posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 09:41 PM
Okay I'm not sure where this post goes due to me being new to ATS!
2 nights ago, you know how youre mind occassionally wakes up before youre body well that's what happened to me and I had the intense feeling that
some was watching me. I woke up with a start feeling hot & sweaty at around 5:00 A.M. I could feel and hear a mechanical humming and I could hear it
too. After 30 or 4 minutes just sitting in bed I heard a loud screech and then the mechanical whirring had stopped.
I then pulled the cover off myself and turned to sit on the edge of the bed. When I went to get up I had an intense pain in my upper crotch area, so
painful that I started coughing and fell back on the bed. It took me around 4 minutes of trying to get up untill I could manage to stand with the
pain. I went to the kitchen and got a drink and wrote all this down on a piece of paper. Being new to this site getting more and more heavily into
this stuff I'd ike to hear your opinions as to what it could've been!
Peace and love, K.W