posted on Mar, 14 2004 @ 09:59 AM
I do not believe the destruction of the family is the leading reason to the downfall of community. If so, then there would have been the same amount
of badness in America. Back in the day when divorce was taboo, you had serious dysfunction in the family. Spousal abuse, cheating, and bludgeoning
kids (not spanking) happened quite a bit back then. Sure, it still happens now, but people do tend to get divorces when things get bad instead of
living a lie or covering up the bruises. The problems have always been there, they just never severed the relationship. The only difference now, is
that there is only half of the family unit which leaves kids starved for attention and often times are neglected. Does that create a bad kid or
influence the community? Of course it does, but not on the scale you think.
I think the death of community is coming by the hands of the death of personal liability. We all do it. We tend to not be responsible for our
actions. We have seen people sue McDonalds over making them fat, burning themselves when they spill coffee on themselves, or someone burning
themselves with coffee when they realize that "Caution: Hot" did not JUST the cup. Corporations label things to keep we Americans from suing them
over the most ridiculous claim. If we fall on someone's yard and bump our heads, we can sue the owner's for money. When a guy goes to a fraternity
party and drinks til he dies, his parents view the fraternity as deep pockets and gets their million. Or when a girl drinks to much and regrets
sleeping with the guy the next day, she cries rape and gets her money. Whenever the bartender gets sued when a guy drives his car into a ditch and
dies, you know we have gone too far. Parents today find it much easier to give kids medicine and a Nintendo than to raise them. (I'm not talking
about the kids with actual problems) I believe liability is the issue America has a problem with. But anyway...far off topic.