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The REAL issue that is being deflected, and you are being disinformed on.

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posted on Apr, 28 2009 @ 01:06 AM
Forkandspoon, you hit the nail right on top. Some of us get it. We are in for some terrible times ahead. It’s true most people are distracted.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 04:11 AM
it is not the US dollar only that will collapse. It is the whole world monetary system that will do and everyone who understands how banks make money out of fresh air can foresee what will happen.

This way of doing has been invented thousand of years ago. The Templars in Europe got it from the teachings they found in the Holly Land and became rich trough it, those of which one once said "let me control the issue and distribution of money and I care a what the law says" knew the game and they play it to the end and they will for sure not be among the losers.

We are in a world that is made according to the law of universe, the tetragrammaton where the contender contains 3 elements that make it move around and today we are in an arena where 3 groups are acting. One group dances a round Saturn, the other around the Sun and the third who rules it plays the referee is laughing and standing there with wide open pockets.

That is a symbolic way to see what's about and what ever we do, coming back to money, guaranteed by real values (which are none,it's just a belief), we will not be able to play a fair and honest game. But, in that game the word profit will be quit more cruel to assume since when ever one wins, someone else loses. In today's system this is not the case since the system allows us to cheat and instead of losing we just pay with virtual values we create when ever we need them.

US Government pays since more then 50 years it's debt in foreign countries by treasure bonds, the kind of monkey money that today even inside the US nobody wants to accept as a payment anymore and California is one of the examples that, by the way, has become a victim of the same evil speculators that crashed Greece to attack the Euro.

So, what to do. The answer is simple. Do ,like BP, there is much to do, let's wait till it happens. I lose actually 22% of my income due to the Euro crash, and all I can do is wait.

So, in the mean time take that fork and spoon and eat all you can as long as you are still able to afford it.

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 11:12 PM
Defaulting on debt and credit ratings...

I doubt even this current administration, and Republicans and Democrats are insane enought to let a default happen....(though at this point it would not shock me if they did for political gain if they see an angle) However just the threat has already caused credit ratings to hit many State governments VERY VERY hard. Because so many state budgets depend on Federal funds, which might be put on hold and would then cause a cascade effect of them defaulting possibly on THEIR payments.....least that's the theory behind devaluing their credit scores, and raising interest. I think most states unlike DC, would quickly do what had to be done to prevent this.....that I stated originally we're in a huge funny money bubble, and the only value our dollar has anymore is pyschological. A U.S. default could send many currency traders over the edge.........and unlike 2012, the U.S. Money supply crisis is real.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 09:35 PM
reply to post by ForkandSpoon

this is because the collapse of the dollar has been planned, it is not an accident. it will pave the way for a new worldwide currency which will usher in the NWO.

posted on Aug, 22 2011 @ 09:29 PM
It would pave the way to many things, war, anarchy, socialist take over of private ownership.

That is has been planned I might agree with as certain groups have openly called for it for decades. owever those groups are more in line with modern nihilists, Social anarchism, and many moderne liberalism type groups, then any coorporate would be conspiracy. They have often called for a purposeful collapse of teh dollar through entitlements in order to get the population to give up on free markets, and accept socialist control. They're not crazy for thinking that would be the path after all it's how the Nationalsozialismus came to power in Germany.
edit on 22/8/2011 by ForkandSpoon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by ForkandSpoon

Why all the worry about the ever increasing dollar supply? Don't you want some, too? Everybody wants the dollar. That is why America is so popular. We have cool stuff you can buy with dollars. Even people in other countries want dollars. They come to America on vacation to buy stuff. They even have so many dollars they buy U.S. Government bonds so they can earn more dollars. We have the most popular currency on Earth. We have the best stuff to buy. People run across the border to get here. People stand in line to come here.

And you're worried about a collapse of the dollar? Seriously?

posted on Jan, 10 2013 @ 09:37 PM
The dollar is only so valued as long as the illusion of value is kept up. However it is just a piece of paper or more often then not a digit on a computer file. The money supply has grown so exponentially in the last few decades vs population that it is worth little to what it was in true value. It has been kept up only due to Chinese currency being tied to a constant exchange rate, which will no longer be the case. Why care? Because this is how you get hyper inflation, and hyperinfation is how you get the worst and most violent parts of history. People loved the German mark too....and then you couldn't buy a loaf of bread with a barrel of it.....

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