posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 10:15 PM
Perhaps it's not the point of the thread (which really wasn't put well), but the general lack of intellectual content, not to mention the avenue of
Why are some considered racist for defending America? A few reasons:
1) America has a rather disturbing history of enslavement, murder, bigotry, oppression, and generally having a racially motivated history. This is
not to say it's just the government or just the people, it was both.
2) Nationally - Racial watchdogs in this country salivate at the chance to play the race card. Sometimes it's warranted, but I'm pretty sure
nothing will ever be perfect so it begs the question "If someone gets paid to defend folks racially, does that limit their credibility and increase
their crying wolf?" I'd say yes.
Conversationally - It's easy to claim racism, because there really isn't any retort to it and it, by it's nature, negates said "racist's"
points. It is the first recourse of the weak mind.
3) America is big and inherently imperial, at least in the past century or so. It's not hard to down a country that loves to stick it's little
fingers in EVERYONE'S business.
Why this thread wasn't taken well
Many people say, "It was a long time ago slaves were freed, what more do those greedy bastards want out of us!!!"
A terribly ignorant thing to say, and sounds oddly similar to the tone with which this thread reads.
Much love,