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Russia trying to take over the worlds energy resources

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posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 11:51 AM
Our old enemy is back at it. Russia is attempting to take over all of the worlds energy resources so they can hold nations hostage by withholding shipments and demanding outragous prices for oil and gas. The west needs to wake up before it's too late.

The most recent attempt was to try to purchase all of the gas and oil produced in Libya.

They have also recently claimed the North Pole and all the energy resources there.

They have already started to threaten neighbors with shutting off gas supplies if they do not pay what has been demanded. They did it to the Ukraine.

All this is happening while the US govt. does nothing. We can't even drill for our own oil resouces. We need to become self reliant before it's too late and we are begging Russia for oil.

[edit on 23-7-2008 by Erasurehead]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 06:11 PM
WOW - NO FRIGGIN WAY. You mean Russia is trying to do what U.S. has been doing for the last 20 years? Despicable. Everyone knows only U.S. can have its way with other countries to get access to their energy resources and exploit millions of people around the world to achieve a reliable flow of oil so that precious Americans can drive 70 miles to work alone in their Hummer. Why U.S. ought to bomb Russia into oblivious for attempting to get in on the game. Just think - what if ExxonMobil's next CEO is forced to retire without his $300 million bonus check? Or what if Americans would be forced to drive a compact instead of an SUV to work? Oh my - what a nightmare.

What Russia is doing has nothing to do with being an enemy, and everything to do with international business and capitalism. You wanted Russia to be capitalist for over half a century, and now that they are you are whinning. U.S. has started wars and supports several of the most dictatorial and brutal regimes aroung the world in order to secure its glutonous energy needs. If Russia wants to enter the global energy sphere it has every right to do just that. It has been exploited for energy by pro-Western oligarchs and companies like BP throughout the 90's, and now that they have take control (like Venezuela) U.S. can only whine.

Russia has nothing to do with U.S.'s energy issues. U.S. is a gluton for oil, and it has only itself to blame. U.S.'s demand for oil is what empowered countries like Russia, Iran, Libya, and Saudi Arabia. If you want to kick your oil habit don't point fingers at Russia.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by maloy

What are you talking about? I didn't say Russia was the cause of the US energy problems. Where did I say that? I am saying that if the US does not act now and start drilling for oil and using its own energy resources we will be begging Russia for energy resources in the near future. The US can't be dependant on foreign countries to supply us with oil. This is a bigger problem for Europe since they get a large part of their natural gas supply from Russia.

I'm not making this up, Russia is up to no good. AS USUAL.


"The shutoff to the Ukraine, combined with Russia's effective nationalization of some of its major oil companies, has led to the fear that Russia will use energy as a political and economic weapon. (I would say the probability is approximately 100%.)

Europe has to find a way to minimize Russia's ability to use energy for blackmail and extortion, and it has to do it now. There are only a couple of decades at the most before the Russians will have the upper hand."

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 07:11 PM
Russia's acting desparate for some reason. Trying to beat everyone to the punch.

Could it be that China is working on securing Africa and South America for Oil?

If China gets control of these nations for Oil, then Russia loses a big customer.

For some reason, Russia is pitting itself against the US but may find in the not-so-distance future that it will be hedging against China.

China's booming economy requires massive resources to fuel everything. They could go looking in Eastern Russia sooner than Eastern Russia would like to think.

[edit on 23-7-2008 by jetxnet]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 07:14 PM
reply to post by Erasurehead

Russia is in the same boat we are. They are growing very fast and consuming more and more of their oil. Soon, they will not export any oil and will need extra sources for it. They are wheeling and dealing just like the good ole USA is doing.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 11:32 AM
I was actually wondering when Russia would throw themself more into the game. Not supriseingly at all these news, but perhaps a bit frigthening.

Somehow I just feel like this quite period in the world is just the calm before the storm.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 01:53 PM
reply to post by TopSecretArea

Russia getting involved is nothing new. China also needs oil and is cozying up to South American countries. It is nothing to worry about, except some people can gloat that China, Russia and India need oil and are in the same boat as the USA.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 02:24 PM
No, it's Europe and the US that is doing it's uptmost to upset Russia, not the other way round. Basically the developing world want's to shut Europe and the US out because of it's history and Russia and China are the best option for South American's, African's and Asians, so Europe and the US try and upset China and Russia and China and Russia try and retaliate. We in the west have allowed an oligarchy made up of Freemasons, illuminati, zionists and bankers to take us and the rest of the world into a state of permanent war and poverty. Two world wars and the third in the making all backed by the same entities. Russia has thrown out it's zionists and it's illuminati now it's our turn or, to save the world, we will have to be pulled out...and I agree with Russia and China's thinking regarding this. The west must collapse like Russia did at the hands of the Zionists and we are very close to seeing this happen. After the West collapses where will the Zionists go? Britain and the US have housed the fleeing Zionists with the Russian wealth, where will they go when the Brits and the Americans want to know who stole their wealth? Lets pray that day is near!
Don't forget that Zionists murdered the Tsars and killed hundreds of millions of Russian's, Japan got nuked, Africa is starving and permanently at war and South America has nearly totally managed to free itself from the Anglo-Jews that kept their evil dictators in power, let's not even mention the middle east and Vietnam. Face it the Zionists have a few billion enemies and to get rid of the parasite you need to get rid of the Anglo-Jew mafia operating from Britain and the US. Either you get rid of them or it will be done for you. So cheer up Russia and China are your friends...well more so than your elite will ever be anyway.

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