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Talk Show Host Savage:In 99% of Autism Cases, it's a Brat Who Hasn't Been Told to Cut The Act Out

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posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 02:08 PM
Why do people assume that autistic people get medicated? My son does not receive medication, is on a schedule of activitys, and his diet and exercise is more regulated then most kids.

Why are people defending this viewpoint of his?

Ignorance, something this website has been designed to extinguish.

Again i will state it is the thermisil in poor people vacinations, or those that have been given the generic big bottle vaccination. If you are rich you can afford the doctors who vaccinate with single dose vaccinations. And even now they are saying that the thermisil acts as a protein blocker in the brain and thats why autistics who are gluten, dairy free have a greater range of social and cognitive function. In some people this 'mercury derivitave is passed out the body but some children have amounts traceable in the brain.

wake up people to what the powerful elite are doing, human experimentation on all levels. including this website

love ya all

posted on Jul, 19 2008 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by daemonicsoul
wake up people to what the powerful elite are doing, human experimentation on all levels. including this website

Exactly, and Savage is a puppet of the elites. He says what the people paying his salary want him to say. Parents of Autistics and the autistics themselves have made great progress. The elites behind the tainted vaccinations probably thought all their victims would be entombed in state hospitals by now. In fact many of the parents of the autistics have found help and with the help there is a better than fifty percent chance that those Autistics will become completely independent. To make matters worse for the elites their victims have zeroed in on tainted vaccines. If people start demanding untainted vaccines and compensation for the dammage tainted vaccines cause , fewer children will be given brain dammage. So the elitist pieces of trash paid Savage to discredit the parents and the children who were deliberately given autism.

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 08:52 AM
It seems to me... if parents would break free of the fear that their children might get measles... might get chicken pocks... might get mumps... might get this or that...

And stopped giving medical authority to "professionals" and reserved that right and responsibility for themselves.

Feeding their brood a whole food, organic diet with plenty of fresh water. Staying home to tend and intensively train their children in their back yard garden...

If they helped the healthy live and allowed the weak to die.

The risk of vaccination induced illness would be gone.
The risk of autism would be gone.

...but alas, we need crowded "public education", we need MMR's, we need to give birth in a corporate hospital. We need to sit in traffic and inhale exhaust fumes. We need to live in crowded, polluted cities, under the unending hum of electronic radiation.

I think savage is wrong... It is the parents that are the brats; that haven't been told to cut their act, and return to the fields; live from the garden rather than the lab.

If you are eating right, and living in a loving environment, that is all the medicine you will ever need.

Sri Oracle

posted on Jul, 20 2008 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by daemonicsoul
Why do people assume that autistic people get medicated?

Because, "these days", I assume that the "average" child of ANY supposed "type" is medicated. The autistic (adhd, developmental disorder, pdd, et al.) ones just show the signs.

OTC this,
cough and sneeze that,
pharmaceutical antibiotic,
at conception mom was a smoker... she might have had a few drinks...
dad was on viagra, or was it prozac, or was it the purple pill, or was it...
no... just a child raised on preservative laden, artificially enhanced, store bought conagra feed.

Wait, wait... see what had happened was, it was just momma didn't breast feed... ashamed to whip a boob out in public.... besides formula doesn't really count as a medication.
Her favorite food was polysorbate pickles and hormone ice cream with choco-flavoured chips... they called it ADHD and "gave" junior amphetamines.

These are the children of the chemical tribe.

You are what you eat.
You are what your food eats.
You are what your momma was eatin'.

And if you hold your face like that, it damn sure will get stuck.

As you sow, so shall you reap.

Get back to where you once belonged.


I am,

Sri Oracle

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 04:22 AM

here is vid of Savage defending himself on this.

And his is given a fair shake by Glen Beck, who isnt a total Shmuck.

The people that are Vehmenently against Savage, are like the Jews who lead people into the Gas Tanks, They don't know what thier talking about, an they are looking out for is thier own good, and they dont care with whats realy going on.


Ill clarify here, because reading thru some of the comments, it seems some people arent looking past Media Matters One-Liner on how to hate Savage.

Savage isnt Saying that Autism Doesnt Exist.

He is basicly pissed that every phycoligist is giving kids drugs. Just because some kid is bored in School, they think he is autistic, and now he needs to take drugs? Cause the kid is smart, they want to drug him?

Thats what were looking at here. Savage is Raging out at the Frug Companies. Not at the true victums of aflications like Autisum.

Most people love to hate on Savage, and it doesnt matter, Savage will still turn around and defend them. Savage Cares about what is right, and is not afriad of this PC Garbage. The Major Media groups think they are making a fool out of Savage, but they are just giving him exposure. Any person able to reason(and i realise thats not everyone), cand realise after listening to Savage for more then a media clip, that this guy is the real deal. A modern Day Cicero or Voltare. He is going to piss you off, because he is right, and you are took weak to admit it.

Here on ATS we ussaly are suspect of the Major Media, exepct when they Pander to some people, they take their bait... its pathetic realy... but, everyone can have thier own opinion outisde of fact.

[edit on 7/22/2008 by TKainZero]

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 04:18 AM
Savage is realy knocking it out of the park now.

Overall, i think Savage is coming out of this ahead.

Savage is taking the oppertunity to have on a myrid of Doctors who specialize in this area.

This is backfireing in the faces of the major media.

From the ORIGINAL definition of Autism, is NEARLY the same as what Savage said. That the illness is the result of 'Cold Parents' and not a genetic defect.

I wonder if people are seeing this... I have to think Savage is coming out WAY ahead on this... Anyone who is open-minded, and can still objectivly think, is going to side with Savage on this.

This could be the first exposure to savage for many people... lets hope that they are not so brainwashed, that they can reason

So, now i let Savage defend himself.

On his front page, there is a peice of his show, where he adresses this issue.

Those in search of the truth will find it. Those that only want to further hate, will do so...

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 04:52 AM
Well, I think Savage makes a very adequate point.

However, Savage is guilty of exaggerating, like he always does.

No, I don't think 99.9% of child autism is misbehavior from kids not being disciplined. But, I do think that a good portion of it is. Savage was attempting to make a point, in that we misdiagnose autism as much as we misdiagnose ADD and ADHD disorder.

Yes, some kids just need to be slapped across the back of the head and told to cut their crap. He also pointed out that in many of these cases, there is no father present, so there is a lack of rules and discipline.

I don't think its any coincidence, that when as a country we were allowed to practice corporal punishment (spanking your kids), there was a significant lower number of children misbehaving, especially in public.

I can't stand the kids who throw fits in stores, and their parents do nothing. I work at a hotel, and there are kids that run all over the place. Their parents try to tell them to stop, but they just continue to do it. It makes me want to grab them and slap them for disobeying their parents.

No other generation of children has ever gotten away with as much as the current generation. SPOILED BRATS!!!

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 09:20 PM
I caught the michael savage show on the way home tonight. It turns out that he was indeed talking about autism, but what he said was taken completely out of context. Here's his response:

The Autism Controversy

Edit: I guess I should've commented a little. I listened to the show for about 30 minutes during my drive home. He says what that comment pertained to was the overdiagnosis of autism. I'm sure you've all heard that autism commercial on the radio, right? It says something like "Your child has a 1 in 1,000,000 chance of being a professional athlete...but he/she has a 1 in 110 chance of being autistic. Well, apparently the definition of autistic has loosened up a little. Did you know that if your child arranges things in rows or stacks objects on top of eachother as a young child, that's considered autistic now? They're medicating 2 year olds that show these characteristics and calling them autistic.

This is his argument...that the medical industry is misdiagnosing children in order to sell more pharmaceuticals.

[edit on 23-7-2008 by BlueTriangle]

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 12:07 PM
reply to post by BlueTriangle

This is his argument...that the medical industry is misdiagnosing children in order to sell more pharmaceuticals.

Over medicating sounds like a more sane argument. Maybe he just needs to "use his words" better.... order to sound like less of an a$$.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 01:10 PM
What an absolutely pathetic response. He has never been around an autistic child, and the lifelong effort to work with and improve the conditions for the child. The most recommended program in Canada is very costly, as it is labor intensive one on one, but shows enormous improvement. The little girl we babysat spun around in circle non-stop, clapping her hands, saying a few random things like a litany. This was her normal permanent behavior.

posted on Jul, 24 2008 @ 07:28 PM

Originally posted by mystiq
What an absolutely pathetic response. He has never been around an autistic child

Dr. Savages own brother was a Severly Mentaly Handicaped.

Savage NEVER is even trying to make the claim that Autism, or ADD doesnt Exist, but that it is being HIGHLY misdiganisoed/overdiganosed.

The only thing Savage is attacking is the Pharma-Media-complex, which is overmedicating the US population.

Thats all.

Everyone that has an open mind about this, is going to come out of this agreeing with Savages General Idea.

Only those who are taking the Media's Talking points at face value are coming out with the idea to hate savage...

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 04:59 AM

Originally posted by Sri Oracle
It seems to me... if parents would break free of the fear that their children might get measles... might get chicken pocks... might get mumps... might get this or that...

Doesn't it seem irresponsible not to take these steps when everyone else is? Isn't being human largely doing as the group does whatever the risks involved?

And stopped giving medical authority to "professionals" and reserved that right and responsibility for themselves.

So why should they suspect that their kids might be worse off? Why should any average person be so deeply suspicious when everyone they know does exactly the same? What's so responsible about not taking precautions when there is no implied risk to it?

Feeding their brood a whole food, organic diet with plenty of fresh water. Staying home to tend and intensively train their children in their back yard garden...

And how exactly would they do all this without incomes of some kind? How are they supposed to afford all those things and all the modern luxuries everyone else seems to be chasing? Why would they want to be different?

If they helped the healthy live and allowed the weak to die.

Those in western civilization are living longer than ever and i am not sure what is so unhealthy about that?

The risk of vaccination induced illness would be gone.
The risk of autism would be gone.

The risk of vaccination induced illness might be gone but what about the regular illnesses supposedly prevented by vaccinations?


..but alas, we need crowded "public education",

If it's good for the rest why not 'me'? What's inherently wrong with public education when the average parent are far too busy working to do anything approaching the same? Sure a few of us have high minded ideas for our kids but that's not the norm and we should stop pretending that it is.

we need MMR's, we need to give birth in a corporate hospital.

Sometimes corporate sometimes state and hospitals are staffed by people who normally vastly increase the odds of things going right. Untill fairly recently women were dying in droves due to 'regular' complications arising from birth.

We need to sit in traffic and inhale exhaust fumes.

Which beats tending the fields and sometimes, especially in industrialized societies with effective democratic systems, results in a large excess of resources to do with as we please.

We need to live in crowded, polluted cities, under the unending hum of electronic radiation.

Our cities are arguably less polluted than they were back in the days of coal and wood fires and if anything our lifespans proves it. If one can not get along with the 'crowd' maybe you should move to the country and do the real work that goes along with 'making your own way'.

I think savage is wrong... It is the parents that are the brats; that haven't been told to cut their act, and return to the fields; live from the garden rather than the lab.

Maybe you should work some fields before you speak of living from the fields? Since i know what that takes i quite enjoy office 'work' ( hehe) and can take some abuse knowing that interaction with human beings brings far more assured wealth than trying to manipulate mother Earth presuming that it gives a hell if your little garden yields any food or not.

If you are eating right, and living in a loving environment, that is all the medicine you will ever need.

Sri Oracle

That will sure go a very long way but as always disease is not ALL about the absence of ease. The human body is a bit more complex than that and you can not expect perfect health or perfect genes while you interact with the hostile environment that is planet Earth. If anything the risks that were for so long associated with Birth should stand testament to the fact that neither or entry or our survival into this realm are givens and that we have become so successful by radically reducing environmental risk factors.


posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by TKainZero
Everyone that has an open mind about this, is going to come out of this agreeing with Savages General Idea.

You're absolutely right. When I caught his show the other night and I heard him talking about autism, I thought to myself "Oh god. He really was talking about autism". I kept listening though and he made a lot of sense. What's really funny is that people are attacking him all over this thread...but he'd fit right in here at ATS with his theories on big pharm.

posted on Aug, 4 2008 @ 04:09 AM
Savage would be a Great ATS member...

Savage is the Icon of todays NEW Counter-Culture...

A new generation of people, that are going to be thinkers... People that are going to be able to reason, people who will be able to think 20 diffrent ways to the same answer...

Some of the greatest people in history, have been people of Great virtue, stuck in a city of great deviance....

Savage is in San Fransisco. The absoulute HEART of the Far-Left Movement...

Much Like Nechi in Paris, or Ceicero in Rome...

Savage is a dispenser of Truth, in a time when deciet is rampent...

Every media outlet hates savage, because after listening to him, people are bound to wake up...

People are first offended by him, i know i was...

Ill tell you a little story about how i came to listen to Savage... You can just skip this if you want...

A few years back, RIGHT after the '04 election, i identified myself as a 'Liberal Democract'... I realy had no understanding of the issues, but i knew i wasnt a Bush Fan, so, i joined the Vote against Bush party...

I had grown to hate the FM radio, and i was sick of music, and Rap, and i moved to a county, where the only music stations were Spanish music, or Rap, or Country... Since i like all of those as much as i like Shyphilis... So i changed over the Dial, to AM radio...

Before then, i was introduced to Talk Radio, by listening to Love-Line, with Dr. Drew and Adam Corrola... It was a semi-informative show, more reliant on shock, and dirty words, then TRUE insights... But the ground was set, i started to Enjoy the Talk-format more... enguageing the Brain is MUCH better then Tapping a foot...

Must first foreays into Talk radio were uneventful... I went in with an open mind, with nothing more then going to listen to the other side, and refute them in my mind with Logic...

Some of the Lower-Level talk shows, i could refute with ease... Hannity, Rush, Levin, Beck, all entertaining, but i could refute them with ease, the cases they made were just "Democrat bad, Republican GOOD!!!' and that was the basic of it...

For a while, thats what i did... just listening to the radio, still firm in my liberal veiws... Then i came across this guy...

Savage right off the Back, the first time i listened< or the first time i got hooked, he went into a talk radio rage, RAILING against Liberal Potheads, and i was so offended, but i couldnt refute him with logic, but only emotional thought...

I was offended, i was angry, but i couldnt use logic to make my point... Savage was dead right, and i was dead wroung.. Even though i felt good about what i was doing, logicaly, there is no arguement for that it is the 'Right' thing...

So then i had a choice to make... Whats more important, being right and logical, or Being emotianly attachted to your ideas... For a while, i was struggeling with this... Everything i had been taught, is bogus...

So i listened more, and more, and soon enough, i found out that this Man, Dr. Michael Savage, is UNIVERSLY HATED by EVERY MAJOR MEDIA OUTLET... why... why would a man that is a dispenser of truth be hated? Because, "In a time of Decit, telling the Truth is a Revolutionary Act..."

Savage is Everything ATS is about... Exposing the truth, taking on the issues that Others ignore... Thinking outside the Box... Not taking the Medias Marching orders...

So over a couple years, my veiws changed... Somethings, i still struggle with, but i have found, its much better to base beliefs on FACTS, then it is on Opinion...

I have introduced Savage to several people, my family, my friends, and the Response is pretty much the same, they agree the Man makes sense, even if they dont agree with him...

I had one friend, after listening to one clip of Savage on Youtube, he was converted... I played a clip of Savage on the illigals, and my buddy just turned to me after it and said, "How could i have been so wroung... How could i have belived what i did... I feel Horrible... we need to Deport all illigals now...I hate myself for what i used to think"

With my parents, my dad, on a trip, we listened to a segment, and my dad loved IT, just LOVED HIM, never heard of him before, My dad considers himself a Liberal, with Conservative-Fiscal Policy... Totaly ate up Savage... My little brother too...

People dont here things like this anymore... To call Savages show a 'News Program' is doing it a disservice... savages show is more then just the news... Its a perspective, one mas opinion, unfiltered, unaltered, uncut... Its live, and free flowing, more like a daily improve, then a news segment...

Savage will take on ALL TOPICS, from Women, to Cooking, to medical stuff, to boring polotics, everything is on the table.. Story telling, history lessons... Anything is fair game...

After getting the news striaght from Savage, its impossible to listen/watch the Major media channels...

If i ever met Savage, i would offer to buy a beer for him, and offer him a cigar... and just talk...

Savages message for America in 3 words:


How can you disagree with someone with Core values like that...

Please, listen... Savage is LIVE 5 days a week, from 3-6pm Western time, from Sea to Shining sea...

Just listen... If you can use logic and reasoning, there is nothing more entertaining...

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 07:29 AM
I'm 22 and I just got diagnosed with high functioning autism a couple of months ago and I was never "a brat who hasn't been told to cut the act out". Everyone tells me I was the most well behaved child around I just had crap social skills. I had friends my whole life but I struggled a fair bit with social situations and sometimes the realization that theres something different about me would smack me in the face and I'd get worried wondering what it is.

It was only after years of people telling me I act really funny that I started thinking there was something different about me but I never suspected autism although my whole family and even a few of my friends did.

As much as I'd like to think otherwise Autism is real. I have it easy because I'm on the high functioning end of the spectrum and have so I do exceptionally good in all areas of school and work but people with severe autism have some serious problems they have to put up with. They don't one day decide not to talk like a traumatized kid they literally CANNOT talk. Their minds work too differently from people who can use verbal language. In my case I can read and write well but I have trouble with spoken language. I can understand what people say to me but I have trouble reading body language so when somebody tries to say something without speaking I never understand it and sometimes I realize they're trying to say something so I try to figure it out but misinterpret it altogether.

[edit on 6-9-2008 by JonjoeMcHackey]

[edit on 6-9-2008 by JonjoeMcHackey]

posted on Sep, 6 2008 @ 07:45 AM
reply to post by daemonicsoul

My psychiatrist told me theres no treatment for autism but since some people with autism exhibit all the symptoms of ADHD theres a possibility that medication will relieve their symptoms. He says 8 in 10 people with ADHD will respond well to medication whereas only 2 in 10 people with autism will be benefited by meds.

He started me on Strattera which made matters 10 times worse. Didn't help my concentration at all and made me and angry and irratable psychopath. I stopped taking that after seeing it wasn't gonna work and he switched me to Ritalin. I really had high hopes for RItalin and I was sure it was gonna do it but unfortunately it doesn't help much either. Its supposed to be a stimulant but it seems to tranquilize me instead and I'm really calm but it doesn't help me concentrate too much and I don't feel like doing anything while I'm on it. Everyone responds differently to drugs. Ritalin helps some people but in my case all its good for is a burst of euphoria and the relaxing feeling it gives.

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