posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 06:38 AM
reply to post by pluckynoonez
Mmm I noticed that too, they were down last night as well.. haha
Bottom line here though.
Until the laws are actually reversed in most Western countries, ISPs still can't give out their subscribers details like candy.
And even if they could, do you really think AOL would bow down to one stubborn, Police Chief? They could risk millions in profit.
Money does talk..
If they just starting giving up everyone and anyone who's infringing on copyright laws to private 3rd parties, consumers are going to flee like
scared little rabbits to other ISPs and that'll be the end of them.
They simply can't afford to, no matter how much the RIAA, MPAA, Sony or any other of the electronic Mafia pressure them.
This whole issue revolves around profits. Profits for the recording studios, profits for the consumer giants, and profits for ISP's.
And nobody can afford to give up an inch. With nobody giving up nothing I put my money on NOTHING changes.