posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 04:34 PM
welcome vol fans, this is a thread to discuss , argue , and just
get hyped up for the up coming football and basketball seasons.
In my opinion the vol football team is going to surprise everyone.
we have got a new o.c that nobody knows anything about so that
gives us the element of surprise. Coach Clawson is new school
coach, he has a multiple attack scheme that will give us great
match ups and get the ball to our play makers in space. Our
O-line is going to shift all the time and play both side of the
line "Quick" and "strong" sides so we will find the best match ups.
Also all 5 of our o-line starters return and a top reserve lineman
in vlad richards. We got a break out preformer in gerald jones.
Eric Berry will head up the secondary along with D. Morley they
will be the best safetys in the nation especially since he's had a
year to be in the off season weight program, he's added 10-15
pounds of muscle, I feel sorry for anyone that gets in his way.
Do I half to say anything about the basketball team? Scotty
Hopson, B Maze, Renanldo woolridge, phillip jurick, and daniel
west,put them with tyler smith and wayne chism and I'ts time to show the world that the vols bball team (mens)that is, is for
real and is going to take its place at the top!! GO VOLS 08