reply to post by TrueLight
Starred !
Flagged !
Brilliant brilliant brilliant long-overdue thread and OP !
Wish I could give you a hundred stars and flags
would pay for them from my existing points !
Thank you for posting this
Psychiatry/psychology = fringe science = quack pseudo 'medicine'
I watched Woody Allen being interviewed on a Parkinson show
Anyone remember Mr.Allen's exact statement ? Did he say he'd been in
'therapy' for 30 plus years ?
Marlon Brando. Anyone remember how long he claimed he'd 'been in therapy ' ? Was it around 30 plus years also ?
Diane Keaton being interviewed on tv a year or so ago .. the one where she said 'fcuk' .... how long did she say she'd been 'in therapy' ...
decades ?
Were these high-profile 'celebrities' and others used to promote the fringe science that is 'psychiatry' ? Are they good advertisements for
psychiatry ? Are psychiatrists themselves a good advertisement for psychiatry ? Was Freud a good advertisement for psychiatry ?
Is 'being in therapy' still 'trendy' ? Or is it now passe and are psychiatrists having to earn their shekels by claiming to 'treat'
institution cases, such as prisoners and other wards of State ?
30 plus years 'in therapy' ? What are psychiatrists claiming to be 'fixing' with these long-term patients ? Isn't the fact the 'treatment'
is at 30 years and still grinding on, proof that psychiatry doesn't live up to its propaganda ?
A lifetime 'in therapy' ? What the ... ?
Doesn't psychiatry simply render self-absorbed narcissists perennial children ?
Doesn't psychiatry simply encourage AND PROFIT FROM, self-absorption on the part of the 'patient' ?
Doesn't 'being in therapy' really mean people are paying other people to sit still and listen to and concentrate upon, themselves ?
Isn't 'being in therapy' merely the act of paying to have a captive-audience, X-number of hours per week ?
Psychiatry, for the average 'non famous' individual, entails having distressing incidents and memories dredged to the surface .. after which the
'patient' is tossed out onto the street when 'the hour is up' .. with their nerve-ends jangling in the winds and ten times more distressed than
before they commenced 'therapy'.
What a CON is psychiatry !
Snake oil peddlers
Shameless exploiters of peoples' vanity, self-absorption, narcissism and circumstances.
Psychiatrists = parasites
Psychiatrists = con-men who stick together, promote a non-science and make it up as they go along ... for money .. what else.