posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 09:49 PM
Well...Money wouldn't make me happier, but it certainly would make some things easier...We are the typical Middle Class Family. Both of my parents
work, I work, and somewhow at the end of the month, the bills get paid, We get fed, and I'm still attending University and putting Gas in my Car.
I wouldn't want it for me, I would want it for my parents. I am a student, I have 2 wonderful parents, I have a car, and I have Loans. I would like
for my parents to not have to work. I would love if my father could retire. He deserves it.
The things I'd like to do:
- Pay off their Mortage & all Forms of Debt associated with their names
- Pay off my debt, my student loans, student line of credit, and credit card
- Pay for all my school fees: tuition, books, housing, food etc. (8 years worth ish)
- Buy Property in Southern BC so my parents could retire
- Build two houses on the property
- Set up Education Funds for Potential Children (not mine, I dont plan on kids at this point, however, I have a few cousins who could use the
I can't put a price on it, since I dont know how much it would take. But a couple hundered thousand could check a few of these off my list. First
order of Business would be the Mortage and My Student Debt.... The rest will follow after.
- Carrot