reply to post by chissler
There is no question who the better quarterback is, and as long as your goal is to win games, no matter what sport you're in, you always put your
best players out on the field/court/ice.
It's that very simple logic that completely baffles me when I try to find reasoning in the move they made. I understand the thought of starting your
future now, but winning and establishing yourself as an elite team is so difficult in the NFL that when you put yourself in a WIN NOW situation, you
what ever it takes to stay in that situation for as long as possible.
Making a move like that sends you in the opposite direction.
It absolutely amazes me, and then it just further disgusts me how Ted Thompson is hailed as a genius for doing it.
To honor our being on a conspiracy forum I'm putting forth the theory that Ted Thompson is working for the Bears or Vikings. All of his moves have
been completely contradictory to winning.
reply to post by BlackOps719
Oh man. All I have to say is what goes around comes around.
Your boy is a punk. He took
two cheap shots on Matt Schaub, knocked him out for four weeks, then the very next week went for Aaron Rodgers'
Despite him having a reputation of being a dirty player, he gets fined a mere $50,000?
Vikings fans cry about his fine making the usual comments of "this is football, it's a rough sport" and "lets just put flags on everyone and play
touch football", but when that good, honest, hard-hitting football punishment is coming back their way, they want to cry about that too.
If the league suspends or even fines Cherilus anything close to what they gave Jared Allen, I will lose all faith in the NFL's justice system. It
would be clear that the 'money players' can do as they please in this league.
[edit on 12/7/08 by NovusOrdoMundi]