posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 08:25 PM
reply to post by searching scared
Honestly, I think the category is perfect, microsoft and every other corporation falls into the category of "mythical beast" for me anyhow.
I agree, using video games as a mind control device works. They call it an X box for a reason, for a lot of folks, their video game consoles and
addictions to them have turned significant others into X's.
There are tons of people who are more concerned about their "second life" than their real life, kind of makes you wonder whats so uneventful in
their real life that makes any synthesized reality any better than the real thing.
I have a feeling that they are using video games, and perhaps not even to the knowledge of the programmers, like stated, certain colors and words
could be implemented on a subliminal level for later usage, this could/should also include TV programming, even web browsing, who knows, google could
be emitting some low frequency sounds and flashing command triggers with colors or symbols at a rate you cannot comprehend consciously. They have
been doing it for years in advertising, and self help tapes as well as cults, why not do it to keep people from standing up and doing something about
eerily, it already seems like they are. The fact that no one has tried to assassinate Cheney or Bush, stifles me, but on another note, perhaps some
thought is put into why they dont get assassinated, we all know thats just what they want in order to impose martial law.