posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 08:48 PM
September 11 Should have Been StoppedNational Security Advisor "I dont think
anybody could of predicted that
these people would take an airplane and slam them into the World Trade
Center, that they would try to use an airplane as a missle.
Ramzi Yousef was one of the planners and participant in the first bombing
of the World Trade Center in 1993.Yousef right hand man, was captured
and interrogated in 1995.During the interrogation, Murad described a
detailed plot to hijack planes and use them of terroism. The primay plan
was to commandeer eleven commerical planes and blow them up over
the Pacific Ocean. The second plan was to hijack several planes, which
would be flown into the CIA headquarters, the World Trade Center, the
Sears Tower, and the Whitehouse.