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G8 to poor women: Let them eat dirt

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posted on Jul, 29 2008 @ 02:55 PM
reply to post by scientist

How about poor government?

What I would like to know is, what is Haiti's government doing with the AID that is sent to them? The US sent over 245 million last year. We have sent them over 800 million of OUR TAX dollars between 1995-2003. The population of Haiti is 8,300,000. That's over a hundred million dollars a person...

umm...where did it go????

[edit on 29-7-2008 by undinemyth]

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 10:27 AM
As long as there are humans around, there is food.
Trouble is how are we going to decide who to eat first?

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by Psychopump

So ... wealthy countries should be feeding poorer countries?

I say .. let them eat dirt. Fix their own damn government.

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 11:46 AM
Haiti has been sent Billions by the rich in Europe and America. To claim that these are responsible for their demise is not helpful.

Maybe if we send them less fish, they´ll start learning to fish for themselves.

[edit on 29-8-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 12:00 PM
The people in Haiti are not able to fix this on their own. Its very simple.

Objective 2: Disguise Imperial Domination as "Development"
Unfortunately, fond recollections of some of the original redistributive ideals attached to international development programs have blinded some progressives to the true function of "development" and development agencies within the current international system. As a result, we have the social democratic NDP and many well-intentioned progressives following the lead of Bono, Bob Geldof, and the recent "Live 8" showbiz against world poverty concerts calling more or less blindly for "more aid." Progressive critics of the Liberals point to their failure to reach the hallowed development aid target of 0.7% of GDP - and often just stop there.
Canada's relationship with Haiti is a stark indicator of the simplicity of these calls. When the Canadian government hosted a secret meeting in early 2003 in order to (it was later revealed in L'Actualité magazine) plot the overthrow of Haiti's elected government, they invited representatives of the US and France, and brought along senior staff from Canada's international development agency - CIDA. A careful examination of CIDA's recent programming in Haiti reveals that in politically sensitive areas (human rights, women's rights, media, etc.), the Haitian NGOs and agencies that CIDA was funding were without exception active players within the elite minority political opposition to Haiti's government.

... The question of why this destabilization was carried out continues to be debated, but many have argued persuasively that while President Aristide accepted some of the dictates of Canadian and American neoliberal conditionality, he also resisted some, such as the demand for wholesale privatization of state enterprises. (On this, it is worth recalling that in a recent interview with journalist Naomi Klein, Aristide summarized the reason for his overthrow in three words: "Privatization, privatization, privatization.")

As to the current food crisis in Haiti, it all depends on what your paradigm of the world is. This has to do with current world food prices. Any ideas what could behind all this?

The Bildenburg group and depopulation is my bet!

However modest by Western standards, income levels have steadily risen among the world's poor. But now, what appears to be a sustained increase in food prices threatens to wipe out the meagre gains made by the world's poorest billion people during the past decade of economic growth, according to the head of the World Bank....

Today's rampant food-price inflation is yet more evidence that the world's ills are interconnected and leave no part of the planet untouched. Seen as a communal project to lift world incomes through meaningful reform in global agricultural policy, rather than as another necessary exercise in passing the begging bowl on behalf of "failed" nations, the food-inflation crisis is an undisguised opportunity to make the world a more prosperous and thus safer place.

And no one should have to eat dirt.

[edit on 29-8-2008 by mystiq]

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 09:53 PM
reply to post by Psychopump

Nice find Psychopump, you do realize that this whole problem comes from corpotocracy.

As an ardent capitalist, I despise any handouts from governments. This is not capitalism here at work. But rather a clear example of why all forms of subsidies, aid, and welfare are bad. They are always counterproductive. This whole problem stemmed from subsidies, as in ANY case when government intervenes it produces too much of the good and lowers the price below market price, thereby triggering consequences...

Again, this is what triggered the problem: The U.S. needs to end the subsidies...

Ironically, many of these women were once rice farmers themselves. But in the 1980s, U.S.-grown rice began pouring into Haiti. Thanks to federal subsidies, the imported rice was sold for less than what it cost to grow it. Haitian farmers just couldn’t compete.

[edit on 29-8-2008 by Gateway]

posted on Aug, 29 2008 @ 11:30 PM
It's pretty obvious to me this is related to geopolitical issues beyond the power of the worlds most vulnerable citizens, and as food prices are skyrocketing, it is a deliberate attempt to depopulate continuing as usual. Debating this issue, as to whether help should be coming, is the most appalling thing I have ever read in my life. Ever single person in this world is the divine child of the Creator and should never be at the mercy of Rothchild or Rockefellers evil agenda. We need to clean up our mess here and assist everyone in need as much as we can. We need to rid ouselves of the corrupt shadow government and start to shine the light of our democracies and help others establish democratic peoples governments themselves, and stop tearing down any attempts they make, to quickly shove ugly regimes down their throats! This problem is created by the wealthy nations as a conspiracy against the poorest people.

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 08:05 AM
To keep the population of America under 500 mill, along with the rest of the world? Georgia Guidestones...


The first commandment or rule calls on everyone to "Maintain humanity under 500,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

A little difficult to achieve when considering that the current world population tops 6 billion.


[edit on 10-9-2008 by _Volt_]

posted on Sep, 10 2008 @ 08:33 AM
There is not a single person on this forum that does not fall into the 500million category. When your water sources are polluted and at best controlled, when civil unrest and corrupt factions have nothing but ill intent set upon you and your friends family and neighborhoods, when the good fishing holes and hunting areas are so filled with paramilitary and gorillas, when going outside your home means facing a machete, when going off to hunt means your Mother and sister and little brothers and sisters are going to be brutalized and raped by aids infected psychopaths, then you will learn compassion and empathy, until then keep watching your programs and eating cake for Gods sake.

posted on Sep, 12 2008 @ 08:53 AM
The foreign aid to Haiti really should stop, it does more harm than good. If the all the tariffs and subsidies were removed and free trade was allowed with them, many of their problems would start to sort themselves out. In my view the G8 really do very little apart from talk.

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