posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 02:24 PM
No, it's Europe and the US that is doing it's uptmost to upset Russia, not the other way round. Basically the developing world want's to shut
Europe and the US out because of it's history and Russia and China are the best option for South American's, African's and Asians, so Europe and
the US try and upset China and Russia and China and Russia try and retaliate. We in the west have allowed an oligarchy made up of Freemasons,
illuminati, zionists and bankers to take us and the rest of the world into a state of permanent war and poverty. Two world wars and the third in the
making all backed by the same entities. Russia has thrown out it's zionists and it's illuminati now it's our turn or, to save the world, we will
have to be pulled out...and I agree with Russia and China's thinking regarding this. The west must collapse like Russia did at the hands of the
Zionists and we are very close to seeing this happen. After the West collapses where will the Zionists go? Britain and the US have housed the fleeing
Zionists with the Russian wealth, where will they go when the Brits and the Americans want to know who stole their wealth? Lets pray that day is
Don't forget that Zionists murdered the Tsars and killed hundreds of millions of Russian's, Japan got nuked, Africa is starving and permanently at
war and South America has nearly totally managed to free itself from the Anglo-Jews that kept their evil dictators in power, let's not even mention
the middle east and Vietnam. Face it the Zionists have a few billion enemies and to get rid of the parasite you need to get rid of the Anglo-Jew mafia
operating from Britain and the US. Either you get rid of them or it will be done for you. So cheer up Russia and China are your friends...well more so
than your elite will ever be anyway.