L-Typtophan is effective treament of ;
MANIA (as good as Lithium! ironically helps kidney function and adrenal glands contrary to what lithium does plus you'll need less lithium if it isn;t
SLEEP DISORDER (which can lead to mania psychosis depression etc- quack psychiatrists like 90percent will ignore causes for mental illness to
prescribe meds for life)
PSYCHOSIS (some types of Schizophrenia, although it is contraversial)
Alzheimers and degeneration brain disease(doesn't inc 'myth' schizophrenia is a brain degeneration disease, the drugs do that) inc Parkinson
ANOrexia (although Tryptan has a warning about it making it worse, can effect appetite either way maybe)
Or ask your psychiatrist about 'Tryptan' same thing I guess is prescribed for Affective disorders like mania bi-polar depression... claims to be
adjunctive treatment though I heard it was more effective then other anti-psychotics and mood stabilizers .. don't know if a psychiatrist would be
taught it being effective as standalone treatment.........
A bit mess information--I don;t trust FDA guidelines for TRYPTAN-- Tryptophan information on the net is less BS)
it has an effect on seritonin and meletonen(needed for sleep)
I Haven't heard of it being used in conventional Psychiatry--- although I recommend looking it up as it could be a good alternative to a lot of
drugs....there is plenty of good sources especially use in Bi-Polar as Typrophan is more effective then psych drugs and Lithium... maybe it'll catch
on, not before meeting some brick walls and psychiatry skill in being ignorant to alternatives
.like fish-oils, Niacin, B-vitamins, GLycine(proven to help negative symptoms of Schizophrenia maybe even positive yet it is used and tested only as
conjunctive-the theory of glutimate histamine etc checks up as well as dopamine--)
to name just a few...
Psychiatrists ignore this kind of stuff- I think they promote an illusion or 'myth' like the idea that Psychosis patients can;t recover without
psychmeds, it isn;t true 60percent recover and do better then if they'd had drugs that dull consciousness in all area's-especially spiritually, or
there is a spiritual problem that the psych drugs suppress -- They use myth provided by drug company marketing to trick people into taking dangerous
meds for the rest of their lives)
I've said enough on this Post---excuse me, repeated myself, but don't reckon anyone read my rants
[sorry it might still be banned, from bad batch fair while ago caused problems--maybe a conspiracy>?< not that people seem to like the idea of their
being conspiracy in Mental Health ruled by Big Pharma in everything we know about it, and believe in ourselves -- - follow the money if you can be
bothered, they run the universities and education of doctors [who aren;t real doctors, just ask a professor of Physics or philosophy theology or what]
fancy title to mislead people --- -
one author reckons if it is still banned which I don't know would be for the benefit of Pharma companies..... Hope the bans been lifted, one book said
it had been lifted, just not sure ]
edit on 3-2-2012 by Raguel because: (no reason given)
So it isn;t banned Tryptophan..... I'm going to use it for sleep because I'm forced to take Zeldox which causes insomnia and insomnia was the main
trigger for a psychotic experience, so now I get it with a drug they push the drug up until I'm a walking vegitable.... I had after 6 yrs off mental
health government traps leading a good life untill some stress repressed memory and sleep deprivation... Psychiatrist can shove it for suggesting I
not research alternatives, I'm learning more then they ever teach with biased crap, doom never to recover my a#$Se.......
edit on 3-2-2012 by
Raguel because: (no reason given)
edit on 3-2-2012 by Raguel because: (no reason given)
edit on 3-2-2012 by Raguel
because: (no reason given)
edit on 3-2-2012 by Raguel because: (no reason given)
edit on 3-2-2012 by Raguel because:
(no reason given)
edit on 3-2-2012 by Raguel because: (no reason given)