posted on Jul, 27 2008 @ 09:55 AM
We have heard nothing of it here in the UK, but the Labour Party is looking to find a way to force Gordon Brown's (G.B) to resign as Premier. I
should think his nickname in Parliament is Bulldog Brown. I just get that impression when I see how they respond on the Parliament channel.
Yes, Bush, Blair and Brown should be charged with war crimes. Brown was Chancellor of the Exchequer at the time, therefore, funded the war effort
knowing the war was not solely to get Saddam out of Iraq, but to get to the oil in the Middle East.
Also, some of our troops from both sides of the Atlantic show disrespect to the Muslim community. I was appalled when I watched a clip hearing what
the soldiers were saying to the inhabitants saying things that would offend Muslims. Essentially, they were copping the p*** out of these people.
Excuse the expletive, but our troops were suppose to be helping them rebuild after the fall of Saddam. Instead are insulting the very people that they
supposedly went to save from a political sadist.
Some of our troops are showing no respect for race, religion, or sex. It is time to bring them home. Some of it could be argued is war fatigue, but it
is no excuse for disrespect to a people and their nation, whether they be Jew, Christian, or Muslim, Hindi etc.
Our troops need to show respect to the innocent inhabitants and stop preying on them. Besides they done their job getting Saddam ousted and executed.
Time to bring them home, as I can imagine that some of our troops will come home in body bags, if any of them understand the insults thrown against
them. I ponder if that is the reason that our troops are being attacked by the very people that they supposedly went to save from tyranny. Some troops
forget that there are English-speaking Iraqi's that won't take kindly to Islam being insulted.
So do the three 'B's for war crimes and crimes against humanity, and bring our soldiers home.