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a sense of ownership?

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posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 05:53 AM
Since almost as long as i can remember, when I look at a parked car, I catch a glimpse of a person, or people, sitting in it. Only for a second. When I was younger I used to think they were ghosts and was scared. Now I have come to think that perhaps I am seeing the person, or people who own the car. Also, yesterday, I looked at my hamsters ball, and caught a glimpse of him in it for a second. Also, I was once trying a pychic 'scanning' thing on a coin, where I held it and closed my eyes, and I saw the coin, I wasn't trying to picture it, i was trying to empty my mind, and i just saw the coin.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 06:01 AM
Perhaps this is part of the spirit, a sort of residual haunt, occupying a place they care for dearly.

Is your hamster (which you saw a brief glimpse of) alive or dead?

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 06:15 AM
He is alive. I don't think any of the people or animals I have seen were dead. Although he does really like his ball.

[edit on 23/7/08 by omg aliens are so real]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 06:16 AM
Also, this isn't much to do with this topic but the morning after one of my gerbils died, i had woken up and was lying in my bed, and I did something very rare for me. I fell back asleep. I never fall back asleep after i wake up unless its like 4 in the morning, and it was about 8 or 9. i was ony asleep for a about a minute and I had a dream. the dream was: I saw my gerbil's tank, and i sort of zoomed in closer to the back end of it and looked down one of the burrows, and saw the gerbil that had died the day before. I reeled out and woke up.

[edit on 23/7/08 by omg aliens are so real]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 06:30 AM
No, you're seeing transions.

Transions are the spiritual equivalent of gypsies. They take possession of unoccupied physical and mental spaces. When a person sitting in a parked car turns out to be the head restraints viewed from an odd angle, you're seeing a transion. The stray thoughts (and especially, images) that come at you when you're not thinking about anything in particular, are transions. The Buddhist Vipassana mediation technique is specially developed to let transions enter and exit the mind without taking up permanent residence or inflicting damage.

Most transions are harmless as long as they are not 'summoned' or 'entertained'. However, some can be dangerous, because they cause the mind to run in circular loops of thought. These we call obsessions.

As a general principle, a transion must always yield place to a more substantial physical or spiritual occupant. But some are not always keen to go.

The gerbil event was different. That was simply the spirit presence remaining in its place of abode, as often happens for a time. Eventually it dissipates.

Do you have peripheral-vision issues? Appearances of movement or shadow in the corner of the eye? That would indicate sensitivity to transions.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 11:41 AM
Prehaps this is a sign of you gaining the ability of psychic prediction. One psychic I have met myself once said that this is how he started to learn this.

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

Fascinating post

Would love to hear more if you have the time

posted on Sep, 30 2008 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by Astyanax
Do you have peripheral-vision issues? Appearances of movement or shadow in the corner of the eye? That would indicate sensitivity to transions.

This is a rather interesting comment I thought.

My question would be: "Who here has NOT experienced it?", I'd be almost willing to lay money on every person having had a 'what the heck?' moment of something/movement/whatever 'out the corner of their eye'... which case wouldn't that make the greater majority of Mankind sensitive to transions?

I'm not doubting you...please know that. I certainly have deep beliefs/experiences regarding the paranormal/spiritual.

Just found that statement/comment interesting is all...


posted on Oct, 1 2008 @ 06:35 AM
reply to post by Astyanax

Come to think of it, your theory (if it is even a theory) sounds a lot better. I think you just might be right!!!

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