Alright... I've been on this forum for a few months now mostly as a lurker just reading threads and becoming educated, so most of you don't really
know me very well. So for those of you who don't... hey guys :].
anyway... browsing some threads tonight, I had this very bold idea come into my mind that I wanted to share with you guys, but first, let me explain
my thought process.
Hopping from conspiracy subject to conspiracy subject, there are a few things that I noticed most of the theories have in common;
1. The government is hiding something from the people (well I'm sure a lot of things for that matter) but this something feels as if it is crucial to
the outcome of the world in the next few years.
2. December 21, 2012 is a day that is mentioned in numerous theories... mostly having to do with astronomical significance/ end of the world
3. Something just feels.... wrong. No one can put their finger on it, but the majority of the people on these forums have a gut feeling that something
big is around the corner. (it's what actually lured me to these forums to begin with... before this forum I had this gut instinct that I needed to
learn survival skills and first aid skills for whatever reason)
4. In terms of Aliens... believer or not, you cannot help but notice an increase in UFO references, news articles, documentaries, and sightings...
5. many people feel as if we're on the verge of a spiritual awakening or we're on the verge of the next stage of our evolution or something.
6 The Mets are on a 10 game winning streak... so good things must be around the corner
haha jk
But seriously what could all of this mean? It seems strange that these ideas are mentioned so often. I like to think... maybe the reason for this...
is they're all part of something together.
I'm going to make a bold move, and throw out a completely abstract scenario that I just thought of while reading Scobro's thread about his
What if the earth as we know it is on its way to some kind of destruction. Whether it be the famed Planet-X, or the scientific theory that our solar
system is entering an extremely high energy section of the galaxy that is impossible to harbor life. What if this really is going to happen?
It seems as if the likely date for this is December 21'st, 2012 if the Mayans were really as good at astronomy as we're told. Or if the crop circles
depicting the solar systems position on Dec 12 are really of extra terrestrial origin, and they're trying to tell us something.
My theory is... what if the government knows of this "doomsday" and the reason they are creating a one world government is to be able to coral the
people of the planet much easier than if there are multiple governments all doing what they feel is right. What if the reason they are creating a one
world government is not of hostile intention... But with intention to save our race by helping control us during a mass panic. If humans found out
about a possible doomsday scenario the world would turn to chaos... everyone knows this.
In Scobro's thread, there's an idea that schools are trying to condition our children for a possible alien visitation. The children in the Africa
school ufo landing video say that they were told that aliens knew of our planets future destruction. So maybe we're being conditioned for their
future assistance by media propaganda?
What if aliens are in cahoots with our government, in order to try to help us create colonies on another planet in the wake of our planets
destruction. It would explain the mention by Scobro's daughter about aliens coming to gather seeds in a non-hostile manner (to help grow plants on
another planet!) it would also account for aliens visiting and "observing" the people of our planet. Maybe they want to learn about us so they can
help us.
The biggest flaw I can see with this theory... why would they want to help us?
well thats my theory... let me hear what you guys think about it :]