Here are some quotes from a commentary that I think everyone should focus on. It's also from CNN's website,
Commentary: Why Americans can't get over race:
(CNN) -- In 1835, Alexis DeTocqueville, in his seminal work, "Democracy in America," prophesied that the abolition of slavery would not eliminate
racial prejudice, which he declared was "immovable."
Any discussion of race or racism inevitably stirs uncomfortable reactions. America is, indeed, a nation of immigrants. Most of our ancestors came here
in search of a better life. Africans, however, arrived here in chains to make a better life for others. Yet to date, we have been unable to discuss
the horrors of the enslavement, lynchings, segregation and degradation of African-Americans without prompting resentment or indifference.
"That's all in the past," is a common retort. "We had nothing to do with it. It's history. Get over it." The problem, however, as the results in
a number of the primary states reveal, is that racial prejudice is not history, and neither whites nor blacks are over it.
While Obama has moved the subject of prejudice out from the shadows, more than his exotic name, origin and religious affiliation are at issue. When
Colin Powell, one of America's most accomplished military leaders and diplomats, contemplated running for the presidency in 2000, his family feared
for his safety. Also, during that same year, when Sen. John McCain ran for our highest office, he was the victim of a vile, racist smear in South
There are deep grievances held by black Americans over their past and present treatment by the white majority and equally profound resentments held by
many whites over what they see as preferential treatment for the black community. Unfortunately, a discussion of the racial divide in our country is
too often reduced to sound bites or shouting matches. Moreover, the preachings and exhortations of several prominent religious leaders, rather than
nurturing and appealing to our spiritual needs, have instead served to inflame passions and reinforce old falsehoods and antagonisms.
We are convinced that what is needed in America is a serious, open, civil dialogue on racial, ethnic and religious prejudice. To this end, in July, we
are convening a conference in Washington on race and reconciliation with political, spiritual and business leaders. Our goal: to further a national
conversation about the need for truth, tolerance and reconciliation.