It has, at least for a while, occurred to me that there may be a little more to these drugs prescribed for mental illness than meets the eye. The
short video clip below, I think, nails the entire situation. There is no blood test to prove a chemical imbalance, therefore where is the proof of a
chemical imbalance? Exactely, there isn't. So where to we get the term chemical imbalance? It appears psychiatrists meet up and actually MAKE UP new
illnesses! This is truly the REAL insanity.
How can someone fabricate an illness, fabricate a non scientific method for discovering an illness, and then prescribe drugs for that illness. Which
in the Doctors own words, not only have no curative effort on a patient, and actually have a detrimental effect on the person they are administered
to. That is itself causes one to ask they question (as per the clip) who benefits? Well first lets see the results of mass medicating people with
poison they don't need. The main two that spring to mind are:
Scandalous profits made by the pharmaceuticals
Innocent peoples emotions and mental faculties supressed
A rational person can understand (although not agree with) how large pharmaceutical companies would wish to rake in obscene amounts of cash. But who
benefits from suppressing and causing harm to innocent everyday persons mental faculties? How exactely are these people a threat to society?
Or is it simply the case, as I speculate, that this is an abominable attempt by the world elite to stop persons waking up and realising their divine
power within. That would certainly fit the modus operandi of what we see in the everyday push for the new world
I am not suggesting that the symptoms ill persons are experiencing are not real or trivial, what I am suggesting is that there may be a better way to
treat someone than chemically castrating their freewill. There are many alternative therapies that work very nicely for victims of suppression
(depression) meditation is just one of them. Diet also plays a prominent part in ones health.
Think about the term mental disease. DIS-EASE, a mind that is ill at ease, or not at ease. Given the negative filth that is pumped into peoples
subconscious on a daily basis, how can any rational and loving human being not feel sad at the state of the world. As for persons suffering from
psychosis, is it not possible that they are sometimes experiencing supra-normal abilities, seeing extra dimensions, spontaneously remote viewing
things. Is it not possible that schitzophrenic persons are experiencing some sort of inter dimensional obsession, and that the voices they are hearing
are very real.
I think in these days of expanded awareness we should stop trying to force the innocent to chemically conform into thinking the way of the collective
sheep, there has to be a far more humane and loving way to treat humans who are suffering.
Here is the short clip I found. I welcome your considerate views.
Psychiatry Exposed on Youtube
Best Wishes.
EDIT to fix spelling Mediation to Meditation
[edit on 18-7-2008 by TrueLight]