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I gather you are "strict constructionist"?
Paid-leave systems. These are an extension of the Family Medical Leave Act and while I can see how this could be abused it could also be a blessing.
Child care- again this is not boogy man Obama, this has been out there a long time. He just wants to make it better. Par tof the reason the gov had to step in on this is due to unchecked corporations driving salaries so low that both parents (if there are two) must work to make ends meet. Many families work low wage jobs that make affording child care difficult to say the least, so rather than force these families to choose living under a bridge, the gov steps in to help them offset the cost child care so they can afford to live in a crappy apartment
Child health insurance, I see no reason to let poor children suffer because our health care system is broken.
As for the minimum-wage issue... I find it difficult to even argue. How on earth can anyone be against the working poor being advocated for? I mean OMG, you mean Obama wants the poor to actually be able to LIVE! How DARE he! Surely we do not want burger flippers to have the chance to eat or save. They are to serve me food and live, themselves, only hand to mouth.
World poverty reduction- no, not covered by the Constitution. However, since most of the terrorists that want us dead are from poverty stricken backwaters it seems to make sense to try to help those areas become prosperous thus reducing the venom and anger in those regions held against the West, since one of the main reasons, ultimately, that youth in these poors regions hate us is due to our affluence.
since the internet was invented with unconstitutionally invested tax dollars
So you don't like child care for others, health care for others, or a minimum wage from day one for others. You aren't really very nice are you?
Originally posted by jetxnet
So you don't like child care for others, health care for others, or a minimum wage from day one for others. You aren't really very nice are you?
It has nothing to with being nice. It has to do with providing for your own first.
Some people, many people, making having babies and child support a business. They make sure to have at least one kid every three years to get more welfare and they do not work.
You pay for their laziness.
Originally posted by passenger
reply to post by redled
You don’t have a Constitutional “Right” to vote for the President - at least as far as a popular majority of every inidividual voter deciding the issue.
It also mentions nothing about having rights to free education, health care, et al.
It only guarantees that the Government will not interfere with your right to pursue your own interests of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It does NOT guarantee that you will be safe and secure from every instance and happenstance of human existence.
Obama is seemingly unaware of the basic precepts and underlying thought behind the Constitution. Apparently, you are as well.
Do you consider yourself a nice person? Yes? Good, Paypal me $10,000 USD right now.
If you don't evidently you aren't very nice either are you?
The Constitution gives the government NO AUTHORIZATION to use taxpayer money to pay for other peoples children.
Originally posted by passenger
I fully agree with you Slacker, and I don’t present the following so much to you , but as to clarify what we are talking about here: Too many people today do not understand the basic difference between a Constitutional Right and a Government Entitlement. (I think - based on your prior posts- you would agree with the aforesaid).
To those who don’t understand the difference; Fisrt, actually read the Constitution !
Second: Understand that when the Government imposes a penalty, e.g. taxes, upon one person to pay for the inadequacies of another, it is violating the Constitution. It doesn’t make a difference if it’s Bush or Obama that is instigating it.
Imagine the Constitution as a referee in a boxing match: It’s there to make sure that nobody cheats the fighters of ties their hands. It is NOT there to ensure that nobody gets hurt - or knocked out. Making those that succeed pay for those that can’t, or won’t , is entirely UN-American!
Originally posted by redled
So you don't like child care for others, health care for others, or a minimum wage from day one for others. You aren't really very nice are you?
Originally posted by redled
So the good samaritan does not figure. Not very Christian. I've been mis-sold methinks.
if ya wanna bring christianity into this, then study your bible first. jesus never condoned stealing from other ppl to pass out freely to others. jesus encouraged charity, yes. but it is hardly charity when it is being taken from someone else's pocket.
remember the angry jesus in the temple? the one that drove out the theives who were stealing from others under the name of religion. he drove them out along w/ their henchmen. he was pretty darn pissed that they were "tricking" others out of their hard earned money in the name of God.
now, what was that about being christian?
again, get a clue
[edit on 22-7-2008 by justamomma]
Originally posted by justamomma
Originally posted by redled
So you don't like child care for others, health care for others, or a minimum wage from day one for others. You aren't really very nice are you?
sorry OP if i am interjecting where you would rather me not, but this is one of those asinine statements that really gets under my skin.
it isn't that some of us don't want others to have it, it is that we don't want to have to pay out of our pockets for others to have it. if i am taking care of the expenses for me and my kids, you certainly can take care of your own expenses.
these "guilt trips" some of you try to put the rest of us on are nothing more than socialist propaganda and make you come across as lazy free loaders.
first off, the children should be home w/ their momma's. most childcare facilities' expenses suck whatever she would be making anyway... so stay home and raise your babies. problem solved. next.........
healthcare is a joke. health insurance and programs such as medicaid coupled w/ the fact that most americans are babies and run to their doctors if they cut their finger and are having a bad day are the reasons that doctors have to hike up the costs of their services. cut out the unnecessary bs visits, get a job and start paying for the services of a doctor only in dire emergencies and then we will all be better able to afford to pay for the care we NEED.
and quit dictating what private business owners should have to pay for someone from day one. this attitude of i am worthy of YOUR $$ w/out proving myself first is another spoiled "hand me everything" attitude that has gotten us in the mess we are in today.
however, bc this is the prevailing attitude, you should be happy to know that you and others will get what you want for the time being. you will be handed everything by your country (aka the federal government, the entity to which you are slaves), but just mark these words down..... the piper will come a calling one day for his collection from the subjects he has supported and the costs of the free ride so many expect will be higher than you will ever think to imagine.
btw..... technically you are not even gonna be handed everything you think you need by the gov't.....first they will take it from my and others like me who work their arses off pockets, then they will pocket a great majority of that, then they will dole it out on their wars against humanities (whether they claim the war is on drugs or terrorists), then they will take a few photo ops to respresent us helping other countries, then whatever few "pennies" are left will go to the lazy arses of this country.
get a clue
Originally posted by justamomma
..... the piper will come a calling one day for his collection from the subjects he has supported and the costs of the free ride so many expect will be higher than you will ever think to imagine.
Originally posted by slackerwire
reply to post by redled
Who cares about the health of Iraqi's?
We are the ones being poisoned every day. Screw the Iraqi's.