posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by CallMeMaury
Maury -
I understand where you are at, have been a version of there myself and sincerely reccomend picking up a book called "The Eternal Validity of the
Soul". Here is the link:
It takes a little courage as it is a 'channeled' book, I mightily reisited reading it for that very reason, but a dear friend would not let me off
the hook and insisted I read at least the first hundred pages. To get her off my back, I agreed... and I am so glad I did. Even if you decide that
it is just the author, Jane Roberts', sub-concious speaking, and even disagree with what is put forth, I can pretty much guarantee that you will be
intellectually engaged and that journey alone will make your life much more interesting to you.
If you will click on the link you will see that the people who read this book are highly intelligent, articulate and not necessarily "New Age-ists",
many of them also put forth very long summations about the content of the book and their experiences before/during/after reading. If you decide to
make the leap and want to talk about it, feel free to U2U me.
Otherwise know you are not alone in the world, your life not only has meaning, but you are miraculous and capable of miraculous things. You don't
need a prison camp experience to express that, just a little faith and curiosity.