**Please note: The following is only the opinion of the author. Following these guidelines is a choice made by the reader. Comedic intent is
Here are the top ten rules to consider in becoming a healthy, credible, contribution to the world of Conspiracy Theorists (CT’s). Without further
1. Take nothing at face value.
This is what novice theorists do best. By definition you must be skeptic of everything around you. You must see the possibility of ulterior motives,
hidden messages, evil, or corruption in your world. This is the moment in your life that you have strayed from the herd and decided to leave the
comfort of your fellow sheep. Once you have accepted this burden……
2. Forget what you believe.
If you have a closed mind to subjects, you will miss out on much this world has to offer. If you cannot admit to the possibility that you are wrong on
all counts, you may find yourself on the smelly side of the fence. Your religion, your ideals, your REALITY are all things that are liquid, and they
can adapt if you are willing to allow them to seek truth. We are all quite far from the truth, and leaving your objectivity behind will certainly be
your end. Once you have stepped into the unknown…..
3. Gather Evidence.
Ah, we are a jaded bunch. Stories still interest us, but they remain simple, unimpressive stories. Get everything you can together as ammo against the
masses and you may come out a winner. Saw bigfoot? Well even if you didn’t get a good shot, you better find some hair samples or tracks and have
them analyzed by your biological sciences friends… Don’t have scientist friends? Hmm, make some. Ok, so you have a document that proves that your
brother got taken away by a reptilian to Dulce? Not so fast, Johnny, now you have to……
4. Do your research.
A naïve or ignorant CT will seem like a looney tune to the masses. If you don’t have a retort or back-up plan to all the arguments you will come in
contact with, you will go down in disappointing flames. If you are not truly impressed with the evidence you’re providing, chances are most other
people won’t be either. So you’ve done your homework kiddo? Alright, well now you have to….
5. Prepare your argument.
Prepare to be torn apart on your first few encounters. These scars will serve as a reminder that other people have an opinion too, and some are pretty
well thought-out. Once you see the capability of your potential adversaries, you will want to predict their moves and account for them early. This
will give you some more time in case you find that they are surprised that you actually said something intelligent! Even the best evidence can be
ruined by a poor use of words. Mapped out a strategy?....
6. Present your case.
You’ve done good work. You don’t want to ruin it by acting like a prideful dork, so present your case in a manner that befits someone who isn’t
crazy. Just because you’ve done a good job, doesn’t mean people won’t resent you for rubbing it in their faces. Ok, so you just bought yourself
a few willing listeners……
7. Simma Da Na
Calm yourself down. Running into a room yelling, “OMG I JUSS SAW THAT OSAMA BIN LADIN IS A SPACE ALIEN!!” won’t help your case. This is another
way a good CT can shoot themselves in the foot, by acting like everyone must hear their case NOW! Yelling, wide-eyed, gibbering tools are the people
who make us all look like goons. Ever hear, “Oh you’re one of thoooose?” Well over-anxiousness is what causes people to say that. You must be
above that nonsense, and act like you are a normal person who just so happens to have some info that you are making others privy to. Ok, have you
taken your chill pill? Now…..
8. Let it settle.
You just presented your case in a sane way. Let people sleep on it. You can’t expect a someone who is inundated with the MSM on a daily basis to be
able to swallow the truth all at once. This is YEARS of inoculation that you are trying to strip away. It may take many doses to reverse the affects
of the kool-aid. Don’t do it all at once. You’ve given someone a gift! Now……
9. Prepare to have it thrown back in your face.
These are the people who you will never get to. They are the prideful, faith-based, close-minded people you have worked hard not to be. Don’t let it
get to you. There are other people who are ready to wake up and smell the thermite, and you’ll get your chance with them. Don’t be resentful of
people who don’t understand. Happiness is relative, and some people are blissfully ignorant. Good for them. Have you wiped the shame from your
10. Continue the movement.
You will get sick of all the speculation. Take breaks, no mind is meant to continually deal with the onslaught of information you have subjected
yourself to. Go out with a few friends, have a few beers, and forget the movement for a couple days. Its ok to rejoin the herd for some R&R now and
then. But don’t forget, you have accepted a challenge and you must see it through. Are these interesting times? Prove it!
So there’s my take on being a good member of the society. Please add to what I’ve said of argue my points. I look forward to see what you