posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by kyle-2302
I got sucked into the 2012 obsession (careful, it's a "black hole") when I started seeing 11:11 on digital clocks (another "black hole"). The
synchronicity of it is interesting in itself. But the real weird part is how the my mind would get an absentminded urge to look at the clock when I
have no interest in knowing the time of day at that moment. (Other prompts of significance is being woken up at 4:44 or 5:55 out of deep sleep and
seeing the time, as if there's a special message trying to be conveyed from the "other side.") Anyway, one thing led to another and I discovered
that the winter solistice for 12/21/12 begins at 11:11. That's how I got hooked on investigating the meaning of 2012.
Initially, the 11:11 prompting "coincidences" felt like a urgent warning to wake up and pay attention. Over time, after making the 2012 connection,
the promptings would feel like an affirmation that I was on the right track. So to me, I've felt spiritually guided to the 2012 craze before it was a
So what's really happening? My sense is that it has to do with a shifting of resonance that is taking place. A new generation of gifted children are
being born. Some people call them Indigo children, Star children, Crystal children. Whatever these children are, they have a higher vibration and,
hence, give off a higher frequency of Light. This is causing a new awareness to be manifested around the world. Some people like Drunvalo Melchizedek
and Solara are claiming to be gateways to causing this energy shift in the "matrix grid" surrounding the earth. I have my own theories about what is
actually the cause of this new generation of "high voltage" kids. Whatever it is, I feel the changes taking place. Earth Spirit is being elevated.
The relentless synchronicity events tell me so.
Will the 2012 shift transform the world? I think it depends how many people wake up. If it's a lot, then great changes will take place. If not, then
only those who have awakened will sense or see the changes. It's all about free will. (Btw, that's why Aliens or a Messiah isn't going to suddenly
appear and hyperwarp the world into idylic heaven on earth. We are the ones that must change first, from the inside outward.)
[edit on 7/22/2008 by Matrix1111]