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Celebrity Stargazing

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posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 01:25 PM
Seems Robbie Williams is busy trying to get Hollywood involved w/ the Extraterrestrial vibe...LINK....and link i guess my question is will this bring on more favorable conversation w/ the whole UFOLOGY field or will it furthur more bring us into the depths of humility?...Im just really trying to grasp if this will help or hurt our community.....

Good Day

[edit on 25-7-2008 by asala]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 01:46 PM
surely someone has something to say about this?

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 01:59 PM
the more high profile people looking towards the skies, the more publicity the arena gets. Yes, the window is open for more bad press but the potential for good press outweighs that in my eyes

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 02:02 PM
reply to post by skept!cal

Considering Mr Williams is wearing a "Michael Jackson" type scarf, I'm going to say this will set us back quite a bit.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 02:09 PM
I am a little put out by the placement of scientology articles right next to this one. it's like the press thinks they are both wacko ideas. I guess that is what they are supposed to do. I would like for some camera men to get involved in the search for proof, and set up some really good equipment at night to search for footage. Maybe one day soon there will be some video that doesn't get confiscated and looks good.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 02:11 PM
reply to post by kidflash2008

I tend to agree w/ you as well...i think it might shine a bad light on the subject....But on the other hand IM HOPING that for some strange reason it might get the more mainstream minded individuals to look at it like "oh ok well so and so likes this stuff ill start looking into it as well"....we live in an age where celebrities are worshiped, so as i said before im hoping it will get others motivated for the same search we are already going thru...but unfortuantely i think not...well see...Oh and Robbie if your reading...whats your motivation for taking all these celebs out?

Good Day

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 02:20 PM
The article definately seems to be written with a mocking tone to it, but then they are trying to cause drama I mean thats what sells those rags right?

Robbie is not helping things by dressing like that.. wearing a hat, sunglasses can be be normal but the scarf over the face screams I am a celebrity trying to hide my face. People are not that dense you know, well ya some are, but it insults everyone elses intelligience as well to think that is going to fool anyone or help you blend in and look like everyone else... when it fact it makes you stand out more. tsk.

I am afraid very little media coverage of this topic has ever been positive, and this is not exception. Would be nice to have some positive press on the topic for a change someday, but that day is likely to be far off.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by NephraTari

Exactly! David Beckham is well respected, but they will show pictures of the nutty celebrity. I like that Dan Aykroyd is interested in the subject. Yes, he is a comic actor, but he is mature and takes things seriously.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by NephraTari
it insults everyone elses intelligience as well to think that is going to fool anyone or help you blend in and look like everyone else... when it fact it makes you stand out more. tsk.

celebrities who cover their face don't do it in an attempt to go unnoticed. they do it so that the tabloid photogs can't make money off of their image without their approval or authorization. it's an attempt to get the photogs to lay off. if they can only take pictures of a scarf, they might stop trying to get his picture. Brad Pitt used to walk around NYC, riding the subways at times, in a ski mask during the summer and fall.

sorry for the diversion but I don't think it's fair to the celebs who cover their faces to be seen as treating us mere mortals like morons and, as a result of this, further degrading the already sketchy image the aliens and ufo community has to deal with.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 02:59 PM
Not trying to kiss up to the staff here but I think Crakeur summed it up best...

the more high profile people looking towards the skies, the more publicity the arena gets. Yes, the window is open for more bad press but the potential for good press outweighs that in my eyes

The world needs to know that ufology isn't just drunken hippies or rednecks. It's not just for crackpots and charlatans. Many people have an interest in this phenomenon including ex-presidents, pilots, military types, engineers, scientists, journalists, medical doctors, and Hollywood celebrities too!

+7 more 
posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:19 PM
Hey folks,
Can't reply to every lie in the media here on ats....Because i think it'll decend into popstart baiting....Anyways i love Ats and feel part of all this., so, fellow members as way of explanation..... the picture is from 2003/4 maybe before...It was a period in my life where they(paps) where every where...There where a load of them waiting for me to get off a plane...about 7/8 paps.....When a plane full of people...Maybe 200 or so are getting off behind can be very scray....Flash lights go off all over the place and you just don't know what to panic...and try to salvage some kind of privacy to protect hindsite maybe a bright orange scraf does'nt help the cause cause_javascript:icon('
')...but believe me any photo like this was thought about (by me) in a panic.....I was younger then and can't beat them so ive stopped trying...that pic was just a long line of failed attempts to try and make their photo did' try these things........sometimes they work sometimes they make you look daft.....
As for the story...I don't have lilly allens phone number...I don't know her...met her just to say hello to for 5 mins last year sometime......there are no ufo party's in my back garden....the thought of it actually makes me laugh...sure i look up from time to time but thats about it......And as for david Beckham and his kids?Really? ive met david a few times but UFo's have never been part of any conversation.... a rule of thumb belive nothing you read.....its all Made up....And i know you think you know..but believe me...The tabloids are just a Soap..........and as for making 'The movement '' look silly?I promise not to wear an orange scraf again....that way it should ensure that everybody takes this subject seriously.....
')Anyways.....Im here, I read,I wanna know.....just like everybody else on these boards....good luck on the hunt folks
p.s.. I wont reply to this massage after this post...just wanted to put my side of this out there and then dissapear into another thread

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by chrisonabike

wait, the tabloids don't tell the truth? they'll invade the lives of celebrities and invent stories to sell papers? damn, man, I thought the tabs were the last bastion of real journalism.

my life is shattered. Normally I'd suggest a kegger/ufo party at Robbie's pad with the Beckham kids, Lilly, Ackroyd, and President Carter but it seems that option is out.

I'd love for aliens to come and make first contact (that we know of) with a celeb. I can see the headlines now:

Tipsy Star spotted with married starlett entering alien craft.
the article will then go on to talk about the star and the married starlett having an illicit affair, drinking too much, not wearing undies and being rude to the photogs and they'll then mention, briefly, that the alien craft whisked the stars away, side swiping a photog's car in the process.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:32 PM
oh.and by the way...i don't walk around trying to cover myself up if there's no body trying to take a picture.....yes you are right ...that would make me a C2nt

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:37 PM
Oh and by the way....i wasn't suggesting that everybody takes these things seriously....but as you can read here on this thread...some do...and i know i said i wasnt going to post again...but im bored and ive been picking puppy # up all morning///so this is a nice destraction....

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:39 PM
Ok this is not a one line post..............or maybe it is
....i ment to write.....Puppy poopoo

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:48 PM
Williams you Jesuit! It's Sir Francis Bacon here. Good to see you back, man, but did you just say *SNIP*

Moderator-Note: Please review this link.

Vulgarity and Circumvention of Censors on ATS

[edit on 24-7-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:50 PM
Francis are you the chap i bothered By having a very large concert in your back garden?

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:53 PM
no i said c2unt....which as youy can see id very different


Vulgarity and Circumvention of Censors on ATS

[edit on 24-7-2008 by Skyfloating]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by chrisonabike

You realize there is an edit button right?

J/K Anyway just wanted to say I understand the idea of trying to make their pictures worthless. I have never been hounded by people wanting my photograph so I have no idea how that must feel. As for the tabloids I don't read them as a rule except of course when someone makes a topic out of them. lol.
I know 99% of what they publish is total rubbish.

Sorry if I offended with my post. That was not my intention.


posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 04:04 PM
no i did'nt know there is an edit button...
You did'nt offend me darling...its all good...i would have thought the same as anybody else does..if i had no prior knowledge....
all the very best....

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