especially if they've found a way to lower them while we're still using fossil fuels. They want us to stop using them all together, i'd like to know what they expect us to use.

You're right when they oppose a solution, no mattter how small all they're doing is showing the world that they have another agenda.

Flagged and starred.

posted on Jul, 28 2008 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by chise61

You're right when they oppose a solution, no mattter how small all they're doing is showing the world that they have another agenda.

You're absolutely right; there is obviously another agenda. What makes this so amazing to me is that it is not exactly small. 18 days a year of running to negate all the CO2 produced during that entire year! That's a 20:1 ratio.

And still no one can explain why Greenpeace is right to oppose it...


posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 04:19 AM

the question remained unanswered so far, why haven't you guys come up with a contrived justification of Greenpeace's stance yet? credit crunch anyone? maybe El Gore unable to pay activists' bills due to failed investments on Wall Street?

just curious!

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 04:35 AM
Am I missing something?

I read from that that these protesters are still concerned that this will encourage the continued raping of our planet, continued pollution and continued environmental damage.

This doesn't begin and end with co2, there are still tons and tons of other chemicals and wastes pumped into our atmosphere every day due to the "easy fix" industrial processes we've chosen over more suitable ones.

If this is promoted, wont it encourage mining, fossil-fuel use (of which there is only a limited supply, like that argument or not), and free corporations to act as they wish?

I don't follow the global warming debate anymore, because it is pointless. I follow the fact that we are a completely arrogant species causing immeasurable damage to our own environment, which is damaging our own health and the future of our children.
Argue against the science and dubious assumptions about global warming all you like, but you cannot deny that the Human race is out of control when it comes to using and abusing this planet for their own greed.

IMO, we need to change a lot more than CO2 output to improve our existence, and if this method of co2 "scrubbing" makes people think that the problems we are causing will suddenly all go away, those people are idiots.

The protesters are worried that this method will give governments a green light to continue as usual, and that is something to be concerned about.

posted on Dec, 17 2008 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by detachedindividual
Am I missing something?
If this is promoted, wont it encourage mining, fossil-fuel use (of which there is only a limited supply, like that argument or not), and free corporations to act as they wish?

why don't they just adress these issues without the use big hyped up GW scare mongering?

the answer is imho, obvious:

they could not care less about Earth, but they do care a lot about their own power, wealth and influence

when you lie you can't be trusted whatever the motivation because nobody knows what you really think. actions speak louder than words, a food crisis was wantonly caused by the GW and industries are actively being targetted by these criminals so they can get rid of what is still working in the west.

i wonder if replacement factories in China will adhere to _any_ environmental standard
this is about control and as far as i can tell giving in to these interests and their ever increasing demands would mean death, because they apparently know neither moderation nor pity.

PS: activism never held any real power and these phenomena of mass delusion are obviously initiated and controlled by people in power, so it follows logically that the establishment (ie. the current monopoly of power) is simply playing you.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 12:57 AM
Removing CO2 from the atmosphere is only one part of the problem. Coal is still incredibly dirty without carbon; it can be as radioactive as uranium. And eventually it will run out. If we haven't switched by then, we're screwed.
The reason they don't like it is that it encourages irresponsibility. A bit like giving a four-year-old a crash helmet and teaching them to dodge cars instead of teaching them not to run across the roads.
And by the way... the "establiment" is largely anti-climate change, only opening up in the last few years.

posted on May, 2 2009 @ 01:35 AM
If they cut CO2 to 1800s levels and that did not work the global warming people would find something else to control.

The global warming group is just using CO2 as a proxy for the luddite aims.

Its not about global warming or climate change its about deindustrenizing the world.

If they really wanted to lower CO2 levels they would back nuke power and CO2 sequestering and other tech that can cut CO2.

But everytime you hear of new tech to cut CO2 the neo- luddites go automatic and claim it will not work.

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