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Flight carrying Ron Paul forced into emergency landing

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posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 09:38 AM

Flight carrying Ron Paul forced into emergency landing

Poe and fellow Texas Congressmen Nick Lampson, Ron Paul, John Carter, Ciro Rodriguez, Solomon Ortiz and Henry Cuellar were aboard the flight, said Poe's press secretary DeeAnn Thigpen.

Ironically, the seven congressmen were trying to get back in time for a Tuesday night vote on an aviation safety bill, a spokesman for one of the representatives said.

There were 118 people total aboard the plane, Continental spokeswoman Julie King said.

No one was hurt.

Continental Airlines said the problem was caused by a sudden loss in cabin pressure.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 09:38 AM
“Continental Airlines said the problem was caused by a sudden loss in cabin pressure.”

That was not the cause of the problem, that WAS the problem. The cause has still not be explained.

I totally believe that this was a failed assassination attempt on Ron Paul. Or may just a warning shot. Funny how the incident happens just after he announces that something very big is coming. The Neocons love to use planes for killing from 9-11 to murdering political figures like Senator Heinz, Wellstone, and JFK Jr. The list is too huge to be mear coincidence at this point.
Or perhaps to stop the vote on the aviation bill from being influenced one way or the other?
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 09:41 AM
Thank god, they didnt make results!

Ron Paul, my friend, I am so glad that you are still alive, and you can continue your most important work. Dont be afraid, but be ready!

They will not succeed, you are blessed.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by Truther, not an 'assasination attempt'. Not in any way.

I am a commercial airline pilot (retired). We have two basic concepts of in-flight cabin depresurization: Rapid decompression and explosive decompression. In either event, you feel it in your ears, there is an alarm in the cockpit when cabin preessure exceeds 10,000 feet, and the masks drop automatically above 14,000 cabin pressure. There is also a manual release switch.

The procedure is, once a pressurization problem is indicated , a rapid descent is initiated. The target altitude is 10,000 feet (terrain permitting, of course).

The airplane had just taken off from Houston, I have flown that same route many, many times....I seriously doubt the airplane had reach full cruise altitude, since they were so near to New Orleans. In any event, the emergency descent from cruise altitude, had they reached it (Eastbound, might have been planned at 35,000 or 37,000) would only take about 3 minutes, maximum. Passengers will NOT suffocate.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:32 AM

Originally posted by Truther

I totally believe that this was a failed assassination attempt on Ron Paul. Or may just a warning shot. Funny how the incident happens just after he announces that something very big is coming.

And without any evidence, what-so-ever; though I do suppose that is why it is a belief. Why not assume it was an assassination attempt against any of the other Congressmen on the plane?

I think it is funnier Ron Paul won't tell us what this something big is. Of course, that's the point, isn't it? His "prediction" isn't falsifiable; that way, he can point to anything and everything as "proof" he was right.

Originally posted by Truther
The Neocons love to use planes for killing...political figures like Senator Heinz, Wellstone, and JFK Jr.

Again, no proof what-so-ever of your accusations.

First, Senator Heinz was a Republican. Wonder why Republicans would want to kill one of their own. And you are forgetting who ultimately gained from Heinz's death: John F. Kerry, who would go on to marry Heinz's widow.

And considering what happened at Wellstone's funeral, you can make a much stronger case (though, that is very relatively speaking) he was killed by the Democrats to create a martyr.

Of course, to believe these conspiracies, you have to first believe that planes never ever crash (NOPE! NOT EVER!) without there being some nefarious plot behind it.

[edit on 24-7-2008 by SaviorComplex]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:44 AM
Hmm, proposed Titor Doomsday scenario -

  1. Titor states that there will be no 2008 Olympics
  2. The IOC bans Iraq athletes from the 2008 games
  3. Ron Paul supporters suspect the government is behind a malfunction with his plane on the same day as the ban
  4. Ron Paul supporters across the US rise up in protest
  5. Bush declares martial law after Ron Paul supporters go apesh*t
  6. The 2008 election is cancelled and Bush remains in the WH
  7. GB announces that there will be no post-apocalyptic tea
  8. stumason incites a riot in Trafalgar Square when he learns of the tea decree
  9. stumason leads a protest march in front of Buckingham Palace
  10. The queen is not amused
  11. The end is nigh

Okay, I confess, I'm feeling a little silly today. Move along. Nothing to see here.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by Truther

Truther, as to your JFK Jr. assertion, sorry. It was a tragic example of the 'doctor syndrome', as it's called in the aviation business.

People who are wealthy learn to fly, then buy airplanes that are more sophisticated than they can handle, based on their level of experience.

There was a pro-golfer...was his name Munson? He was practicing landings in his Citation jet and stalled in a turn to final approach, and died in the crash. Tragic? Yes. Murder? No.

Another pro-golfer, Payne Stewart....he wasn't flying, of course, was just the victim of poor pilots, and their inadequate pre-flight of the crew oxygen system. Murder? No. Tragic accident? Yes.

JFK Jr.....owned a single-engine Piper Saratoga, should have been capable of flying it safely, but the basic consensus is he mis-managed the fuel, probably from distractions from his passengers, his wife and sister-in-law, and he had what's called 'get-there-itis'...a common trap for many, many relatively inexperienced pilots. Usually, accompanied by a strong will, and over-confidence.

Jon Jr. relied on the Auto-Pilot, but didn't manage to balance the fuel burn between tanks. As a lateral fuel imbalance progressed, the Auto-Pilot would compensate, but only up to a point. Factor into the scenario, a hazy dusk, no solid horizon to refer to.

So, either the A/P disconnected, once it reached it's limits, or he (JFK Jr) disconnected to hand-fly the descent and approach....the imbalance would have caught him by surprise, as the airplane would roll off in the direction of the heavier wing. Instead of falling back on his basic instrument training, I think he fell into the classic 'death spiral' scenario.

When an airplane banks from level, you need to add up elevator. If you don't have a solid horizon to refer to, or become disoriented, then the instinct is to just pull back more, adding more 'up' elevator, and the bank increases....that is the 'death spiral'. An experienced pilot would not have fallen victim......

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