posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 06:04 PM
Hello Mr. Marrs,
First I would like to say that I am currently reading Rule by Secrecy and am about half way through. It is the first "conspiracy" related
book I have read and so far it has lived up to the great reviews I have read about it.
Now, I have five questions about some of the information presented in the book so far, as well as three "other" questions. I know I should have
waited until I finished the book to ask these questions, but I'm impatient.
Short answers and yes or no answers will do. I know you're busy, and I appreciate your time. If there are any questions listed below that are
answered in the book later on, please just skip those.
Book Related Questions:
Question 1: This, to this point, has not been mentioned in your book, but was the Titanic intentionally sunk to prevent John Jacob Astor IV,
Benjamin Guggenheim, and Isador Strauss, all of whom perished on the Titanic, from stopping the birth of the Federal Reserve System, as the conspiracy
theories suggest?
Question 2: Are there any governments in the world today that you believe are not under the control and influence of these bankers and
Question 3: Is there any evidence to suggest that the American Revolution, and the result of the war, was staged, and served the interests of
the European banking families, as some conspiracy theories suggest (primarily due to George Washington's ties to Freemasonry)?
Question 4: Did control of the presidency by organizations like the CFR begin with Woodrow Wilson, and has any president since not been
under the control of these people?
Question 5: Since so many news outlets and television/radio personalities are under the control of groups like the CFR, do you believe that
radio host Alex Jones may be serving, or being influenced, by the very people he "speaks out against"?
"Other" Questions:
Question 1: Have you thought about writing an "extension" to Rule by Secrecy to include events which have occurred after you finished
Rule by Secrecy, such as 9/11, the Iraq War, the housing and credit crisis, the PATRIOT ACT and crack down on freedoms and more?
Question 2: Have you ever been threatened by anyone you believe to be connected to people "high up"? If this is too personal of a question,
please skip.
Question 3: If you could suggest one author, other than yourself, in the subject of conspiracies among secret societies and "the elite", who
would it be?
Thank you for your time.