posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 07:59 AM
Originally posted by Erasurehead
It's good to see this stuff in the main stream media. More evidence that full disclosure is coming soon. I really do think that TPTB can't hide the
truth for much longer.
While I enjoy watching these videos, I cannot help but feel deep down that something else is going on. That this is not a disclosure movement, but
rather a distraction movement.
Either that or they are trying to shut down all the UFO conferences out there so that the speakers won't make any money because people will just say,
"why should I pay to go see that when Larry King talks about it."
Well, it's not Larry King. I don't think he really enjoys what he's doing. He's following orders from his boss.
Does anyone get the old time satellite feed from those folks any more, that show what really goes on during the commercials and behind the scenes that
the cameras pick up? Those big clunky yard satellite dishes. Or are the signals too scrambled these days?
And what's the deal with having all the guests named Bob?
There's so much more that Larry could be talking about on his show. Why UFOs all of a sudden? I never really liked Larry at all anyway and find him
pompous and arrogant. There's no passion in there, no feelings. It's like he's an emotional robot, just going through the motions.
But something is definitely going on. First France says they will disclose their UFO files, then the Church says it's OK to believe in aliens. Then
it's like hell froze over and Larry King is even talking about it.
See, they don't view UFOs that shut down missiles as "good." They view it as bad, very bad. Anything that can take out weapons makes the big boys
feel very afraid and they want to make bigger, more destructive explosive material.