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WMD's were found in IRAQ.

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posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 12:36 AM

Originally posted by DaleGribble
im starting this thread because im sick of seeing posts saying "what happened to the wmd's in Iraq." and any and every variant of this.

I already know im going to here degraded this and old that. the point is 500 chemical weapons were found. this still may not justify the war but WMD'S WERE FOUND. like it or not they were there.

and this is just a thought I don’t think all of them have been found yet. also I don’t think the whole report has yet been declassified..

Since 2003 Coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent.


also i dont know if this is in the right place. please move if needed..

Remind me again...

WHICH COUNTRY sold those same chemical weapons to Iraq? Here's a hint: You have to go back to the early to mid 80s to find the answer to that! Here's another hint: It's the exact same country that put Saddam in power in Iraq. I think the answer may surprise you.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by Cowgirlstraitup7

You and I both know for an absolute fact that you wouldn't dream of inhaling any of that gas. That would be an incredibly stupid idea. Also, referencing Olberman's a bad idea. He's to be one of the biggest morons on TV and the ratings tend to agree.

Anyway, Bush wasn't the only one to have us all believing Iraq could pose a threat. If you remember, President Clinton attacked them multiple times for the same reason.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by whaaa
Guess where Saddam got his Mustard and Sarin gas?
And who sold it to him...

[edit on 17-7-2008 by whaaa]

Props to you. I posted before I had even read your reply!

Too many people forget this.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by alkali
reply to post by SavageHenry

SavageHenry, you're killing me.

Who in the hell loses WMDs? Could you imagine the US military freaking out and asking, "Where the hell did that nuke go? It was here 10 minutes ago.."

No one loses WMDs. That's so asinine its unbelievable. You've obviously never had an experience with an auditor. Saddam was told to account for all WMDs in Iraq's possession. Obviously, he did not. 500 chemical weapons do not just go missing. ...

Oh, you mean like those 6 nukes that were put on that B-52 that flew out of Minot, and the 5 that arrived in Barksdale? The ones that were "inadvertently" put on the plane? Along with the conveniently missing and forgotten 6th nuke?

You mean kind of like that?

Be careful, or the petard you hoist other people on can be used to hoist yourself up.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by sir_chancealot

whow you are jonny on the spot man.

you got me beat there.

why dont you tell me since i dont know.

it dosent matter how they got them. they have them and that is my only point. the comunity of ats needs to know the truth. degraded or not they had wmd's. too many people on this site dont seem to know this, and im just the messinger. please dont shoot me.

Originally posted by sir_chancealot
Oh, you mean like those 6 nukes that were put on that B-52 that flew out of Minot, and the 5 that arrived in Barksdale? The ones that were "inadvertently" put on the plane? Along with the conveniently missing and forgotten 6th nuke?

once again johnny your input amazes.

can you post something original. we can all read one page back can you please post someting usefull?

im asking nicely.

[edit on 15amu122007 by DaleGribble]

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 12:45 AM
reply to post by sir_chancealot

That was already addressed on the first page. As I said then, I think we all know that these nukes didn't go "missing" and that it was muscle flexing by the US. 500 WMDs in the middle of nowhere is not muscle flexing, it's hiding.

[edit on 18-7-2008 by alkali]

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 02:32 AM
Wether or not they were still lethal depends on many factors, and the ability to manufacture them. Since they were buried in the sand, I am guessing these aren't the WMD's that were going to kill us tomorrow that shrub was referring to.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 02:37 AM
reply to post by alkali

It was a joke, or didn't you read my other post, Bush et al had us believing rediculous things, so I posted a rediculous funny.

As for Olbermann and his ratings, he just signed a new five year contract with MSNBC. So I think you are mistaken in your judgment of him.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by DaleGribble

Hello Dale, if you are referring to the weapons of mass destruction that Donald Rumsfeld sold to Saddam, then yes, [Saddam] did in fact have WMDs.

Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein

Rumsfeld's handshake with Saddam

"In the 1980s and afterward, the United States underwrote 24 American corporations so they could sell to Saddam Hussein weapons of mass destruction, which he used against Iran, at that time the prime Middle Eastern enemy of the United States," writes Ben Bagdikian, a former assistant managing editor of the Washington Post, in his book The New Media Monopoly. "Hussein used U.S.-supplied poison gas" against Iranians and Kurds "while the United States looked the other way."

The US government may not have directly sold WMDs to Saddam, but US corporations were allowed to, and actively sought out to sell munitions to Saddam's regime.

US and Iraq go way back

I believe the above source, and below quote, happen to be the most important message of all.

A 1995 affidavit by former National Security Agency official Howard Teicher, obtained by the Post, claimed that the U.S. "actively supported the Iraqi war effort by supplying the Iraqis with billions of dollars of credits, by providing military intelligence and advice to the Iraqis, and by closely monitoring third country arms sales to Iraq to make sure Iraq had the military weaponry required."

Teicher claimed that the CIA supplied Iraq with cluster bombs through a Chilean company. However, German and UK firms sold more weapons to Iraq than U.S. arms companies, the Post reports.

Congressional investigations after the Gulf War revealed that the Commerce Department had licensed sales of biological agents, including anthrax, and insecticides, which could be used in chemical weapons, to Iraq.

When Iraq used chemical weapons against the Kurds in 1987, there was anger in Congress and the White House. But a memo in 1988 from Assistant Secretary of State Richard W. Murphy stated that "The U.S.-Iraqi relationship is … important to our long-term political and economic objectives."

"We believe that economic sanctions will be useless or counterproductive to influence the Iraqis," the Post quoted the memo as saying.

America was involved in arms dealing with the Iraqis during the Iran-Iraq war, and certainly before and afterwards.

WMDs were found in Iraq, but they probably found documents linking them to the American government.

If not, and this is certainly a big if, the American media has been silenced to keep the truth, at least somewhat, covered up.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 02:53 AM
using Fox News as the source...
you should be embarrassed for that alone..

Fox is NOT a SOURCE for NEWS...


posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 07:56 AM
WOW,hate to break this to you but the sarin nerve gas found was announced in the very begining years ago,and even then msm said it wasn't a biggie,Look don't get me wrong I'm sure its dangerous but its no "mushroom cloud"thats even what the media again they never found wmds!period!Heck we have sarin gas ourselves...

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 08:19 AM
oh lord good god dale, at some point saddam had wmd's, that's not in doubt. at the time that the us went to war in iraq, saddam had no viable wmd's. what was found was no more use than a spent bullet shell.

here's the irish interview with bush you mentioned on page 1. around 2:30 he claims iraq had the capability to produce wmd's, he didn't say they found them. i scanned the rest of it, but couldn't find any other referance to them.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 08:46 AM
I don't know why this topic keeps coming up. Bush himself has admitted we didn't find any WMDs, not just once but in several speeches over the last few years. I think he would have been told if there was any discovery, he wouldn't be surfing blogs looking for WMDs.

And these old artillery rounds were proven to have been unusable, even if the chemicals hadn't almost completely degraded - they were made pre-gulf war one. The casings were corroded and/or damaged and would most likely just kill the operators trying to fire them. Saddam didn't have anything that qualified as a weapon of mass destruction, that's the official Whitehouse position on the matter.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 09:20 AM

Originally posted by mythatsabigprobe
And these old artillery rounds were proven to have been unusable, even if the chemicals hadn't almost completely degraded - they were made pre-gulf war one. The casings were corroded and/or damaged and would most likely just kill the operators trying to fire them.

A couple of guys were poisoned with Sarin when an IED blew up on them. It was a mild contamination, but it still must have sucked.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 09:28 AM
reply to post by DaleGribble

the thing is a lot of those chemical weapons have a shelf life of 3-10 years... they were not worth squat when we found them...

please do some research this seems like some pretty serious spin put. especially since this article is from 2003, when they were twisting stuff around the hardest so that they could get all americans in line with the war.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by sir_chancealot

why does it matter who sold him weapons 25 years ago???
oh, it's just another way of implanting anti-american rhetoric in this thread.

go you!

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by sir_chancealot

why does it matter who sold him weapons 25 years ago???
oh, it's just another way of implanting anti-american rhetoric in this thread.

go you!

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 09:30 AM

Originally posted by SRTkid86
please do some research this seems like some pretty serious spin put. especially since this article is from 2003, when they were twisting stuff around the hardest so that they could get all americans in line with the war.

He said in several posts that the article was an older one.

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by DaleGribble
im starting this thread because im sick of seeing posts saying "what happened to the wmd's in Iraq." and any and every variant of this.

I already know im going to here degraded this and old that. the point is 500 chemical weapons were found. this still may not justify the war but WMD'S WERE FOUND. like it or not they were there.

and this is just a thought I don’t think all of them have been found yet. also I don’t think the whole report has yet been declassified..

Since 2003 Coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent.


also i dont know if this is in the right place. please move if needed..

to be honest, I didn't read the thread and I didnt get past your OP. Use your head and now ask yourself.... Where did these weapons come from?

OF COURSE these old weapons were found!!! THE USA SUPPLIED THEM!!!! You may not want to her about old this and old that, but too bad!! Fact is they were OLD USELESS WMDS that we already knew about and STILL DID NOT JUSTIFY the invasion of Iraq. Every little detail that was used to justify this "war" was bogus. I dont even see what your point is in this thread. Why would you even waste your time trying to justify why this "war" is taking place? Any 3rd grade idiot could plainly see this is a war of aggression. Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 (yet we were told they did), Iraq had nothing to do Al-CIAda (which we were told they did). Everything we were told about why we invaded Iraq is BS and there is no way around it. So feel free to sit back and bicker, complain and moan. FACT is there were no ACTIVE WMD's in Iraq. Iraq was not a threat to ANYONE. Yet we still went in, we still kill anyone we can, and they are just as much of a threat today as they were before this bogus war started.

Sorry if I sound like an a*shole but facts are facts and I have no patience at the moment.

Edit to add: Do not quote FOX "news" as some know it all reliable source. It might as wel be called FOX "let us fill you with propaganda and BS"

[edit on 18-7-2008 by MrWendal]

posted on Jul, 18 2008 @ 09:37 AM

Originally posted by SRTkid86
reply to post by sir_chancealot

why does it matter who sold him weapons 25 years ago???
oh, it's just another way of implanting anti-american rhetoric in this thread.

go you!

Why does it matter?? If I sell you drugs and make money off that sale, would it matter if I later came back and judged you for the fact that you bought my dope?? Would it matter if I calle dthe cops and had you arrested for being nothing more than my customer??

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