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i think i am friends with an alien

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posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

My goal is not necessarily to prove John exists, but to spread some real spiritual truth. Since I learned it all from him, and he does exist, I stand behind that fact.
I would gladly invite a few of you to meet him. Anyone in the Kentucky Lakes area? PM me. We'll have a veggle grill-out!
Many here are capable of communication, without stepping foot out into the world. If we could have a GROUP MEDITATION SESSION, for those of you with some experience, there is no doubt that contact would be made. John can show everyone here what he has already taught me, and more. Even if some of you were to meet John in person, we would still have to sit for a meditation session for some real light to shine through.
That might be the only way to truly share any of what I've learned. John does not use words often. When he does, he only occasionally makes sense. You can imagine how hard it is to convert what I've been shown; pure energy.. into good ol' English. That's my job, apparently.
I'm sure John wouldn't mind typing a couple paragraphs of his own. There is really no telling what we'd end up with! It's just pointless.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by siree

You said:
"My goal is not necessarily to prove John exists, but to spread some real spiritual truth. Since I learned it all from him, and he does exist, I stand behind that fact. "

Okay siree. You have at last identified your goal. It's time for you to start meeting your goal, to spread "some real spiritual truth".

So, begin working on it. You may start now.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 09:07 AM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

Can't you see? That's what I've been doing! Words are just not cutting it. I have to stop before the frustration sets in. I'm inviting everyone here to join us at 5:30 AM CST not just tomorrow morning, but daily, for a meditation session. Even if you choose not to join us, we all should be meditating daily for the good of our selves and the world. Quiet your minds and open your hearts. Only YOU can find the truth within your heart, I can't just point you to it.
I will post some details/pointers on tomorrow's session in a bit.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 09:09 AM
reply to post by siree

Hey siree,

This is some really interesting stuff!! I'm anxious to know more and I hope you could provide answers to some questions I have...

1. You mentioned that humanity needs a new spiritual direction and there is an uprising going on. What do you mean by uprising?

2. Is there going to be a sort of metaphysical shift in 2012?

3. You seem pretty awakened. What do you see the new world being like, and will the emergance of it be abrupt from all the changes or slow and gradual over many decades?

4. Do you think disclosure might be coming soon?

Thanks in advance!

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 09:22 AM
I'm sorry you are becoming frustrated. However. What you have essentially done so far is describe him to us. His appearance, his demeanor, his history, his habits. You haven't provided a message, and yet you say you have them. I understand if you are having trouble with words. Some things are difficult to find words for.

Let me try to help you out. Since you stated "spiritual", I will form inquiries around that.

1. We were created by an alien life form, that is not who we perceive to be as God? If so, for the purpose of.............?

2. The Humanoid aliens are among us to teach us. When will they begin this? Do they have a kick-off date?

3. The earth is about to meet some very difficult times and we should prepare. Meaning we should become survivalists? How to prepare?

4. We have souls, and when we pass from this life....what happens?

5. When you are meditating with him, he gives you visions. What do you see?

If this is not a right path of questioning, then what kind spirituality is he teaching you?

I'm not trying to give you a hard time, by the way. I'm just inquisitive.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:15 PM
ladyinwaiting.. I appreciate your input. It's not you that's giving me a hard time. This is all a challenge to me. I'm not a writer. What we need here is a poet! I have had time to calm down, though. Hyperactivity and overexcitement run through my veins! It's not easily overcome.
So glad to see more questions. I'll get to them now.
Still going to post details on our meditation sessions. Keep an eye open.

1. You mentioned that humanity needs a new spiritual direction and there is an uprising going on. What do you mean by uprising?

What's happening goes far beyond our lives on Earth. Think of the entire universe as one big brain. It was born from a thought afterall. Every little particle is connected to all, by obvious forces like gravity, heat, magnetic fields, to the subtle; as in vibrations.. energy. Right now, this big universal brain has a 'chemical imbalance'.. or how about a vibrational imbalance? Anyway, our galaxy is about to reconfigure itself for the purpose of maximum energy transfer. The slightest imbalance of the smallest rock in the asteroid belt has a profound impact on everything we know. Can anyone here argue that the bodies of our solar system all have some sort of influence over what we constantly experience on our home planet? From the small to the infinite, nothing can function at full efficiency without first being cleansed of impurities. That's why near mid-July, our sun will begin to flare up more than we've thought possible. The radiation alone will aid in cleansing the solar system of 'organic' material.
Organic, this is one of John's words. I don't believe he is implying simply what is living, but that which is purely organic, being not of the spirit. This solar activity combined with the events that are already taking place here on Earth, will cause a brief physical uprise, followed by the true spiritual one. From what I know, this physical uprise won't last for more than a few days and will quickly die off. However, what results from this is where the real uprising begins. Somewhere during all this activity, the sys somehow crashes, leaving most law enforcement helpless to stop the violence. Instead, the people decide to take the law into their own hands, accusing others of all sorts of things they simply don't agree with. Some will die as a result of this. For a while it will be like the old days, when 'witches' were burned on the stake. Much religious persecution. Of course, the true saints will avoid this whole mess and through non-action (meditation) will unite. Eventually the still living and non-guilty will be faced with no survival options. This world will be turned to *^&$ very soon. Don't worry though, sometimes being backed into a corner is all we need to truly save our planet. Faced with certain death, people will be starving for spirituality. It's then that others like John, and myself, will help lead the people into a new way of existence. Finally, our solar system will be 'cleansed' and through that harmony, not only will Earth, but all our 7 planets be restored. With more living space, and a new respect for it, mankind will evolve into something more like John. Not only that, our newfound oasis in this galaxy will become a gathering space for more alien species that share our vibration. Good vibrations.. let me feel some

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:33 PM
You said:

"It was born from a thought afterall".


I"ve always thought this, that it was born from a thought. If you "get it", it makes sense. You did a great job explaining all this by the way.

Thank you taking the time and working through the frustration to do it.

Recent events from ole Sol certainly support these assertions, as do ancient teachings that the earth will go through a self-purification process.

One more question about John. Does he have some sort of calendar, like the Mayans, or can he simply predict the future? I mean, I wonder how he knows these things.

Again, thanks so much for your clarifications.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:36 PM
Any time someone starts a story with "You probably will find this hard to believe but..." or "This might sound kinda weird but..."

It is more likely fiction than fact.

Good luck on starting your ET cult. You might want to work on your showmanship a bit more.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by siree

Okay, good for you.

Now ask your friend if he/she has any buddies and the technology to stop the BP Oil gush and will they help us out here?

Let us know their reply.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 01:44 PM
Yes, this is exactly what's going on. I have been away from ATS for some time now because it was going a little nutters here, but you are sending out a synopsis of how things are going to go in the very near future. It's time for just that.

One small point I'd like to add, if I may, just in case it wasn't in the previous posts of this thread: You can learn to meditate now, awaken, allow your soul to guide you, and you will avoid a good deal of the pain involved in this process. However, there is a fair amount of pain to that approach as well. It just depends on where you are now, spiritually speaking. Here's one magnificent hint to start the process: Shun money and the entire exchange system. Give all you have happily. Give everything you can give. Most of all, give of yourself. Master that and you will be among the Peacefuls in no time.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

Thanks for that post! I agree with what you said.

Sorry but, I'll have to reply in spurts today. There are 7 or 8 questions I still need to answer. If I've missed anyone from previous posts, I will need reminding... got confused during that whole thread switch earlier.

For anyone who feels like setting their alarm in the morning, again, it's 5:30 CST. Might want to get started early if you can take some extra time to clear your mind. If anyone around here uses brainwave generator, GABA waves work best for a Monday morning

Just be sure to not pig out beforehand. If you are starving eat an apple or something, and drink some good clean water! It's best to be in a quiet place. If you can, unplug and turn off all your electrical appliances. Focus on your breath, nothing more. If you're still having trouble clearing your mind, try a mantra. Om is the best. You don't say it aloud, just hear it in your mind synchronized to your breath, each time you breath in, and each time you breath out. Don't force your breath, though, let it come naturally!
I'll be back soon.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 04:39 PM
wow. I'm really glad I saw this thread. I just read the whole thing, and it took me a second to realize it unfolded over 2 years. I can really tell how much you have " grown up" since the 1st few posts. You can see some of what john has shown you manifested in your words. I love it. in fact, I am somewhat jealous you have a guide that found you! I feel something is very soon going to happen, and i need to get more in tune with the spiritual side, but it seems so hard for me. I have no one close to me that is into this stuff.
And 5:30 is way too early for me, otherwise I would love to join in with yall.
Can you ask John, or maybe you know yourself, how do we go about preparing our young children for the change? thanks namaste

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 05:55 PM

2. Is there going to be a sort of metaphysical shift in 2012?

Yes, that is when the transformation that I referred to, in reply of your previous question, will finally be complete. It seems like a very short time for all these events to take place, but as many of you have noticed, time seems to be speeding up. Time's speed is not what's changing, it's the dimension of time that we exist in. If you could picture time's dimensions, it would look something like the flower of life. We all have the capacity to slip into different dimensions from any point.

3. You seem pretty awakened. What do you see the new world being like, and will the emergance of it be abrupt from all the changes or slow and gradual over many decades?

Here is an opportunity for me to clear something up. For those of you asking me about 'technology', there is none where John comes from. The Greys do use technology, or machines, but that's not what we need anymore.
We will abandon all forms of technology. There will be no need. We will have no way to power our gadgets anymore. We won't have desires for certain luxuries. Instead we will freely provide for each other for all our needs. People wouldn't work at jobs anymore, there will be no monetary system. We will all be quite preoccupied pleasing ourselves by doing good. In this way, no one will ever be lacking. The Earth will finally be in good hands, and we'll be able to grow real food again.. not to mention the resources that will be available on the other planets. No one will go hungry. No one will be without food and shelter, and most of all, there won't be any lonely people anymore! Not only will there be a common goal, we'll all be connected in our minds. That kind of communication completely eliminates deceit. There would be no need for it anyway.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by siree

I know you are really backed up in questions right now, but a have a couple questions regarding this new era, i hope you could answer (just when you have a chance)

1. Do you think ET's might have an integral part in our future society? Kind of like Star Trek where you walk into a bar and see humans, but also many different ET's from many races (just an example).

2. If there would be no need for technology in the future, does that mean we would use internal technology like the merkavah to travel to places/times through light?

Sorry for the backup, but thanks again in advance!

[edit on 6-6-2010 by mossme89]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 08:05 PM
I'm glad the questions are still coming in. I should have more time later tonight to sit down and focus.
For those of you who don't want to wake up at sunrise, sunset is also a time that we meditate, though nothing beats having a fresh mind in the morning. That's gonna be around 8:30 CST tonight.. in about 45 minutes

4. Do you think disclosure might be coming soon?

I assume you mean disclosure from the government. In that case the answer is no. Those in high office have made threats of revolt to several different alien species, claiming that they speak for all mankind. John's species along with others will only come when there are no barriers. Soon the barriers will fall on their own, and they will make themselves known to us directly.

1. We were created by an alien life form, that is not who we perceive to be as God? If so, for the purpose of.............?

We were never created by anything living in a physical body. We were as consciously created as the pebbles in a creek. That does not mean we are not consciously created. This conscience is the one you have in your own spirit. In fact, we all share that same spirit. You, me, John, everything with a soul, is from the same spirit. We are all unique parts of that spirit, only because we serve different purposes in our physical bodies. Spirit is spread out and magnetized with certain affinities. Our purpose is merely to help the universe balance and eventually unite itself. When this is accomplished we will all join into one 'god conscience'.

2. The Humanoid aliens are among us to teach us. When will they begin this? Do they have a kick-off date?

More have been teaching on the sidelines for a while now. Based on the timeline I referred to a few posts ago, they will be known world-wide around Winter of 2011.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 08:06 PM
Double posted. oops! Any way I can delete this?

[edit on 6-6-2010 by siree]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 05:20 AM
Just curious, but how did you get the date of Winter 2011? Just a guess based on events? I know I've been hearing sooner with the system falling apart this summer into fall, changes by the end of the year and then some sort of disclosure in early 2011. If not in a formal wau, how will the beings make themself known? Mass flyover?

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 07:58 AM
Sorry everyone. I said I'd be back last night to answer more questions. I fell asleep before I got a chance. Thanks to my little cold I was pretty sleep deprived, but my fever broke yesterday morning so, all is good.
I'm starting Summer classes today, so I'll be gone from 9 til sometime this afternoon. Not that I'm behind in school.. I'm just trying to graduate before the SHTF.

3. The earth is about to meet some very difficult times and we should prepare. Meaning we should become survivalists? How to prepare?

Really, the only way to prepare is spiritual. We all must have faith in the good of the universe. Physical health is important, your body can't feel the spirit if it's weak or unclean. Stockpiling is not a good idea. That just shows a huge lack of faith or, 'trust in god'. We all have our own mission.. each of us will do our part to save the world. Just quiet your mind and listen to your heart, and you'll know what to do.

4. We have souls, and when we pass from this life....what happens?

A great question but not easy to answer! When you die, your soul leaves your body, and carries with it your aura. This is like a cloud of energy that holds all kinds of information.. your thoughts and memories, your 'karmic debt' and other such things. Your soul then carries all this vibrational 'memory' and for a brief time, unites with its source.. the one spirit. It is there that the soul is allowed to rest peacefully and recuperate from all its been put through in a lifetime. Then, depending on the vibrations and information stored in your 'aura' your soul will return to a living body to start the whole process again. If your aura is clean, that is, free of negative emotions, karmic debt, etc.. you will remain in spirit only and merge with the one true conscious. Many souls who have reached this stage will choose to return to a physical body, to help others cleanse their auras in the physical universe. I believe John's species consists of those types of souls.
When you return to a body, that is, you're born all over again.. this aura of information goes with you. This is not your mind. Through meditation and spiritual practice you can learn to read your own aura, which is a great way to remember past lives. The aura is all-encompassing, not separate from any part of your body.

edit: It's too easy to contradict myself! Changed 'This is separate from your mind.' to 'This is not your mind.'

[edit on 7-6-2010 by siree]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 08:18 AM
reply to post by reject

assholes are angels in training.

difficult as that may be to accept.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 08:40 AM
Interesting thread. I wonder just who John is?

I have heard stories of this kind before. A couple living near Rendlesham forest had a stranger move in with them for a while and they wondered if he was some sort of ET/hybrid.

His name was David, he was very tall, blonde, and had the skinny high cheek-boned look of David Bowie. He knew all about ley-lines, star-maps, and astrology. He lived in a caravan out back and kept the heater on so high the paint came off the outside of the van.

The lady of the house claimed to have seen him turn into a reptile. Not totally, I think it was his arm and face. I don't think this was random either, he deliberately showed her this. That's how the story went anyway.

I can't remember much else other than, a very similar David turned up in Australia, and moved in with some folk who are very much into UFO/spiritualism, etc.

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