posted on Mar, 12 2004 @ 06:06 PM
Couple of points:
1. I heard somewhere this was the same explosives ETA operatives had been busted with recently. Apparently there is some kind of forensic fingerprint
where this could be confirmed. Now obviously domestic terrorist groups like ETA, IRA etc sit on a stockpile of arms so could this be a case of them
just supplying the explosives to an Al Quaeda cell?
2. This just seems way over the normal level of violence for ETA, No warning, rush hour, simultaneous attacks all designed for maximum deaths. Also
its seems like a larger attack than, judging from previous bombings their capabilities might be (especially if we presume this might be a more
extreme splinter group).
3. Hmmm the van with koran and detonators, they sure are careless these islamic fundamentalists.
It all seems VERY suspicous to me, ive got a feeling this is going to stink like the Oklahoma city bombing.
What would be a great outcome of this for the NWO agenda is a joint operation between ETA and Al Quaeda (foreign even better) for the reason of
introducing EU wide patriot act style legislation, possibly even setting up an EU homeland defence organisation.
I reckon in the near future we'll be hearing about Al Quaeda cells from UK/France/Germany working with ETA to carry out these attacks.
Multiple ruthless organisations from different countries would of course require an omni-potent multi-lateral force to fight it.