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Down, Down, Down. Price of oil is dropping, but not at the pump. Why?

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posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 09:53 AM
Also, the Republicans Legalized Price Gouging. The Dems tried to pass a bill to make the price gouging at the pump illegal but the Republicans blocked it. So legally the oil companies could charge 20 dollars a gallon and not be in trouble because the GOP made it legal to price gouge.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by Krieger

Wow, straight from the sewage filled propaganda of the Democrat National Committee and into your post! Did you just make all that up? No such thing has occurred, since there has been no price gouging. Price gouging is NOT prices going up to a level you do not like. Price gouging is intentionally fixing the price which has not occurred.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 10:29 AM
it always goes like that, same for heating gas, add inflation to the mix it will be a long time i think. am i right in thinking that its not just the price of gas thats involved, but due to the recent devaluation of the dollar, it takes more dollars to buy gas, therfore its the dollar thats gone down, not that gas has gone up ?

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 10:29 AM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan

Originally posted by jackinthebox
It's gone down here in NY by a few cents. I notice more that it stopped climbing. It was up a penny or two almost every single day.

But to answer the OP's question, see the video posted in this thread...

Basically, it's not going down because "they" are reaping enormous profits while driving us deliberately toward war and economic collapse.

If you know how oil trade works, you will understand that it is not the oil companies who are made rich. It is oil prospectors. The prosprectors drive the prices. The oil companies keep a fairly static profit margin, overall. Sure, there is more profit...but there is also more overhead due to operating costs. Yeah, they do benefit to some degree. But so do drilling companies. I live in the oil field. the guys out here, the ones who make the moves, you should come lsten to them for awhile. Just show up in any diner at around 5am. Good coffee, burnt toast, and you will learn all about what drives oil. Some of it will really bother you, too...but the media doesn't konw about it (yet).

Finally some people with brains, thanks bigfatfurrytexan and ALightinDarkness for help in knocking some sense into all of these oil conspiracy theorists that base their conclusions on fantasy instead of looking at the hard facts.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

If you know how oil trade works, you will understand that it is not the oil companies who are made rich. It is oil prospectors.

Which is why I put "they" in quotes. The oil companies are sucking in record profits, sure, but there are bigger fish.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 01:16 PM
Early last week it was at $3.97.9 than jumped to $404.9. Wednesday of this week, it fell back to $3.96.9. I haven't looked at the price from the last drop in a barrel of oil price, but will venture the price dropped again to $3.91.9 at the pump here today. I know a guy with BP gas who runs a station and he tells me he gets a fax when to raise and lower prices. The thing I don't get is how he can justify to raise the gas price before the tanker comes to dump fuel in the tank at the revised faxed price.

I will call out a something you must all watch. In the last election for congress of 06, gas dropped from $3.19.9 to $2.00.9 than after the election steadily rose back to $3+.

With the presidential elections winding down to vote time, price of gas should drop as it did for the congressional elections.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 01:17 PM

Originally posted by LLoyd45
Ahmadinejad can blow a fart in his palace, and the price of gas goes up ten cent almost instantaneously. The delay only comes in when the price of oil drops.

Forget all the economic models you may have learned in school, they mean absolutely nothing in the real World.

The economic models still work but you also need to know about accounting methods in addition. yellowcard above mentioned that they use a FILO inventory. The means the first inventory purchased is the last to be sold. It is like selling irt from a pile... the latest addition to the pile is on top and is sold first. The dirt on the bottom will be the last to be sold. First-In-Last-Out.

If you have a bunch of "expensive" gas at the botom of the "pile" you don't want to top it with "cheap" gas until you sell the "expensive" gas. Otherwise your overhead gets out of control.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 01:52 PM
The price of gas hasn't dropped yet because all the falling of the oil occurred over a lousy four days. The gas stations have gas for a few days, so they're still selling $147 a barrel gasoline at their pumps. They have to replenish their supplies with $128 a barrel gasoline for them to drop their prices. You have to realize that while oil is $128 a barrel now, THAT oil now has to be purchased, shipped over, refined and sent out to the gas stations that need a fill-up. It takes several days to reflect the price drops.

Last weekend, gas was $3.89/gal for unleaded 87 octane where I live. Today, it is $3.84/gal for unleaded 87 octane. It'll come down over a few days. I just filled up my car with $4.17/gal 91 octane. Last night, it was $4.20/gal so I'm glad I waited...yea...super glad...

[edit on 19-7-2008 by ChocoTaco369]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:01 PM
Boycott Gas, Boycott Exxconjob, Boycott Shell-Shock, Boycott BP (British Propaganda) Use Cow Dung for Gas.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:22 PM
reply to post by Dubyakadubla

So your solution is to boycott the companies that get the smallest profit margins and the only guys working to deliver precious gasoline to the American public?

This isn't the fault of the tiny American oil companies like Exxon, Shell, Conoco-Phillips, etc...and yes, they are VERY SMALL oil companies. Exxon controls a meager 2% of the oil out there, and it's the biggest one in America.

The REAL enemy here is government, the Federal Reserve and the environmentalists. If you want lower gas prices, vote out EVERY DEMOCRAT with the exception of Joe Liebermann in Congress in 2008 and vote in John McCain for president.

The Democrats are locked up in the global warming hoax and pander to the environmentalists at the expense of the American people. The Democrats in Congress are the sole reason for $4+/gal gas. We may not be able to drill our way to $0.99/gal gasoline, but we CAN drill our way to $2.25/gal gasoline EASILY. Government red type and regulations, environmentalist pandering and the global warming hoax are the root of our problems. Vote out the Democrats, screw the environmentalist extremist fringe minority, drill drill drill and we'll have affordable energy again.

Also, the Federal Reserve and the ruination of the US Dollar is a significant reason why oil is high. We need to have a gold-backed currency again. Oil may have skyrocketed compared to the major currencies in the world, but next to gold, it's been almost perfectly flat! If our currency was still backed in gold, gas would be A LOT cheaper because we'd be buying 3 times more oil than we are now with our currency!

Strong currency and a strong conservative Congress/President is the key to lower energy prices. Sadly, we do not have a conservative presidential candidate up for election, but a McCain/Romney ticket would be a great choice compared to ANYTHING Obama for the economy and energy prices. I'm very excited about a possible Romney VP slot as he'd be a great choice for VP. He'd be the best choice for POTUS out there IMO, too. Either him or Ron Paul. Two very smart men who actually UNDERSTAND the economy.

[edit on 19-7-2008 by ChocoTaco369]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:32 PM

I will call out a something you must all watch. In the last election for congress of 06, gas dropped from $3.19.9 to $2.00.9 than after the election steadily rose back to $3+.

With the presidential elections winding down to vote time, price of gas should drop as it did for the congressional elections.

Glad someone decided to point this out. The price of gas is being manipulated for political reasons. I'll let everyone decide for themselves who is doing it and why, but its not that hard to find out.

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Krieger

Oh God...WHAT PRICE GOUGING? There have been dozens of price gouging investigations launched and NONE OF THEM have found ANY price gouging. Gas retailers are going out of business because they can't make money off the price of gasoline because it's so high and competition is fierce to have the lowest prices! This is why many retailers are charging more money for using credit, why many machines are calibrated wrong to short you gas, why lower than advertised octane is being used and why Exxon is getting OUT of the retailing business - they can't make any money off gas!

There is no price gouging. This is yet another excuse by the Democrats to take the eye off of the REAL PROBLEM - supply and demand - and the Democrats are BLOCKING SUPPLY. The Democrats are the problem, not the Republicans. The Republicans are the only ones doing ANYTHING to lower fuel prices. Just look at the facts - Bush lifts the executive ban, prices drop $16/barrel in FOUR DAYS.

This is a partisan issue. The Democrats want the price of gasoline high because it makes people angry and miserable. They know well that an angry, miserable and ultimately stupid public will blame the President and therefore Republicans when the FACT IS the only people doing anything to lower the price is the President and the Republicans.

Enjoy living in your miserable, liberal bubble of ignorance. Class envy has this nation by the throat. We ARE a nation of whiners. People do nothing but complain, and it wouldn't be so bad if they weren't so uneducated on the subject.

Get educated. THEN complain. You need to learn who to place the blame on before you start blaming people!

[edit on 19-7-2008 by ChocoTaco369]

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:42 PM

Originally posted by ChocoTaco369
reply to post by Dubyakadubla

So your solution is to boycott the companies that get the smallest profit margins and the only guys working to deliver precious gasoline to the American public?

This isn't the fault of the tiny American oil companies like Exxon, Shell, Conoco-Phillips, etc...and yes, they are VERY SMALL oil companies. Exxon controls a meager 2% of the oil out there, and it's the biggest one in America.

The REAL enemy here is government, the Federal Reserve and the environmentalists. If you want lower gas prices, vote out EVERY DEMOCRAT with the exception of Joe Liebermann in Congress in 2008 and vote in John McCain for president.

The Democrats are locked up in the global warming hoax and pander to the environmentalists at the expense of the American people. The Democrats in Congress are the sole reason for $4+/gal gas. We may not be able to drill our way to $0.99/gal gasoline, but we CAN drill our way to $2.25/gal gasoline EASILY. Government red type and regulations, environmentalist pandering and the global warming hoax are the root of our problems. Vote out the Democrats, screw the environmentalist extremist fringe minority, drill drill drill and we'll have affordable energy again.

Also, the Federal Reserve and the ruination of the US Dollar is a significant reason why oil is high. We need to have a gold-backed currency again. Oil may have skyrocketed compared to the major currencies in the world, but next to gold, it's been almost perfectly flat! If our currency was still backed in gold, gas would be A LOT cheaper because we'd be buying 3 times more oil than we are now with our currency!

Strong currency and a strong conservative Congress/President is the key to lower energy prices. Sadly, we do not have a conservative presidential candidate up for election, but a McCain/Romney ticket would be a great choice compared to ANYTHING Obama for the economy and energy prices. I'm very excited about a possible Romney VP slot as he'd be a great choice for VP. He'd be the best choice for POTUS out there IMO, too. Either him or Ron Paul. Two very smart men who actually UNDERSTAND the economy.

[edit on 19-7-2008 by ChocoTaco369] your view "Oil Brothel Companies" are totally Innocent, must really be punting on their shares and jittery to lose out


posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by Dubyakadubla

Are they "totally innocent"? Well, their loyalty is to the shareholders, NOT the public. Their objective is NOT to create jobs or manufacture cheap energy for everyone at their expense. Their only objective is to make a profit within the laws of the nation.

Since they have not been convicted of anything illegal, I can only tell you that they ARE innocent in this. Until they are proven guilty of a crime, THEN they will have done something wrong.

Do you care to tell me about something illegal they have done and have been convicted of? Or are you just going to provide some vague link to a political opinion website operated by a bunch of guys whining because they don't own a successful large business?

Please, TELL ME what Exxon has done that's illegal? Since we live in a justice system that makes you innocent before proven guilty, then yes, I will assume they are innocent until proven otherwise.

Wow, jealousy is a disease worse than any kind of cancer on this nation

Do you know WHY there hasn't been any oil refineries built since, what, 1976?

Did you know that hundreds of oil derricks still haven't been reopened since Katrina and do you know why?

Do you know that owning a lease on land does not give you permission to drill? Did you have any idea that there are EXPLORATION leases, TEST WELL leases and DRILLING leases, and you can lease land and not have the right to drill? That's where Harry Reid gets his figure that oil companies own millions of acres of land they don't use. He forgets to say they're only allowed to explore and not drill. Did you know that?

Did you know that the areas in ANWAR oil companies want to drill is less than 0.1% the total area of ANWAR, and it's nothing but a dreary, desolate desert of ice with no life around but mosquitoes?

Did you know that it DOES NOT take 10 years for oil to hit the market once you start drilling, and that if we started to drill TODAY, it would lower the price TOMORROW?

Do you understand how speculation works, and do you realize that speculators can as easily push the price down as they can push the price up, and until there is more supply, they CANNOT push the price down because it's not their job to?

Does anyone understand ANYTHING about the situation we're in or do we just blame the rich? You know, the ones that pay 90% of our taxes for us, hire 90% of our workers, invent 90% of our technology and put food on ALL our tables? Are we nothing but a nation of uneducated, envious whiners?


[edit on 19-7-2008 by ChocoTaco369]

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 01:35 AM
reply to post by ChocoTaco369

Good God man!!! You are making too much sense. Run left wing nuts Run, there are facts and logic amongst the thread!!
That post was like holy water on a vampire.
If I could applaud you I would.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 09:27 AM
Wow! I'm hoping this has already been said, and I sure seem to have to say it at least 3 times a year. We have supply and demand. When demand is high, supply is lower and prices are driven up. When demand lowers, the supply rises and prices fall. EVERY SUMMER the price goes up because all the kids are out of school and everyone is driving, flyng and boating more. This would be the DEMAND that lowers the supply and drives up the price. When summer is over and the kids are back to school and everyone's done "traveling", the DEMAND is lower which raises the supply and lowers the price again. This same exact process will repeat itself every SUMMER, WINTER HOLIDAYS and SPRING BREAK for the rest of your lives. Deal with it. Want to lower our prices overall? Allow the first new refinery to be built in the U.S. in the last 30 years, for starters........

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 11:17 AM

Originally posted by Dubyakadubla
Boycott Gas, Boycott Exxconjob, Boycott Shell-Shock, Boycott BP (British Propaganda) Use Cow Dung for Gas.

BP is not "British Petroleum" any long, not it's "Beyond Petroleum." I find it funny how the guys calling the people who give them oil, so they can be fat, lazy and burn oil like there is no tomorrow are bitching about the prices (oh, no it couldn't be real supply and demand and it couldn't be lagged because of a supply chain, because that never occurs in economics!
) ...and even have the nerve to say the economics don't work in the real world...while at the same time calling for economic collapse because it's "simple economics." Really? I honestly don't know how so many of these posts have gotten stars, when most of their jargon is completely pulled out of thin air and based on...get this... NO facts. How can anyone take any of this seriously, I can't help but laughing at how dumb people really sound.

[edit on 20-7-2008 by yellowcard]

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by yellowcard

I find it funny how the guys calling the people who give them oil, so they can be fat, lazy and burn oil like there is no tomorrow are bitching about the prices (oh, no it couldn't be real supply and demand, because that never occurs in economics! )

Are you saying that our soldiers are fat and lazy? Maybe if the military wasn't hogging so much of the oil, to fuel their jets and ships and tanks, it would be cheaper.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 11:55 AM
reply to post by yellowcard

Sure that would make sense and all , but all the gas stations i drive by the price goes up instantly on bad news and when barrel of oil prices go up. You can say all you want tiis is about the supply chain but if that is the case why dont prices stay the same on bad news, or are you saying these gas stations resupply the day gas goes up but takes weeks to sell their stocks when gas prices go down?I hardly doubt this is the case.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by jackinthebox
reply to post by yellowcard
Are you saying that our soldiers are fat and lazy? Maybe if the military wasn't hogging so much of the oil, to fuel their jets and ships and tanks, it would be cheaper.

Yeah, that's totally what I meant! Nice try but that is the dumbest argument I've heard in a really long's like saying "What do you mean? There are people in the military who want us to be in Iraq, thus we should be in Iraq", but you ignore the actual facts again...because America consumes more than 25% of the worlds oil, and makes up 4% of the population, and is the fattest nation in the world (I think we may be 2nd fattest now)...and you are trying to say that I am blaming our military? Well, I guess you COULD say that I am blaming the military industrial complex for consuming oil with unnecessary wars, but that does not insinuate that soldiers are fat or lazy. Are a lot of Americans lazy? Why yes, they are, thanks to the nanny state created by socialists on both sides of the aisle, that range from social security, welfare, and other social programs that are making our dollar plummet because we have trillions of dollars in debt that isn't even on our books let's see here, we have a massive trade imbalance, we are the fattest nation on earth, consume 25% of the worlds oil supply with 4% of the population, have a horrible education system and we have citizens that want the government to answer their every beck and call...I think fat and lazy is being kind. If we weren't so lazy, we'd have come up with an alternative fuel already and would be OFF of oil dependence, but instead all people do is bitch about how it's a conspiracy instead of actually doing something about researching before casting a vote...or I don't know...actually voting! Or I don't know, going to school to be an engineer, helping your kids get educated so they don't have to worry about energy prices when they are older, because they have high paying jobs, and are becoming part of the solution instead of the problem. If you want me to kiss every American's ass and tell them everything is going to be just fine if they just sit on their lazy butts and do nothing, well then you can just kiss mine. America's woes sit more on the citizens shoulders than it does any corporation, and it's because of stupidity, dependence and laziness.

[edit on 20-7-2008 by yellowcard]

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