posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 01:55 PM
Every since Canada Day on July 1st, there has been constant thunderstorms everyday. That might be normal in some places but not here. I live in
Prince George in the northern interior of British Columbia, Canada. Julys usually consist of lots of sun and a few rain showers here and there. On
July 1st, we had an amazing storm with forked lightning striking every 5 seconds or so. Ever since then we've had constant thunderstorms almost
everyday with the exception of 1 or 2 days. We are also getting lots of dry thunderstorms now. We used to get those every now but now it just
thunders outside most of the day even when its bright out, and then rain will shower down for a bit every now and then.
All the storms have had forked lightning also, which is rare around here. I was born and raised here and I'm 20 now, and everytime there was a
thunderstorm here it was sheet lightning, not forked.
Just a week ago ago another fantastic storm was brewing. Me and my parents were outside waiting for the lightning to kick in when I looked up and
seen the clouds swirling en masse. It was a sight I'd never seen before.
This thread might sound lame to people that get these types of storms all the time, but this is highly unusual for this area. As I type this I can
hear thunder boom outside. Has anyone else been experiencing unusual weather for their region recently?
[edit on 17-7-2008 by ben420]