posted on Jul, 21 2008 @ 07:59 AM
Hey Guys,
I see this static too, I have for many years since I was a child. Its great to hear you guys talk about it because no-one else I know sees it, I put
it down to bad eye-sight, which it seems a lot of you have done.
I see it as a red/blue sometimes green haze of static & it permeates from everything, even now I can see it on the white wall across the room. Ive
read the thread very carefully & read through all the possible explanations & admit I thought about most of them myself at one stage.
But, let me say a couple of things on it, I used to have it really intense when I was a kid, especially in the dark, in my bed at night. I used to
wake up scared, seeing shapes moving in the haze. I distinctly remember waking up one night & seeing 3 humanoid shapes beside my bed, much clearer
than any other shape I had seen, they were looking at my & moving around my bed, I could make out their features & they hovered bedside me for several
These same humanoids came to me at least another 3 times that I can recall, I always awoke in fear with physical sensations accompanying their
presence. This is no joke guys, they would be there by my bed then dissipate into the haze. I only ever told my current girlfriend.
I read in Robert Bruce's work (he's an Australian metaphysist) of what he called "rod people" who would come to him at night, he described them as
unsavory but not overly dangerous. His physical description matched the 3 humanoids almost perfectly in both appearance & behavior. But the point is
these guys came OUT of the static & dissipated back in.
Many years later I experimented (quite a lot) with '___', when I did the haze would become more powerful, I found that if i focused on it a point of
light would appear(like an afterglow from a lightbulb) & this would then form into a tunnel structure.
A moving tunnel made up of squares of color that was constantly moving, it was transparent like teh static but there & very, very clear. I tried to
explain to my friends about what I was seeing and they couldn't see anything similar, it was the same EVERY time I took '___', the tunnel would
Overtime I began to realize I could control this tunnel with gentle thought, moulding & sculpting the haze into any shape I wished to see, I was able
to see a lot of amazing things.
Now, I know a lot of people will shout & point at '___' messing with my head, but I did a lot of research into '___' use in pagan culture here in
Ireland & how they used it to commune with the spirit world etc. And again, as I was reading a book on Astral Projection I found a description of the
exact tunnel structure I seen on a regular basis, it described the tunnel as a common entrance structure to the astral plane in people whose 3rd eye
is the strongest chakra. (yes, i do have a lot of activity in that area)
It also went on to say that '___' does help with astral travel but is not advised, short cuts end in disaster.
Combine all these elements:
A) I seen manifestations through the static as a child
B) I seen complex structures when on '___', a drug known for its use in contacted spirits (in mushrooms, which I was using)
C) I still see that static on a regular basis
D) The documentation regarding the tunnel structure & the beings being that of another dimension (the Astral) both of which emerge from the static.
And I'm personally leaning toward it being some type of Metaphysical manifestation. It can be controlled, try it out & you will see some amazing
things. And yes, I also see shadow people out of the corner of my eye & pick up on most of the other subtle energy fields mentioned in this thread.
There's my 2c, take it or leave it really, great topic & kudos to the OP for starting it all I will follow it with interest.