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Che Flag in Obama HQ?

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posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:45 PM
Not sure if this has been posted before....couldn't find it through the search.

I just came across the following image of Obamas Houston, TX campaign office....


I also found this image of a judge in Ohio who is an outspoken Obama supporter.


When did it become okay for an American judge to have a picture of a Communist in his chambers?

More importantly, when did it become okay for an American presidential candidate to be overtly supported by Communists and nobody find that utterly disqualifying for the job?

Doesn’t it disturb anyone that these brazen Communists support Obama’s platform and policies? They agree with his policies. They want him to be elected.

Am I the only one that worries that America’s enemies support the presumptive Democrat nominee for president of the United States? How many do you think support McCain?

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:59 PM
I'd heard about the one in the Houston office. Obama doesn't have much to do with those branch offices, but I had not heard about the one in the judge's chambers.

*Edit* I wouldn't vote for that judge if that was his pic. El Che was a murderer of innocent people.

[edit on 24-7-2008 by sos37]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:00 PM
I've seen it before. While I completely agree with your opposition to it, in the end, they have freedom of speech rights as well as anyone. As long as there's no direct threat posed, its perfectly legal.

That said, its also perfectly legal and acceptable to oppose them and their candidate for doing so.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by vor78

They do have freedom of speech. Those of us who can see what kind of support Obama has can only assume they support him because of like minded ideas...

And that, to me, is worrisome.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:08 PM
It's very worrisome. Obama has professed Communists on his campaign staff and also was heavily influenced by a Communist Muslim growing up.

To really get some hardcore info on Obama, visit the site below:

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:17 PM
Alot of people tend to look past Che's ties with communism and tend to see him as a "champion of the people". I personally find Che interesting and have read alot of his books and writings on politics. It is funny that a american politician would have a poster of him in his HQ. Especially with the way alot of americans feel about communists and communism.
Seriously though, communism isn't something to hate or be scared off it's just a different way. Communism is dead anyway. Fascism on the other hand.....

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:36 PM
When did it become okay for an American judge to have a picture of a Communist in his chambers?

When did it become ok for you to judge what people hang in their office space if it dosnt violate any work ethics or regulations...

He may be a jugde but i recon that he do his job ok since i havent heard or seen any complains or threads about this jugde, other than this narrow minded here...

Best regards


posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:41 PM

Originally posted by Loke.
When did it become okay for an American judge to have a picture of a Communist in his chambers?

When did it become ok for you to judge what people hang in their office space if it dosnt violate any work ethics or regulations...

He may be a jugde but i recon that he do his job ok since i havent heard or seen any complains or threads about this jugde, other than this narrow minded here...

Best regards


Average citizen? I could care less.

Elected official? You bet it's my business, on the grounds of moral character! Not to mention the fact that this is a judge who was elected in a country based on the principals of Democracy, not communism. I see his hanging a picture of a champion of communism (and a murderer) to be a huge conflict with the "work ethic" department.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:47 PM
When is it OK to have a pic of Che in your office?

Since the left decided that Che was cool!!! Yep, big "champion of the people", yet they seem to forget that he was a murderer.

Maybe they ought to shop here:

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 05:17 PM

Average citizen? I could care less.

Elected official? You bet it's my business, on the grounds of moral character! Not to mention the fact that this is a judge who was elected in a country based on the principals of Democracy, not communism. I see his hanging a picture of a champion of communism (and a murderer) to be a huge conflict with the "work ethic" department.

Im sorry to ruin your day dream, but your country is not any longer builded on the principles of democracy. You call your country´s war in Iraq fighting for democracy? Its a bloodbath where at least 750.000 civilian has been killed in the name of your democracy. Im sorry to burst your bubble but your leaders has taken your country beyond democracy and turned it into hypocrisy.

Best regards


posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 05:24 PM
Here is another:

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:19 AM
Interesting to see some of the replies here.

Sure it's a free country and people are able to hang whatever poster they want.

My question though is; Do we really want someone who surrounds himself with this kind of stuff running our country?

This is terribly bothering to me...

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:26 AM
reply to post by nyk537

I don't like it, either and no, I do not want people who support that crap leading the country. But the 1st amendment being what it is, there's really nothing that can be done besides voting against the candidate these people support.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:28 AM
Well that's what I'm talking about here.

The point isn't really the flags or posters themselves, but the people who are using them. For God's sake! This man wants to be President!

I honesty don't think most Obama supporters are aware of this kind of thing going on.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:30 AM
Communism, in theory would be brilliant, but it doesn't end up that way because of the greed and corruption of men.(a bit like religion,democracy and more)
Even in a "democracy" as some have said we live at the moment (lol) we have no rights and we really don't have an influence on what our politicians do, so what difference does it make?

I think too many people have been influenced by governments/media/politicians et al that communism is a bad thing, you should try reading up on communism.

You might change your mind.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by blupblup
you should try reading up on communism.

You might change your mind.

I love when I'm told that...

See, I learned about Communism a LONG time ago and decided it was wrong then. I don't need a refresher course.

...might change my mind....

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:45 AM
reply to post by nyk537

I think that, in most cases, his strongest and most vocal supporters are fully aware of it and, in fact, support it. As I've said all along, his supporters are playing at least as much of a role as his policies in my decision not to vote for him.

But you're right, I think that the average Dem voter probably doesn't have a clue. Of course, the average Dem voter probably still thinks this is the party of JFK, a man who is probably rolling in his grave over what the modern party has become.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:50 AM
This is a good way for Obama to lose Florida, The Cuban American community are no lovers of Che, however other folks from Latin America seems to like Che so that may be why they are using his likeness in other areas of the country.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:57 AM
reply to post by nyk537

I said in theory, clearly from your ignorance your mind is made up.

look at the evils of communism

"content from external source"

Communism is a socioeconomic structure that promotes the establishment of a classless, stateless society based on common ownership of the means of production

Communism attempts to offer an alternative to the problems believed to be inherent with capitalist economies and the legacy of imperialism and nationalism. Communism states that the only way to solve these problems would be for the working class, or proletariat, to replace the wealthy bourgeoisie, which is currently the ruling class, in order to establish a peaceful, free society, without classes, or government The dominant forms of communism, such as Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism, Trotskyism and Luxemburgism, are based on Marxism, but non-Marxist versions of communism (such as Christian communism and anarchist communism) also exist and are growing in importance since the fall of the Soviet Union.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by vor78
I think that, in most cases, his strongest and most vocal supporters are fully aware of it and, in fact, support it.

And that is far scarier to me honestly.

I just find it hard to believe that so many Americans have been pulled so far to the left.

It's disheartening.

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