posted on Aug, 20 2015 @ 09:31 PM
a reply to:
The whole reptillian thing is interesting. The one question I have is for the most part it's based on they are pretty evil, blood drinkers, power
control freaks, we need to wake up and fight. Basically if we are to get free and clear we are going to have to eliminate them. Are they real, it's
possible. But that's another debate.
Let's assume they are. Why would icke, be exposing reptillians, waking us up, we need to fight back ( again basically us or them). If he is one. End
result when we get to the point they all get exposed and he is one, not only did he help set the stage for hunting season on his kind but himself as
well. Just seems odd. Kind of goes against self preservation which is a pretty basic instinct.
But interesting story and appreciate you sharing it.