posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 10:46 PM
Nope, there are no dis-info agents on ATS. Go back to your safe, silly little life.
On a more real note.....
ATS is the largest conspiracy site going these days. Rest assured with the traffic this site generates there are people with agenda's. You just have
to be able to cut through the crap.
Perhaps a few rules are in order....Here we go:
Did someone write it and tell you it's the truth? Don't believe them.
Did an alien walk up and grab you on the butt and whisper sweet nothings in your ear. Believe that, but only if you can rule out that it was a
Yes, ATS has people with agendas. They will tell you that Jesus is real, the Masons are honorable and the government is looking out for your best
be afraid, be very afraid....of all that you read here.