Any of you heard of Dr. Deagle, surely you have?
Surely you have watched his google hosted video of the 4 or so hour long talks he gave concerning a whole number of things from scalar weapons
technology to DUMBs, to oh yes thats right, THE GOVERNMENT HAVING PREPLANTED NUCLEAR BOMBS IN SEVERAL AMERICAN CITIES. I believe the number he said
was 12, however I may be mistaken.
Dr Deagle link is
I suggest stongly, that those of you who have not seen these 4 videos, do so.
Here is a very likely scenario. Now, we all know that some of the covert objectives of the NWO/government or the grey administration is to reduce
population, we also know that to suppress public dismay or outrage, excuses are needed to go into battle.
Now, lets say that, as I believe, Dr Deagle is telling the truth, and that 12 (iirc) nukes are planted in 12 cities around the US. Well, first of all
it is only sensible to set a premace, ie, that; "Osama Bin Laden now has smuggled nukes into the us and has the capability and the intentions to set
them off IF ..."
any intelligent minded individual can see that this is ABSOLUTE BS. smuggle nukes?? not so easily concealed as a few kilos of coc aine. You would
need your own plane yes? Whatever, no point in discrediting this scenario in my opinion as it is almost certainly a lie.
More likely is that the US is setting up there stray to pick on after THEY set off nukes. THen moving on with "false reasons" to attack say another
country, cos now Osama is hiding some where in Iran. OOps, now hes hiding in Turkey, and he has smuggled chemical weapons into UK. Chemical weapons go
off, and then they attack Turkey. Well it is see through to the awakened. But not to the blind masses that overpopulate this earth.
I also would like to ask those reading if you were aware of the fact that nuclear weapons are only able to be set up at specific times of year, when
the alignment with the sun is correct. I think it is two times a year. I will check for a link on this information.
Sorry i couldnt find it.
Also to Simon, Site admin. Buddy watch the Dr Deagle vids, I think he says New York is one of the cities with nukes in it. Either way, watch with a
pinch of salt and ofcourse as we all do, make decisions that are sensible.
Debunkers, and those who say this is fear mongering, yes you are right, but i strongly believe that within the next year there will be a follow
through, nuclear or not.