posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 08:39 PM
They're all wasted votes...
Authority is an illusion in the mind of govenors - Lao Tse
[Edited on 12-3-2004 by Voice_of Doom]
As instructed by MODERATOR, I willl now elaborate on my previous "one" line statement...
you the reality tunnel that I am trying to convey, I find that any attempt to participate in the the "democratic" process renders one
succeptible to the outcomes prescribed by the very process that you are trying to adhere to. Point being that if voting could change the system, it
would be against the law...and if "not" voting could change the system it would also be against the law.
Whats my point, you ask??? The SYSTEM is not designed for change. Well perhaps it is on the fringe issues like medicare, taxes and social security but
not if you disagree with the fundementals.
Inherent in the system is a type of "double blind" element that forces the "keepers" of the system to believe that they are
better..i.e not the same as the "users". This allows them to maintain the beast while believing that they have no choice as the beast is the only
alternative to chaos; or so they are told.
What else this does is allow the "keepers" to maintain an "ego" they believe is necessary to their own survival. They are literally "hooked"
to the system...they depend on it for their identification.
Very Matrixesque eh?
They will fight to the death to maintain the illusion the machine provides fior them...whether they are customer service reps for the DMV, CIA
operatives, ATS Moderators, mechanics, waiters, painters, garbagmen or eager beaver type "newsmen" syncophants. Not understanding that a single ego
is to small to try to understand the complexities of the univers they feel threatened and resort to primitive primate bullying behavior when
confronted with an issue targeting their identification or reality. (wow!)
Like this for example....say an ATS poster created a post one of the "Moderators" read "authority" didn't like...maybe it bothered them on an
moralistic level...maybe on an intellectual level (ha!). Unable to respond on a level of equality perhaps they would start to use their "powers"
(still an illusion folks) and try a little backhanded censorship...ok?
We've all seen it, I know.
Well, what if that poster came back with a DEVASTING rebuttle that not only made the initial reply moot but rendered to all the "censorship" as
nothing more than liberaly applied prejudice. Lets say that other posters noticed this happening.
To inoculate those ATS members (i.e sheep) from being able to direct anger against any one "authority" simply have another endowed with
the same powers to search for previous posts by the offender looking for whatever miniscule infractions they can find. Sort of like looking for WMD in
Iraq...(are we seeing any similarites to the process's of pyrimidal authoritarian structures here kiddies?)
Then you could send a U2U to the offender letting them know that you had FOUND a post made 2 WEEKS ago(!) violating one of their rules.
Question: An interesting diversion VOD but where are you going???
Answer: This is all hyperbole of course and off the point...but it does help to illustrate (i think) how the system closes in to protect itself. And
we all know what happens to closed systems.
Whether you have the same guy running for presidency in two different parties or a collaborative effort to dismiss real "information", you will
always find yourself competing against a system where no outcome can be generated that hasnt already been planned and accepted by that system.
Or to put it another way...if you play their game, you can only come to the outcomes they permit...
Or to put it another way...Authority is an illusion in the mind of govenors...
Or to put it a third way..."They are all wasted f***king votes!"
You are all absolutely free
[Edited on 25-3-2004 by Voice_of Doom]