posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 11:42 PM
I literally HATE people,even myself,people can be evil and manipulative,selfish and greedy..which now that i look at it kinda means the same
thing....But anyway i just found out that one of my real good friends is wanting to have intercourse for the first time with a guy that she has been
dating for 11 days, treats her like crap, and breaks up with her every now and then so he can screw his ex. Now i can understand her hormones must be
crazy now more than ever,us being in highschool and all,but seriously her wanting to defy the rules of her own religion,christianity, to get sexual
Now i say ''defy the rules of her own religion' because supposedly sex before marriage is wrong,ias i told her,she replies ''there is
always divorce after that'' and i tell her that too is a sin in her religion,then she goes on the offensive and start calling me names and saying
stuff like ''im finally ready dont ruin this for me'' i told her not to ruin her life by getting pregnant and she stopped talking to me.
So good members of bts please let me know if im right or wrong about people or if its just my dumbass friend?
[edit on 21-7-2008 by spaced1]