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Politicaly Correct VS the Truth? -Which do you want.

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posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 04:39 AM

Here is our study group.

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Good, so heres the Headline, "Slain Sex Worker, Identified as TransGender Imigrant"

Heres what the Truth would be, "Degenarate Junkie Hooker Transexual Illigal Alien found Dead"

So whats Better?

The PC version:"Slain Sex Worker, Identified as TransGender Imigrant"
or the Truth: "Degenarate Junkie Hooker Transexual Illigal Alien found Dead"

Ill take the truth, even when it is unpleasnt...


posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 04:45 AM
Well, in the case you provided, I would prefer the PC version.

The PC version:"Slain Sex Worker, Identified as TransGender Imigrant"

Why slander a dead person that you don't even know?

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by Karlhungis
Why slander a dead person that you don't even know?

Why Marginilize a Bad Person?

Are are you going to argue that there is some was this Illigal Alien Junkie TranSexual Hooker was a good role model?

Or should poeople recognize what is, for what IT is. Or should they Marginizlie it to not offend some people?

Is not making people feel bad better then the truth? Isnt that the oppisite of what this country was founded on?

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 05:03 AM
reply to post by TKainZero

How is the PC version of it somehow not the truth?

I didn't say anything about the person being a role model. I know nothing about the person. I would prefer the truth without any bias by the person relaying the story.

I don't think that anyone is going to look at the title of "Slain Sex Worker, Identified as TransGender Imigrant" and think, hey I would like to be that some day.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 05:27 AM
No games please.........Give me the truth.

I don't want the mumbo gumbo sugar coated politically correct horse poop.

Tell it like it is.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 08:02 AM
I was pretty offended at Michael Savages ranting and saying that the dead person was scum. That's pretty wrong. If he's not happy at the headline being correct then fine, but there's no need to disrespect a person that died, a person that had a family, possibly kids. 'All people are not equal' says Michael Savage *tsch* Well who made you so high and bloody mighty! I'd rather take a transexual hooker that's a nice person any day over your BS attitude.

Anyways, to be correct the headline doesn't need 'degenerate' or 'hooker' or 'junkie' or even 'transexual'. How's about 'Person found dead under City layby'. Someone dying should be headline enough without having to include their personal life, which is nobody's bloody business anyway.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 09:00 AM
Here’s the problem with PC verbiage: It neutralizes, sterilizes and equalizes terms and hence makes them morally blurry. A murderer is a murderer – not homicidally inclined.
A thief is a thief – not an unauthorized transferor of property. When you start to use watered-down terminology, you lose the underlying meaning of the word. We use certain words because they invoke an implied meaning that has an intended effect. It is important to use such terms because everyone is not morally equal.

Imagine using PC terms to describe notorious personas:

Charles Manson: Anti-authoritarian with alternative cultural theories.
Jeffrey Dahmer: Homicidally inclined anthropophagite.
Adolf Hitler: Semitic Race Liquidation proponent.
Richard Ramirez: Unsolicited sexual contact imposer with non-mainstream beliefs.

The same goes for the dead junkie in the post. The victim’s lifestyle most likely had something to do with their demise. To try and neutralize the description of the victim puts them on a level with a grandmother slain in her kitchen. It doesn’t give the whole picture because of the blandness of the terminology. Therefore it is deceptive in nature and wrong.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by passenger

Yup, you're right there. I hear you and totally agree with your line of thought. It should only describe the relevant parts of the story and not be deceptive in nature. And that means in both directions.

Here's a link to the story: N1.DTL

So, let's pick out points relevant to the actual story itself:

1. She was a 'sex worker'. That's a bit too PC. So we can use the real name for that line of work - Prostitute
2. She was found strangled.

Being transexual, an immigrant and 'fighting drug addiction' is not relevant to the story at all. We can't assume she is a junkie, because the quote is that she was fighting drug addiction. That doesn't make you a junkie (some may disagree with that, but i've seen a few drug addicts in my time and believe me, there's a difference).

So the headline would be 'Prostitute found strangled on Portrero Hill'. The rest of it was just to catch attention. And to discredit the person involved.

Edit to add - To answer the question, I want the truth. and neither the original headline, or the one suggested by Mr Michael 'i'm full of myself' Savage were the truth.

[edit on 22-7-2008 by Nammu]

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Nammu
To answer the question, I want the truth. and neither the original headline, or the one suggested by Mr Michael 'i'm full of myself' Savage were the truth.

You beat me to it. An applause for you! (I wish I could give you one)

Again, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

"Degenarate" (if it were spelled correctly) is a moral judgment. It's just as bad, if not worse, than a PC version headline. How does he know if this person was "degenerate"?

"Junkie" and "Hooker" are slang. And as Nammu stated, irrelevant to the story. FYI, a sex worker could be a porn star, a stripper or a prostitute. So, both of these terms could be inaccurate if she was addicted to pain pills (think Rush Limbaugh) and a stripper.

Transexual - Same as Transgender. Why change it?

Illigal Alien - Again, irrelevant, but I would have said Illegal Immigrant, because while accurate, it's not derogatory. "Alien" apparently is.

found dead... Again, What's the difference? Slain or Murdered are more accurate. She didn't just die there. Yes, she's dead, but she was murdered. And that's fairly relevant.

I want the truth, but not some judgmental, opinion-filled smear.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 08:47 AM
Truth should be the only criterium. Political correctness is just an Orwellian form of censorship.

posted on Jul, 30 2008 @ 01:06 PM
Michael Savage should be lowered feet-first into a wood chipper.

Along with a few other people I can think of.

The controversies over Political correctness are largely driven by idiots whining that they can't call a black person a n****r of a gay person a f****t anymore without getting their behinds kicked up and down the street

Oh, pity the poor oppressed Klansmen

Their right to be bigots and jerks is threatened - boo-freaking-hoo

posted on Jul, 31 2008 @ 03:42 AM

Originally posted by xmotex
The controversies over Political correctness are largely driven by idiots whining that they can't call a black person a n****r of a gay person a f****t anymore without getting their behinds kicked up and down the street

The controversies over Political correctness are largely driven by intellectuals who can't even express certain scientifically proven facts anymore without being called a bigot.

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