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Strange occurances

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posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 03:13 AM
ok. at about 10:30ish pm PST, I heard scraping outside my family room window. This is about the 17th time its happened in the past 4 months and me and my brothers have proved to not be the sprinklers because the sounds travel down the wall, not side ways, and it can't be an animal because there is no animal that would make that sound that live near here. this time though was different. It sounded like a large animal, much larger then even a great dane, was scraping and the wall about four and a half feet off the ground. Then an hour later around 11:35, a glass that none of us were near, fell off the couch's side table. what was weird is that it was on a cup holder, perfectly steady and it just fell over and rolled off the table. It sounded like it was first picked up and then dropped, then fell over and rolled of the table. When it broke, the shards lay in a linear path, and it sharded (in shards) rather then shattering. The stress point/point of impact was still intact but very fragile and with a spider web crack design. The only people that were awake/in the room were me and my two brothers and none one could have walked up to it because I was sitting next to the only entrance to the room. we would really like to hear peoples theories. please comment we are freaked out and would like some idea of whats going on, thank you.

[edit on 24-7-2008 by Cowl97]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 05:51 AM
did you check outside to see if branches from a tree or bush can scrape against the outside wall if the wind blows... if it was an animal did you check for claw marks or paw prints on the ground..... apart form that i can add that my grand mother used to have a torch with a page out of the bible taped over the lens..she said no demon would want to be caught in the torch beam of light because it was a holy light...don't know it it would help but my gran swore by it and she was a church goer for 68 yrs...

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 10:58 AM
it was a calm night for one, there is no tree or bush close enough to scrape that hard, and there were no marks or sign of anything it muddy so there would have been prints (muddy due to sprinkler that go off about 9)

[edit on 24-7-2008 by Cowl97]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Cowl97

is the building secure against squirrels etc .nesting in the wall \ roof space even birds can fall into the cavity between walls..just trying to eliminate the obvious reasons for the glass i cant think of should try to record the sounds and if you have a digital camera take random pictures of the wall and could accidentally capture somethings image..

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 12:06 PM
and then earlier this morning, we found more glass 23 feet away, in a perpendictular line to the original shatter path, in a completly different room along with glass on the counter which was 5 feet away from the intial impact and 4 feet up in the air.

[edit on 24-7-2008 by Cowl97]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 05:08 PM
the house is secure agenst animalss we have completely ruled out any animal as of right we are 1000% sure the scratching is not related to an animal or any kind.

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