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Gene Simmons reminded to "pray to the demon gods"?

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posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 10:51 AM
I posted this first in Skunkworks - not realizing it didn't show up on the boards there -

Most people say "Have a safe trip" or "I love you" as they drive away - not Shannon - fond departing words to Gene are to "pray to the demon gods.... "

This caught my attention many weeks back when the television was on in the background and spent hours tracking this down. Please check out this sixteen second video from the Family Jewels episode: Before the Flood Original Airing: 3/25/08. It is near the end when she walks him to the car as he leaves to drive to Las Vegas.

I offer it here on ATS for your opinions - and can only say if these words were truly spoken, that the masses are truly well, and I mean very well, hypnotized into a deep, deep slumber as these words casually rolled from her lips as we zoom back and he drives to Las Vegas. There is no context previous to that conversation (in that they weren't just joking about his personna).

[edit on 17-7-2008 by kshaund]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by kshaund

so what if he worships something that doesnt exist? look he has every right to be a complete retard if he wants.

in this country we have Freedom of Religion.

So whats your problem? How would you feel if all the demon worshippers outlawed christianity?

Its a double edged sword, so you better respect it and cherish it. We are extremely lucky to live in a society that allows us to believe in any fairy tales /mythology we want.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 11:35 AM
After reading below if he does not belive in a god what would make you think he acutally belives in Demon gods?

Response from Gene:

With all due respect to all religions and all versions of God, it's all nonsense. If there is a God, what mankind thinks about him/she/it is beside the point. Religion is, in fact, the opiate of the masses. And, while I agree that religion means well (don't steal, kill least on paper,) in mankind's hands, the result has been that there have been more deaths in the name of God than all the diseases, wars and other natural calamities put together.

If God is up there watching, for heaven sakes stop us from killing each other. Especially in your name.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 11:37 AM
OMG where do I begin....
Freedom of religion - Demon gods require blood and that's okay as long as it's not your kid, right?
Freedom of religion - That they can slide it across on tv as status quo is okay as long as it doesn't get picked up subliminally by all those KISS fans who want to follow...?
Freedom of religion - Which war wasn't all about that in the Middle East and most others historically?

Yes people, it's okay to pray to the demon gods, after all they could care less about you - and are happy to oblige you with material wealth and fame so you're delieriously happy to pay homage and just return the favor here and there... And yes, let's say its okay to have this on prime time tv with everything else. After all - no one else even noticed it... which is really my point - and even now the general response is, "your point?"

I thought people would be a little more affected by it, especially the subtlety and effect it obviously will have on all who listened but didn't hear it - then it went straight into the subconscious!

Guess it's just me - figure reality tv shouldn't be showing an affluent famous rich family worshipping demons.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 11:42 AM
I know a lady who bought KISS's old place in Conn,she had a priest come in and bless the place before her or kids would go inside

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 11:48 AM

With all due respect to all religions and all versions of God, it's all nonsense. If there is a God, what mankind thinks about him/she/it is beside the point. Religion is, in fact, the opiate of the masses. And, while I agree that religion means well (don't steal, kill least on paper,) in mankind's hands, the result has been that there have been more deaths in the name of God than all the diseases, wars and other natural calamities put together.

What a kick ass quote.

I'm going to post this on my refrigerator.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Bludrgon
After reading below if he does not belive in a god what would make you think he acutally belives in Demon gods?

Response from Gene:

With all due respect to all religions and all versions of God, it's all nonsense. If there is a God, what mankind thinks about him/she/it is beside the point. Religion is, in fact, the opiate of the masses. And, while I agree that religion means well (don't steal, kill least on paper,) in mankind's hands, the result has been that there have been more deaths in the name of God than all the diseases, wars and other natural calamities put together.

If God is up there watching, for heaven sakes stop us from killing each other. Especially in your name.

That is an old quote about something different and makes no difference to what Shannon reminded him (likely she does it always) to pray to the demon gods - please look at the following interview with John Todd - while I do not buy into the born again christian religion myself (he converted), his experiences are nonetheless valid and shocking when you consider if this is true (what he claims so please listen to the whole ten minutes plus)

He (like all others in that arena) are puppets for the illuminati and their attack on our psyche. I should think that itself is worth a second consideration as to whether or not what this video really shows is worth paying attention to.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:12 PM

Originally posted by Oldtimer2
I know a lady who bought KISS's old place in Conn,she had a priest come in and bless the place before her or kids would go inside

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:13 PM
I always thought Gene Simmons was Jewish. I know his mom is.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:23 PM
While I am not a follower or believer of “demon gods” I have to ask. How do you know “demon gods” demand the blood of children, or any blood for that matter? Also is it then the followers of these “demon gods” that are often confused with Satanists? Seeing as how Satanists do not even require the blood of children or anything like that in their practice I would assume that people are getting the two confused.

Finally I would like to say that what she said was most likely nothing more than a imaging thing simply because of who they are and it is after all TV (as mind numbing as it is). Also I would bet that without the cameras around the Osbourne family is not the same as that portrayed on the TV either. After all in order to still sell things both families need to keep up their public image of being rebels to the end. What could be more rebellious than praying to “demon gods”?

On the other hand I could be wrong and he may really be praying to them. If he is I hope he either finds true happiness or finds someplace else to direct his prayers.

On a side note this is more reasoning to hate “reality” television.


posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:29 PM
Gene Simmons is the Demon God isn't he

All I really know is the man can make money from anything he touches and that my friends is living the" American Dream." ( An immigrant coming to America, creating the band KISS, living & raising good kids with a playboy centerfold and his bank account is more than I could make in five lifetimes.) Yes, that's the real American Dream that anyone can accomplish if they make the right choices.

Forgot to mention the 4800 women he's had sex with.

[edit on 7/17/2008 by Solarskye]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:43 PM
While I do not doubt his appetite for sex and a large number of women on that list I believe 4800 might be a bit over the top. Even with 60 years of having sex that is 80 different partners a day. That breaks down to 3.333 every hour. Sorry but that in itself is slightly hard to believe. I would be more likely to believe half that even that pushes the limits of any mortal man.


posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:44 PM
Let him do what he wants it's his life. And his seems a hell of a lot better than most. (does the kiss tongue)

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Raist
While I am not a follower or believer of “demon gods” I have to ask. How do you know “demon gods” demand the blood of children, or any blood for that matter? Also is it then the followers of these “demon gods” that are often confused with Satanists? Seeing as how Satanists do not even require the blood of children or anything like that in their practice I would assume that people are getting the two confused.


You're right, I use demon gods and satanism as one (I can't begin to explain why in a short post because it's too complicated). What I mean when I say demons/satanism is anyone who defers their beliefs/energy to dark (subjective here, I know) energies for their own gain. I believe its an energy (called demons, satanism, etc.) being manipulated on people by people as the video link of John Todd I provided here speaks about better than I can describe it.

And it's not just an innocent passing, this comment - please look at that video link first and then you'll see why I was alarmed it slipped in and by so easily.

ps - regarding blood - it's a very common practice historically linked to carnivorous races - and there's nearly 900,000 missing children a year in the USA alone - no bodies, nothing...

[edit on 17-7-2008 by kshaund]

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Raist
While I do not doubt his appetite for sex and a large number of women on that list I believe 4800 might be a bit over the top. Even with 60 years of having sex that is 80 different partners a day. That breaks down to 3.333 every hour. Sorry but that in itself is slightly hard to believe. I would be more likely to believe half that even that pushes the limits of any mortal man.


Yes, and I think he haaaad to admit at one point the number was exaggerated... Imagine what would be the reaction if Shannon had boasted about 4800 men? She'd be a slut beyond sluts -
such a double standard -

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 01:13 PM
Kiss are probably my favourite band ever,but it has just occurred to me.
Perhaps Gene is so successful because he has actually made a pact with these demon gods?

Or maybe he is simply successful because i spent all my spare pocket money on anything Kiss related when i was a kid!

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Raist[...] 4800 might be a bit over the top. Even with 60 years of having sex that is 80 different partners a day. That breaks down to 3.333 every hour.

One partner a day for thirteen years and a month is enough (1 x 365 x 13,15 = 4800). If he spent thirty years he would only need to, er, "know" a couple of new girls a week.

I'm up for it! Where do I start praying??

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by gekko

How about multiple partners after every KISS concert and all the ones in between shows. I'd say it could be done.

I also think that Shannon was just being sarcastic in front of the camera. I think they are good parents and good people and I would love to meet them some day.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by gekko

One partner a day for thirteen years and a month is enough (1 x 365 x 13,15 = 4800). If he spent thirty years he would only need to, er, "know" a couple of new girls a week.

I'm up for it! Where do I start praying??

Yes I suppose you math is correct. Not sure what I was doing.

Regardless I would have to say that number is inflated. If somehow it is not inflated he is lucky if he does not have some sort of STD. While the idea of 4800 women seems intriguing it also has a sound of disgust to it. I mean after awhile it would seem to lose some of its appeal. I still would be more likely to believe the number is half that or less.

I don’t know I guess even though I had my fun as a youth I am somewhat old fashioned to a point.


posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 04:34 PM
I'm still trying to grasp the following quote, but all I seem to come up with is "wtf?"

Originally posted by kshaund
can only say if these words were truly spoken, that the masses are truly well, and I mean very well, hypnotized into a deep, deep slumber as these words casually rolled from her lips

I am also curious of the OP, do you watch the show much?

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