posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 07:43 PM
I cope by focusing on myself, my family and by not worrying too much about what goes on around ATS.
There have been times in the past when i've become a bit of a "Gerry" from the movie "Conspiracy Theorist" (Pet name my girlfriend gives me when
i start talking about conspiracies
). That can quickly do your head in though.
Whilst ATS is a great site, if you think about it, a great deal of what is posted here is opinions responding to articles found on the net, or news
networks.....a lot of which are false or fear mongering anyway so theres not much point in worrying about it.
I have learnt to:
Not worry about peoples opinions here, take note of them, respect them, but don't take them to heart. You'll lose far too much sleep over something
tha the other member probably isn't giving a rats ass about.
Take anything that comes from any news source with a pinch of salt. Therefore, i don't worry about it.
Realise that no matter how fancy your avatar or username is, no-one here is important enough to matter to those that are shaping our world. All the
worrying or shouting in the world is not going to do a lot of good these days.
The best coping stratedgy i would recommend is now and again, turn off your computer and tv for a week if you are able, see how productive and worry
free your life will become.