I think I have run out of ideas of what to post about. I get an idea every now and then... but... lately... I just haven't had that many ideas.
What do you do when you have writers block? How do you get out of it? I just fear that I'll eventually run out of ideas and I won't be able to
make original topics on ATS because I wouldn't have any original thoughts to make a topic about. I can always contribute to existing threads... but
I just don't find that to be as thrilling as making an original thread.
See Frank, you're already coming out of your writers block just by writing about your writers block. Hmmm.
Anyway, I can always think of a couple of thread topics a day, but then I hear..."Mom?....." and poof, it's gone. Maybe if you think hard enough
you can use some of the ones that I've lost. And I know, I should write them down, but the kids keep taking all the pens and paper.
Usually I'll limit myself to reading and a sorta reflex like replying when that happens. Sometimes I'm feeling manic and just react to whatever
hits my fancy. Sometimes I'll come up with ideas and then with all the attention span of a Ferret I'll leap at the keyboard only promptly to forget
it. Frustrating I know, but I know that will pass.
I think I'm out of the writers block that I was having. It's just that sometimes I am intimidated by the amount of intelligence here that all of
the members here possess so I feel like I won't be able to participate. I'm really amazed by the knowledge that is out there on these boards and
it's just sometimes I'm intimidated that the knowledge that I try to post will have already been discussed or thought of here. It's harder to come
up with an original thought when you're intimidated by the boards here.